Monday, May 5, 2014

Climate Change and the USA Economy

If the USA stops trading with China, USA businesses in China will stop.  USA currently borrows USD from China's supply of Dollars, and China is getting tired of paying American debts.  China is the single most pollutant in the World, causing Greenhouse gas emissions contributing to Global Warming from all their American factories in the country.  Their air is so full of chemicals that citizens have to wear Oxygen masks when outside.  Once businesses in China stop, should the Chinese Government either runs out of USD or stops using them, the pollution will stop.  The air will still be full of chemicals, but this can eventually return to normal, and Climate Change can end, sea levels will return to normal, etc.  The USA Economy will have issues though, and may have to pay its debts with Chinese currency.  The collapse of the US Dollar will probably begin with hyperinflation to pay its debts with imaginary money.  The USA Government currently cannot pay its debts, and it owes many people billions of US Dollars (M7 included).  Alternative currencies and local currency are options.  Or people may return to Feudalism (farm land, gold & silver, personal economies, etc.), in place of failed Capitalism.  Inflation (cost of living) increases after the minimum wage increases; Pres. Obama recently tried to increase this but failed in passing legislation.  Pres. Obama is currently outspending the ability of the US Treasury.  Republicans have said this, as have others.  IF USA Dollars have no apparent value or backing, who will trade with it?  Prices are already rising from Climate Change affecting farms and produce, endangering coastal regions and islands, and other economic factors.  All this originates from Chinese factory pollution and their owners in USA.  

MC 2014.

Post Script:

Invent a device that extracts pollution chemicals from the air and sell this to the Chinese government.  We already have one for extracting water vapor from humidity in dry or desolate regions.  

M7 2014.

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