Saturday, March 15, 2014

Is Tutankhamon actually Jesus Christ?

Is Tutankhamon actually Jesus Christ?

This theory has been presented by noted scholar, Ahmed Osman, separately from my research.

The Old Testament and the Christian New Testament coincide at the time of Easter & Passover, which seems unusual.  Osman presents that the figure of Jesus / Joshua did not exist in the Roman Period, due to conflicting dates of Real People such as King Herod and Tiberius Caesar, so he suggested that Jesus Christ is someone Real like Tutankhamon, whose tomb and mummy are Real and dated.  He said Akhenaton - the Heretic Pharaoh and Monotheist - was actually the renegade Prophet Moses (in my book, Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990, I wrote Moses was "born of the Sun", which could be that his name changed from Akh-en-Aton to Aton-moses, and when Atonism (Egyptian Monotheism based on Sun worship - Aton) was persecuted by Pharaoh Horemhab he changed his name to avoid arrest).  Akhenaton disappears from Egypt (may have died) before Tutankhamon comes to power; my book said Smenkhkara and his sister Meritaton were "exiled", whereas Osman said it was Akhenaton who was "exiled"!  Exiled = Moses in the Desert!  Moses reappears later to try to become Pharaoh during Seti 1 reign or Ramses 1, for Exodus or departure of the imprisoned Atonists from Egypt.  Osman said Tut was killed by Atonists in Sinai region; I think it was the  Hittites who had some involvement.  Tut if he was Jesus would have resurrected, returned to Egypt, and died there; his leg was broken, as if he was crucified and someone broke his leg as punishment or to prevent him from escaping??  Smenkhkara and Meritaton were the parents of Tut in my research, as the mummy in KV55 is too young for Akhenaton/Moses; DNA may have proven this.  

If Akhenaton was the adopted father of Tut (step father, regardless) and Tut was descended of Hebrew or other foreign groups that married daughters to Pharaoh as peace treaty wives, makes no difference.  Tut was not in his 30s when he died at 19.  The age of Jesus complicates the events said to be occurring in Rome.  Hebrew holidays occur at the same time as OT/NT designations.  So both stories are part of the same whole, as Osman presents.  Why include Tutankhamon? Tutankhamon lived in a period of religious chaos, not any different than today's Middle East (if not deliberately so).   He had to choose from Monotheism of Aton worship over Traditional Egyptian Polytheism; both religions existed separately and equally until they had a crisis of preference during Akhnaton's reign.  One over all.  So the Monotheists packed up and left, and created IS-Ra-El.  Ra is the Sun god, El is the Hebrew god.  Perhaps that is a question?  It is in English translation.  To make the case that Tutankhamon is a Biblical character, is like making Mickey Mouse President of the USA and forcing everyone to accept it.  People would flock to KV62 to worship Tut the Christ (unwise).  Or better yet, worship Mike Costa whom is Tutankhamon Reborn (I am classified by the US Government because they actually believe this...).  Now I have no problems with that, at least I would be wealthy, and could fund the Kingdom of Akua Niihau from my other blog.  People should not affix fictional story book characters to real people and call it History; it is like proving that King Arthur was a real king, or Lord Osiris is actually an Old Kingdom Pharaoh.  Belief forces Will, but does not make it so.

MC 2014.

Post Script:  IF Tutankhamon IS Jesus Christ, then the Bible has to be rewritten (Future Project idea).


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