© Michael J. Costa 2015, All rights reserved.
you have a society that is trying to
be balanced, individuals will want change in their social status. If everyone
is Rich, some people will want to be Poor or Middle Class (Siddhartha Gautama /
the Buddha); if everyone is Poor or Middle Class some people will want to be
Rich (hence why we have Lotteries and Casinos, gambling, Stock Market,
etc.). Combine these groups into one
Country, as in USA / American society. This
is no different from being excessively happy so one will seek to be depressed,
or depressed into being happy. It is
like being in a cold swimming pool then deciding to be in a Hot Tub; or vice
verse, rather than simply dry. Another
way of perception is the crime rate in society: some people live in a well
orderly country, and seek to be different so they commit crimes or become
terrorists. Saturate the country with
crime and they will seek to be orderly. Or possibly they are envious of fame and will
seek fame however this is accomplished – by artistic or literary expression, or
if not so talented by criminal acts or terrorism. If already saturated with fame, they will
seek to be non-famous. The salt-water fish wants to be in a fresh
water lake.
© MC 2015