Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Secret Life of Spiders...




The Secret Life of Spiders

Copyright © ®2023 Michael J. Costa (M7), All rights reserved.

For many years now I have been living a normal and paranormal life.  The normal part is not unique: I attended College, wrote 160+ books, never married anyone physically on Earth (Akhu exempted), and don’t drive a car (I am terrified of driving as there are far too many reckless drivers, not counting automatic cars).  My paranormal life is a bit more exciting, I am a Natural Telepath, my words causes events, I can synch with Nature and cause Natural Disasters amplified by Climate Change, talk to Summoned Spirits from Duat, heal people, conquer countries, and other KheriHeb Priestly duties.  I was classified by the CIA for some of these actions.  So my secret life is classified (Top Secret/M7).

Spiders make webs, and the Internet is full of them.  My secret identity has people copying it using my names (how many people are named Horus Michael?).  It is probably good they are copying me so they will get shot first by the time-traveling Terminator Bots.  

My secret identity has money and owns property.   The wildfires in Lahaina, Maui destroyed 3 of my businesses.   I think the fires were deliberately set by my secret life’s Enemies.   They didn’t want anyone to get out alive.  I offered money to rebuild the town.  This was rejected by the Govt.  I offered to relocate the citizens to a ranch on Molokai today.  No reply came.  Today was 2 months since the fires hit Maui.  Hotels that only care about money sent emails to the hopeless citizens asking for hotel fees.   None of these hotels belong to my secret identity.  One person complained a hotel she stayed in wanted $21,000 for the 2 month emergency stay.  Oh, milk their insurance company, as if wildfire insurance existed.  The ranch has hotels and businesses.  The citizens are welcome there until Lahaina is rebuilt on Maui (unless they prefer Molokai, and wish to be Citizens of my new country).  Archaeologists should be on Maui to sift through the artifacts and collect these for the victims.   Afterwards people can clean off the sites and rebuild the town.  My normal life lacks these resources.  So don’t ask me for money.   I also suggest making a Lottery that benefits Social Security and the Maui Wildfire victims.   I also ordered hotels for the homeless, prior to Maui fires.   Hotels on Maui were not among them.  

© M7C 2023.



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