Sunday, October 27, 2013

reviewing prophecy effect in Eye of the Pharaoh...

When I first wrote my novel from 1989, entitled Eye of the Pharaoh, I did not know that events in my book would later cause or foresee or predict future ones.  It was fictional at that time. When I submitted the book for Copyright Registration in 1995 (After I discovered it was published by my reviewer from 1991 - illegally of course) I stated it was "Fiction."  In 2001 the USA was attacked by Arab-Terrorists in 2 cities where my character visits in my storyline - NY and Washington DC; my character is not a terrorist, nor am I; the character visits these places en route to Egypt, wherein he finds and brings back to life the wife of Tutankhamon, the character Ankhesenamon. People believed I had something to do with Sept. 11, 2001 attack -- this proved false when Al Qaeda said "no American knew of their plans to attack USA."  So some people believed in this lie, and tried to attack me in various ways, some even claimed I am the Biblical Antichrist -- and this of course is a religious Hate Crime on their part.  The American Psychic Jeane Dixon started this belief when she had a vision of "the Child from the East" or a descendent of Tutankhamon (or tut reborn) who makes a new religion; later she says this person is the Antichrist because of her pro-Christian ideology whereby her faith poisoned her psychic abilities.  She said Tut "was so Christ-like, with an unnatural planning for this boy.. who would create a new, all-embracing religion."  Dixon was famous for seeing the John F. Kennedy assassination vision before it happened. She had the effect of having one successful vision followed  by several false leads; the "Jeane Dixon Effect."  I wrote more than 3 religions since Eye of the Pharaoh.  Take your pick.  My book had other events: the War on Terrorism was first, then followed by the Arab Spring (revolution in Egypt ending in Democracy), and USA/USSR/Iran having nuclear war.  An image in my original book (author's test sketch) showed what appeared to be an asteroid approaching Earth (actually it was supposed to be an Emeraldian in natural form, or Emerald Fireball).  The war extended to Libya and Syria.  

Events since 1990 (when the book was done) involve my new psychic abilities of Elemental Chronokinesis and Telepathy (the book anticipated these as well).  With Elemental ability I influence the weather; Chronokinesis influences future events (Nostradamus), and with Telepathy I can sense other peoples' thoughts or project my ideas into receptive individuals, not 'mind reading.'  Weather making is amplified by Global Warming.  As I am a high priest of the Egyptian God, Amon-Ra, using his name influences the wind (Amn) and Sun (Ra).  I decided to become a priest of this "religion" of Ancient Egypt as a way of studying Egyptology in an Experimental Archaeology framework; to replicate Ancient Culture by thinking like an Ancient Egyptian.  I DO NOT Recommend this.  Doing this causes permanent mental pattern dissolution (you will think like an AE all the time).   Amn-Ra also influences the Economy.  The USSR fell shortly after the book was done, in short-term effect of Chronokinesis.   I also wrote to the US Government many times to prevent the other events. 

MC 2013.


Before religious extremists go and call someone "the Antichrist", be certain you are correct because that is considered Hate Speech.  Was "Jesus the Christ" ever Anointed with Holy Oils in the New Testament?  No? There is no passage saying this.  "Anointed with power from God" is not Anointed with Holy Oil; Egyptian Priests were Anointed Priests (though mostly from Aloe Vera, useful as treating Sun burn) because they lived in the Sahara desert region and needed to keep cool.  You cannot call someone "Christ" if he is not Anointed.  So who am I against?  I am an Egyptian Priest, an Anointed Priest.  I started training as a Kheri-Heb Priest (Lector Priest) in 1988 when I purchased a copy of the Papyrus of Ani from the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum gift shop.  Then I wrote Eye of the Pharaoh (after leaving Moreau Catholic HS after 2 years - for security reasons, not educative). Christians use the term loosely as a part of conversion tactics.  I was Baptized and Circumcised as a child; my Father's family [from Madeira Islandswas Catholic; they had ancestors from the Middle East - as proven by a genetic DNA history test I took (National Geographic project) that proved I am from the Fertile Crescent region thousands of years ago.... This includes Ancient Egypt.   They also lived in Hawaii during the Plantation era. 

MC 2013.

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