Friday, October 11, 2013

On Covert Messiah...Fact or Fiction?

The authors of this project present a Roman based concept of what became Christianity.  Christianity was an Anti-Roman Movement during the Empire, so why would the Romans invent it?  When Constantine the Great became Emperor, the Movement was already a threat to Roman Society (like Al Qaeda is for USA).  So he made it the official religion of Rome to appease the Movement's influence.  

There are parallels of other cultures to be found in Christianity.  In Egypt we have most of them.  The hieroglyph for purity in Egypt was 'a bucket of water on top of a foot'; Jesus often washed people's feet with water, as did his mother Mary when "She washed his feet with her tears, and dried them with her hair.."  Baptism was purification by water, and the first initiation rite of Christianity; the first ritual in an Egyptian temple was purification in the Sacred Lake.   On Palm Sunday we use palm branches in ritual; palm branches cleared the floor of sand in Egyptian temples, to remove footprints.  The Communion ritual of making bread and wine into divine food and drink is the Eye of Horus in the Opening of the Mouth ritual, performed at grave sites. Jesus riding a donkey represents Horus conquering Set by dominating him (riding him).  The Heavenly Gates refer to the Book of Gates in Egyptian religions, and the Lake of Fire can be found in the Book of the Dead (Abyss or punishment that follows Judgement of the Heart).   God as Judge of the Dead is a reference to Osiris.  The Father, Son, holy ghost = From Rome: the Father (Julius Caesar), the Son (Ptolemy Caesar), and the holy ghost (Divine Caesar's ghost that appeared after his death; Julius Caesar reincarnated into his son, Ptolemy Caesar); the Star of Christ's birth = Caesar's comet that appeared when he was killed in the Senate.  

(c) Copyright 2013 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

MC 2013.

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