Thursday, October 12, 2023

Egyptian Psychic Peacefare: use Magic, not Weapons!


 Egyptian Psychic Peacefare: Use Magic, Not Weapons!
By Horus Michael Copyright © 2023, All rights reserved.

About the Book:

    In order to will events one has to be able to focus the Mind via Meditation techniques.  Exercises in willing events are found in common Prayer, and this will strengthen the primary ability of Telepathy.  Once you learn Telepathy, you can then experiment with gravity from sound waves (Telekinesis), Emotional Telepathy to contact the Animal or Plant Worlds (Empathy), Manipulating Destiny (Chronokinesis) or the Weather (Elemental).  Exercises exist in basic techniques and as spells to practice every week.  Spiritual travels in FAP (Full Astral Projection) or Remote Viewing PAP (Partial Astral Projection) are documented.  
    Willing or using Magic typically needs something to influence in order to work properly.  Money attraction works for Lottery amounts, Job offers, Casino wins, tax refunds, finding Money on the ground, people dropping their wallets in your presence, Stock Market, or saving Money, etc.  Healing works with Medicine, not usually by itself.  Plus you need Time as a factor.  
    Genre of book: Occultism, Egyptian Magic, & Parapsychology.  

About the Author:
     Horus Michael I follows the training of Ancient Egyptian Priests in his varied works on the Occult. He also studies Egyptian Archaeology (Egyptology).

ISBN: 9798864118436
Imprint: Independently published 

MC 2023.

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