Wednesday, October 16, 2024

An Experiment in Spending...




An Experiment in Fiscal Spending ©M7C 2024


This is an Experiment in Economics.  Give $100 Dollars to 3 people, each spending it differently.  The first person goes to a Casino and makes a $100 Dollar Bet on a game or slot machine. He lost.  The second person spends $100 on Brand Name Clothing – a shirt and pants.  The third person spends the $100 Dollars on a large number of cheaper items, from clothing, to school supplies, to a night on the town, food, and soft drinks. 

The first person is like President Joe Biden – he gambles precious Tax Money on the War in Ukraine and wants more by taxing the rich to feed his addiction.   The first person is also like former President Trump – he spends the money on expensive items to fleece America, like his golden furniture in Trump Towers. 

The second person is like Governor Newsom of California – he spends it on popular items but doesn’t use a Budget, and ends the fiscal year in the red (debt). 

The third person is like M7, who doesn’t buy Status Symbols to satisfy his cravings.  Status Symbols are like Apple I-Phones, Automobiles, or other items seemingly “necessary” in Modern Society.  

Which one are you?

©M7C 2024



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