Sunday, February 28, 2021

Egyptian Religion vs Modern Science - source material?


The Ancient Egyptians used their Gods as Scientific Diagrams to study the Universe.  We moderns sometimes take such things too literally.  The Sun God Ra was attacked by Apophis (a Black Hole) in Heaven (the "War in Heaven" in the Christian Bible/Book of Revelation); this means the Sun at the center of the Milky Way Galaxy (i.e. "Heaven") was attacked by a Black Hole, which was not visible to Earth without special equipment like telescopes, computers, or Advanced Mathematics!   So how did they know this unless an advanced civilization told them? Especially since this Black Hole was only discovered in 2020 CE.  

Djoser-Sesh: An Introduction to Nematawy
By Horus Michael
$17.00 USD

 Djoser-Sesh: An Introduction to Nematawy:

    The origins of Modern Science are rooted in Ancient Egyptian religion and Magic systems.  The dismemberment and scattering of the bodily parts of Lord Osiris [Order] by Setesh [Chaos] is the Big Bang Theory of Modern Astronomy, with the future reassembly by Horus [Light] at the end of the cycle.  What else can be learned from Ancient Scientist-Priests? Read Djoser-Sesh: an Introduction to Nematawy by © 2021 Horus Michael to find out.  

About the Author:
    Horus Michael I follows the training of Ancient Egyptian Priests in his varied works on the Occult. He also studies Egyptian Archaeology. He currently lives in California, USA.

 ISBN: 9798714646287 

 MC 2021.



Thursday, February 25, 2021

Turning Flood Waters into Wine by Horus...


    (Book Excerpt): Copyright 2021 MJC All rights reserved.

 (Christian/Egyptian religious stories cross-referenced)

         Setesh was the Jealous God of the Bible, jealous of the success and honors of his elder brother Osiris, whom he murdered.  Habiru stories in the Bible were based on Egyptian ones.  Samson’s strength was “in his hair,” the red hair of Setesh.  Cain killed Abel like Setesh killed Osiris.  Noah’s Ark was the Boat of Ra, descending during the Great Flood to save humanity from the Wrath of Sakhmet in the Book of the Heavenly Cow. 


          Horus saved humanity in the Great Flood of Sakhmet by transforming the flood waters into red wine/beer, to make it appear like blood so that when Sakhmet saw it, she drank it, and became intoxicated.  This was the Last time Ra would punish humanity, the last time Sakhmet would devour the living; the Last Supper of Christ, whom turned water into wine. 

          Sakhmet turned into Hathor, the Divine Cow Goddess, once intoxicated.  Sakhmet is the terrifying and destructive Female energy, and Hathor is the benign and nurturing Female energy, as found in the Hindu Tantras as Shakti, the unlimited divine female power (Reference: Minerva Magazine, page 15, Nov.-Dec. 2020 issue).  The Book of the Heavenly Cow is found in the tomb of King Sety I and partly in Tutankhamon’s tomb in Egypt.  Tutankhamon is 18th Dynasty and Sety I is 19th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt.  The Book was believed to be based on what happened in the end of the reign of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra, during which a Pandemic or other Natural Disaster occurred, and Sakhmet statues were constructed in an effort to gain her protection from it.  Tutankhamon was an heir of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra.  


A Roman invention?




Ancient Roman Politics and Egypt

Copyright © 2021 M7C All rights reserved

Osiris (Seponal) is the legendary good King of Ancient Egypt (Pre-dynastic), who periodically visited Earth to maintain Civilization.  He could resurrect once killed or reincarnate as his “Son” Horus to avenge his death.  He was worshiped mostly in the New Kingdom era of Egyptian History; Mummification was an element of his religion, as was Morality and Technology.  He was murdered by Setesh, his brother, whom was the Jealous God of the Habiru people.  Setesh usurped the throne and titles of Osiris. 

The Roman Empire did not like Osiris much.  The Roman Empire was founded by Octavian, an incarnation of Setesh.  Because Osiris was from Egypt, seen as a backwards society by “civilized and cultured Rome,” Rome sought to change this.  Rome created their version of “Osiris” and had him executed by the Roman Government and made this into the official religion of the Empire.  This was Christianity.  Then Rome banned Egyptian religion once the new cult was in vogue.

© M7C 2021



Project Genesis for Mars?




