Sunday, November 12, 2023

Ancient Egyptians in Scotland? (Folklore)...



 The Scottish Pharaohs, The Kingdom of Scotia Micronation, by Horus Michael ©2023

   Blending folklore, Scottish Myths and Legends with some Egyptology, the author paints a vibrant picture of the Egyptian origins of Britain in the form of a Micronation project. The Ancient Egyptian word for traveling by Boat was S-qeti (Scotia) and early Egyptian boats closely resembled Viking Boats from 1350 BCE found in England, the same time period as a burial in Ireland with Egyptian Faience beads. Did King Tutankhamon seek to colonize Ireland and Scotland as a New Egypt by exiling his Atonist relatives there? Was this his biological mother, Queen Sitamun, who usurped the throne of Egypt under Akhenaton and ruled Egypt briefly before becoming the Founder of Ancient Scotland? Sitamun would have died in battle as Egyptian Princess Scotia, and was returned to Egypt for burial.  Sitamun, not Meritaton, liked to travel by boat as shown on her famous set of chairs.  Sitamun (YL-35) was the sister/daughter of Pharaoh Nebmaatra and became the female ruler after Akhenaton, setting her son Tutankhaton on the throne.  She was buried in KV62, where her son was later interred 10 years later, replacing her burial with his. The author also attempts to fulfill an Ancient Prophecy about the heir of Scotland as King Michael with his symbol of the crossed “X” scepters of Lord Osiris found on the flag to his Micronation.  Included are Micronation Laws, a revised Constitution, State Religion, Time Banking, and a chapter dedicated to Egyptian Sorcery. 

About the Author:

Pharaoh /Chief Lector Priest for the Internet Temple of Amon-Ra, Horus Michael I follows the training of Ancient Egyptian Priests in his varied works on the Occult. He also studies Egyptian Archaeology (Egyptology).

MC 2023.

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