Monday, November 27, 2023

New Palestine?




A Solution to Middle East Peace: New Palestine Isle ©M7-2023

Create an Artificial Island north of Egypt and West of Israel in the Mediterranean Sea, and call it New Palestine Island.  It will be governed by the Republic of Palestine, not by any terrorist group.  It may have buildings for housing, and hotels with Casinos for the economy.  Water will come from desalination or other water catchment process.   Farms will exist for food and textile production.  Electricity will come from wave-motion generation/solar farms/windmills/etc.  It will have ports for cargo/transportation/cruise ships/airports/ferries.   Religious buildings (Mosques, Temples), Educational Schools (K-12) and Colleges (with Distance Learning), City Parks, and recycling centers will be in the central regions.  Docks will allow boats in areas for fishing or transportation.   Banks will allow foreign currency, stocks, bonds, and oil refinery revenue.  Defense will be by Artificial Intelligence/robots/drones.  Foreign Embassies will be allowed for regional foreign aid, and diplomacy may include NATO if possible.  Walls will protect the Cities from increases to rising sea levels from Climate Change. 

What do you think?

©M7 2023





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