Sunday, January 14, 2024

Was KV62 a Decoy Tomb? New Theories...



 Was Tomb KV62 a Decoy Burial?

1.  The Tomb of KV55 had remains of a person thought originally to be Akhenaton or Smenkhkara, one of the successors of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra.  These remains are skeletal.

2. The Mummy in KV55 is about 23 years old.  The age was stretched by Egyptologists to be "older" as to conform with it being Akhenaton; this could also be his father, Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra, given that concept.  

3. The Mummy labeled Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra was rewrapped in later Dynasties 20 or 21, so it was once contested.   

4. Through Genetic DNA evidence, the remains in KV55 is the "Father or other male relative" of KV62 Mummy "Tutankhamon" and the "son" of the Mummy labeled as Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra. 

5. Akhenaton is a son of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra. 

6. Tutankhamon ruled 10 years starting at age 9 and ended at 19.  

7. There was a 3-year overlap in years 9 to 12 of Tutankhamon's age, in which there was a co-ruler, or a female King, while Tut lived in Akhetaton (Tell Al Amarna, the City of the Sun Aton).   

8. At age 12 Tut moved the Capital back to Waset (Thebes) and changed the religion from Monotheism to Polytheism.  His personal name changed from Tutankhaton to Tutankhamon.  

9. Tut ventured to the north of Egypt's borders to secure more territory for the Egyptian Empire, with Tribute sent back to Egypt.  It was thought during this time his Grand Vizier Ay usurped the throne and attempted to marry Tut's Queen Ankhesenamon.  This is known by "letters sent from an Egyptian Queen to the King of the Hittites" via Couriers, one of whom was intercepted as Tutankhamon was visible.

10. Tut returned to Egypt.  He arrested Vizier Ay, who told everyone "Tut was dead."  So Tut created a fake burial of Tutankhamon as a decoy, and ruled as "King Ay" until Horemhab returned to Egypt.  As King Ay, Tut remained married to Ankhesenamon, and usurped his original monuments and sent letters to the Hittite King, one of which was sent with an infected Courier.  

11. The Hittite King contracted the Epidemic via an infected Courier and died during "King Ay's reign."  

12. King Ay ruled 4 years, add to Tutankhamon's "age at death" of 19 and you have 23 years of age, the Age of the remains of KV55 male.

13. YL-35 (Younger Lady from tomb 35) is the sister of KV55 male, and mother of KV62 male.  It is thought she is Sit-Amun, the daughter and heir to Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra, a sister of Akhenaton.  It is thought she was a co-ruler to Akhenaton once.  

14. The seals on the tomb of KV62 and KV55 are both "Tutankhamon."  If someone else buried Tut in KV62, it would be a later King's seals, like Ay's or Horemhab's.

15.  The face of "King Ay" in KV62 burial chamber has "Tut's face on it," according to Egyptologist Dr. Nicholas Reeves, who posited the idea that "Tut was performing last rites for Queen Nefertiti (Nefer-Neferuaton the Ruler)."

16. Tut used his face as his Trademark on statuary or paintings, usually on other people to indicate he commissioned it.   

17. Horemhab,  whom was Tut's legal heir to the throne, blamed "King Ay" for Tut's death, and persecuted "King Ay's memory."  He didn't know King Ay = Tutankhamon.  So he destroyed the red granite sarcophagus in King Ay's tomb; a lid was found in KV62 made of red granite on top of the yellow quartzite sarcophagus found there. 

18.  King Ay's remains were later interred in KV55 tomb in a recycled coffin.   The remains in KV62 are thought to be "King Ay's son" though not necessarily Vizier Ay's son Nakhtmin.   It was labeled as "Tutankhamon" with items from the royal family buried with him.  

19. If there are additional rooms in KV62 they are behind solid stone plugs, not hollow plaster.  Stone plugs are found in Pyramids to block access to passages.  (Try pushing the wall?).

20. Other forms of Deception in Egypt are gold-clad wooden statues, which makes one believe they are solid gold until one cuts into them.  This happened once during the Arab Spring of 2011 in the Cairo Museum.  

21.  The reconstruction image of KV55 male resembles the images of Tutankhamon more so than the image of KV62 male.   

22. KV55 male is too young to be Nebmaatra Amonhotep 3.   

23. King Ay "died while hunting" something that an elderly Ay would not be able to do.  

Copyright 2024 Michael J. Costa /Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

 24. KV62 Male would then be Smenkhkara, as this was his original tomb.   Smenkhkara is a male relation of Tutankhamon/-King-Ay.

25. Smenkhkara was wrapped a second time following the violation of his tomb early during Tutankhamon's reign.  The tomb KV62 was kept by Tut for safety.  

MC 2024. 

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