Bring Project Genesis to Planet Mars? ©MC 2021

In the Science-Fiction film Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan, a desolate Planet (like Mars) was given life by creating an artificial atmosphere and vegetation.  Mars has CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) in the air, ice below the surface, and fertile Martian (rusty) soil.  If we can create technology to melt the ice using solar panels and seed plants there, we can convert the atmosphere to that of Earth, and live on Mars without needing special equipment (other than the difference in Gravity).  This would take about 25+ years to convert.  Building a base on one of Mars’ Moons may be easier? 

© Mike Costa 2021





Wednesday, February 24, 2021

They should have asked first...


When Ethiopia started building the GERD (Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam) knowing it would steal water from other northern countries (Sudan, Egypt), they realized it would cause problems despite their desperation.  If your household has its water cut off from the Water Company for no reason, do you complain?  Do you agree to pay for extra water (Blackmail)? Or do you assemble an Army and invade the offending nation for water rights?  Or attack it with a Nuclear Weapon and wait for the flood to hit your Dam and destroy it, too?  

Ethiopia was desperate.  It needed water for farming and for drinking purposes, to reduce poverty.   It doesn't care about others.  The idea for future Wars evolved around fighting over resources, not religion or ideology.  I already influenced the situation by answering Egypt's prayers -- I used my powers to cause Locusts and Civil Unrest in Ethiopia.  No one listens.  They should have asked first.  Do Ethiopians call themselves Christian? Because this has no effect on their actions.  Share the Nile River.  Allow water to flow out at timed releases.  Or have Egypt make Energy from Solar Power and trade this for water access.  

MC 2021.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Paper Monuments of the Pharaoh...




Writing the Future and the people who read it

Copyright © MC 2021

I was upset that my first novel (Eye of the Pharaoh / The Flawed Emerald ©1995 MJC) was stolen – not because I didn’t make any profit from it personally (the USA Govt. did after they confiscated it) but because the story would influence Time when read. There would have been no War on Islamic Terrorism or Iran having a Nuclear Weapon if it was published correctly and revised accordingly.  My other novels never did that: Tears for Isis didn’t have the Hittites (Turkey) invade Egypt; Aegyptus Cryogenta didn’t have time-traveling Archaeologists visit Ancient Rome; no one found a cure for Mental Illness and became a Superhero in The Lotus: Lord of the United States; Dimensional Astral travelers didn’t spy on each other in Phrenland: A Dimensional Spy Novel; and Horus didn’t reprise his role as a superhero in some of my Horus Neter the Avenger or Horu Guardian of Kemet books. 

You see I have Elemental Chronokinesis, the same ability that Michel Nostradame had when he wrote Centuries by Nostradamus and blamed his ability on Astrology.  It is the ability to make Prophecy work.  All real Prophets have it.  A Prophecy is a story that influences events in Time after being read (after the energies are activated like a Laser Disc).  Or it could just be the same person constantly reborn with the same ability, like the Egyptian Creator Ptah or Ra? (It was Ra who was the Father of Magic in Ancient Egypt, and Ptah who creates by divine thoughts and utterances.  Ra predated Ptah in chronology). 

My Magic Spell books are not novels, so when Internet Trolls read them they are confused and make libelous statements about them.  I have spells to kill off these Trolls.  I never hear from them again.  Magic Spells are short-term events.  Spells are experiments.  Physical contact with something as simple as a business card touching an activated/read spell will activate it.  Having the same verse in one spell can affect another spell similarly written.  For example the source of “Asian Attacks” in CA/USA can be traced to a spell for “Attacks against the Traditional Enemies of Ancient Egypt” in a spell book; Asian in Ancient Egypt was not the Far East (China, Japan, Korea, etc.) because Egypt was friendly with them; more so it was Asia Minor (Hittites, Assyria, Babylonia).  Modern interpretations are dependent on the reader/activator.  Modern people do not know how to read correctly.  They believe wrongly that “no harm can happen from reading a book,” (The Mummy film based on Eye of the Pharaoh ©1990MJC).  My Magic books are Weaponized Literacy.  I wrote them for experiments in Archaeology.  I study the effects in that Science.  How often does river water turn into blood in Russia? Or how often do Locusts travel in Africa? Then there is a Military Application in Psychic Warfare in Egyptian Magic.  My books are both Monuments & Science.



Eye of the Pharaoh is still on the International Dark Web selling in "hundreds of billions of Dollars' worth" since 1994. If calculated it would exceed a few Trillion USD in illegal sales (I own the legal Copyright).  

MC 2021.