Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Some Political Advice...




Pharaohs Advice 1

©MC 2023

Whenever there is a Budget Surplus in any USA State, do not give it back to taxpayers in some careless manner when there is Debt.  Use it to pay the Debt each time.  This will decrease the Debt.   California had a surplus Budget from Billionaires in 2022, and the Governor gave it back to taxpayers (Middle Class Tax Refund); and in 2023 he had less revenue so he proposed a Wealth Tax on the Billionaires (whom left the State).  We don’t need mismanagement. 

USA would have a Default on its debt in June 2023 due to poor management of its finances.  They were offered many solutions, and ignored most of them.  The debt ceiling was said to be raised to prevent the Default, extended by 2 years into 2025; this did not resolve the problem, and suggested the next President would have to decide this situation.   No one is going to resolve the situation with this Govt.

Illegal Immigrants who work in USA now have to wait one year for work permits, adding to homelessness in the country, and a drain on its resources for Citizens.  Perhaps the USA needs a Union with the countries whose people enter the USA illegally, so they can stay put.  There is no space for all the world’s people in USA. 

Homelessness in USA is caused by high rent, divorce, social issues and Mental Health, not to mention Natural Disasters.   I suggested buying up vacant hotels for temporary housing in each City.   Now cities are making new housing to accommodate them.  Refugees from war, asylum seekers, and those seeking a better life enter USA legally every day.  USA is a nation of immigrants.   Rural regions can be rebuilt with high density buildings to save on space, not just in the metropolis cities, away from the coastal or river plains.   

Carbon-leaching devices can be set up near factories and Interstate Highways to filter air pollution.   Asteroids in outer space can be mined by Artificial Intelligence robots using a Space Forge, sending raw materials to Earth in visiting capsules on the International Space Station (which can become a hotel for space tourism).  The Space Forge can be taxed if foreign countries seek to use it. 

If foreign nations want USA to help them with defense against invasion, only agree if they can compensate the USA once complete, as this is a drain on the Budget that led to the Debt-ceiling issue in 2023. 

©MC 2023.


Sunday, May 28, 2023

The US Debt Ceiling is unnecessary...




The Debt Ceiling is unnecessary

©M7C 2023

The Government borrows so it can print up its paper money, which is paper credit.  The Govt. has relied on paper money since 1934 when it wrote the Gold Reserve Act in an effort to retain precious metals as “hard currency” by making it illegal as a currency.  If revoked, the Govt. could use hard currency as a separate or an alternative to the USA Dollar (which the debt is in), using the Dollar as a National Currency and gold or silver backed certificates as a Popular Currency.   Then the Debt Ceiling (the limit to borrowing) becomes unnecessary.  Gold and Silver can be then be traded (or gold-silver supported paper currency or T-Bonds) and sold to the Govt. to pay off the debts.  Should the USA Govt. “default on the debt” the values of Gold and Silver will skyrocket.  Having a 2-Currency System is ideal, to prevent one currency from failing.  Currently, gold and silver coinage has Dollar values in “$1” per ounce of Silver, and $20 or $50 per ounce of Gold; this can be changed with new paper money as a Popular Currency.  The increased value of precious metals from a default will be able to reduce the debt once traded.  Afterwards, the economy is restored and the alternative currency can be shelved for later.  

© M7C 2023



Thursday, May 25, 2023

Amazon raises production costs for books...



Amazon.com just became more expensive.  

The company raised prices of the base price of (all) its books, unless the individual authors do not agree and keep the prices the same (if you choose to increase the price and don't change anything your royalties will be less, minus the new base price per book, mostly at 6x9 size, and over that (8x10) or color).  The base price of the book is the cost of printing, distribution, etc.  It hasn't changed since 2016 until now. 

MC 2023.

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Negative Energy clouds...




Negative Energy Cloud May 5 to 18, 2023

The following events were affected by Negative Energy:

(This was caused by reading a book about King Tut)

A person had a health issue occur suddenly.

A person quit his/her job due to health issue.

A sports team lost a major game.

A friend terminated his relationship.

4 City shootings occurred in a local City.

A relative complained of Insomnia (resolved).

A website blocked an image (resolved).

Amazon.com changed prices of books.

A Celebrity friend complained of Mental Health.

USA could Default on its debts by June 1, 2023.

An Internet outage occurred (resolved).

Malicious people sent Fake one-star ratings on my books.

A neighbor’s home was tented for Termites.

A fictional character was under investigation by local Police.

High eye pressure was not affected by medicine (resolved).

A homeless woman appeared in the morning.

An elderly woman friend died.

A website that blocked the image is not appearing.

My printer had an error in printing (resolved).


© M7C 2023



Tuesday, May 16, 2023

The Genii...




The Genii

© M7C 2023

A Genii (plural of Genius), or Jinn in Arabic, is a supernatural entity or spirit that traditionally offers wishes to those who compensate him.  Most are Ancient Spirits from pre-Arabia.  When Aladdin summoned his Genii (or Genie) by polishing the lamp as compensation to the Genii, he was granted 3 wishes to fulfill.   I was once in a similar situation until around 1923 when my Spirit was released from its solid gold mummy case in Egypt, where it was secure for 3300 years (where my Spirit slept in between incarnations).  Now the Super-Genius (Genii) is free and is no longer bound by a handler or Master.  My e-book “The Sultan with the Handlebar Moustache” is about A Genii who grants wishes.   Wishing upon a Star is Ancient Egyptian for prayer (as in Walt Disney’s cartoons).  The Star in Ancient Egypt is another word for Deity or Supernatural entity/Genii.  

©M7C 2023


Anti-Amazon Bots?



Anti-Amazon Bots could be responsible for 1-star ratings without reviews hitting all Major Authors on the Amazon.com website.   The Bots would be from the competition trying to subvert the company’s profits from books, or disgruntled Amazon workers, or just malicious people who have something against Authors. 

© M7C 2023


The Plurality of Deity on Monuments

© M7C 2023

When someone mentions the word “God” it refers to one Deity not a Deity with the name “God.”  All Gods have names including Jehovah/Allah/Christ.  In Egypt the one Deity is referenced as “NTR” when referring to a named entity.  Each City had one Deity or a family of Deities, taken as a whole country there were many separate Deities, but only one Deity was worshiped at any one time, per City.  This confusion led Akhenaton to create Monotheism – rather than venerate Deities with solar attributes or crowns he worshiped or simplified the worship of one Deity, the Sun itself called Aton (as in Aton-for-your-sins).  Atonism was a form of Science not a religion.  The Sun was worshiped without a statue of a Deity but as the Sun as seen via portals in ceilings or open-faced temples.  Later he wanted people to acknowledge the Aton as the only God in Egypt, and himself as its Spirit of God incarnate.   This didn’t work.  You cannot simplify Science with just one theory or Law.  Egyptian ‘religion’ or Science was very complex.   The word for ‘religion’ in Egypt was NTRA (Netra), or “Divine Magic.”  “Heka” was the word for Magic in general.  

© M7C 2023

There are not many jobs for people with Archaeology degrees in USA.  Teaching Archaeology is not always the best use of an education.  Informational Archaeology studies Internet information as artifacts (like an Archive).  Astro-Archaeology is ideal for post-Astronaut careers on other planets.  Occult Archaeology studies Magic, Metaphysics, Parapsychology, etc.  Egyptology is for those who want to study or live in Egypt.   Most become Authors, or use books as study aids for teaching.  

© M7C 2023