Sunday, December 22, 2013

Hawaii was nice

Mike Costa near Ni'ihau and on Kauai Island, Hawaii, December 12, 2013.

MC near a hotel on Kauai, Hawaii.

MC photo of Opaeka Waterfall on Kauai.

MC 2013. Copyright 2013 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

(Laughter is a form of Acknowledgement -- what are people reading? I heard people LOL-ing on Maui and in CA during this 2 week visit to Hawaii, amid gossip about one of my books).


Thursday, December 5, 2013

For Nelson Mandela and all recently departed

For Nelson Mandela, etc.:

For Successful Transition to the Otherworld of Duat, for acquiring a home there with friends, and continuing life forever:

(c) Copyright 2013 M7C, All rights reserved.

"Hail unto the Netru of Duat, Hail unto the Netrut of Duat, Hail all Akhu (Angels) in Heaven, Hail the Creator of all Life (S7)!  May you all enjoy peace, tranquility, and honor with our royal and divine offerings in your Temples.  May our soul(s) achieve greatness of Spirit in your company!

"Hail O Osiris-Ra-Ptah-Sokar-Nu, Hail O Wennefer Osiris-Ra, Hail O Horu-Ra, Hail O Osiris-Horu, Hail Osiris the Lord of Life and King of the Netherworld (S7)! May your coffers be filled with golden treasures a thousand times! May your fields be ripe with produce, and your cattle likewise! May your Canals be filled with pure and clean water, May your palaces be clean and enriched with furnishings! Likewise may this all happen unto my Soul(s), once I am united with Lord Osiris as his proxy.

"Hail those luminaries in the sky, May Light overcome Darkness, May truth and Righteousness overcome corruption and falsehood, I say, for I am unified with the Netru(t); May I transcend the Darkness of death and peril as a righteous Akh, endowed with Divine Powers, forever, and live in my Home in Heaven, in peace and tranquility, forever.

"Hail O My Ka, O my Akh and Soul, May I be Successful, May I succeed, May I be Victorious, May I triumph over death and darkness; May I never become corrupt, May I never follow the crooked path, but only unto the one path that leads to Righteousness and Order -- the one that leads Home.  Praise Ptah-Amun-Ra."

M7 2013.

Valley of the Kings

Modern Technology suggests there are more undiscovered tombs (or structures,  air pockets, etc.) in the Valley of the Kings, where the Egyptian Kings were interred.  (Eye of the Pharaoh also said this).

MC 2013.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Otherworld Real Estate and Travel Guide

Otherworld Real Estate and Travel Guide

Authored by Michael J Costa

On Earth you can see a blue sky during daytime, and stars at nighttime. When you are outside of your body, you can see the Otherworld: the domain of the gods and spirits of the eternal. This guidebook will show you directions on how to enter the Otherworld, what to do, where to visit, and offers real estate for your justified Soul in your personal afterlife. This is a companion book with A Modern Egyptian Book for the Dead, & United Egyptian Imperial Republic Code Caesar 4.0, both written by the author.

Copyright 2011 Michael J. Costa,
All rights reserved.

When people die they often believe they are asleep, and are dreaming. This guidebook will show you where you go when you are in this dream-state. The Ancient Egyptians believed this as well, because in certain tombs we found ritual beds under mummy cases, as if the soul is asleep and dreaming in the Next World. The Ancients explored this place thoroughly, as indicated on their tomb murals and other spiritual equipment. With this guidebook you can explore the After world in preparation for the next stage of existence, and even register some real estate there for your soul's enjoyment. Complete cities with maps are included. Otherworld Currency is the Horu, earned by performance of good deeds or actions, from Earth or in Duat. Buy a business and earn Horu, or buy Ushabty servants (work force). Start your afterlife correctly by performing positive actions while alive, thereby securing your future, and success in the Court of Ma'at in the presence of Lord Osiris in Duat. This is an offer worth sleeping on.

List Price: $17.00
Publication Date:
Apr 14 2011
1461082099 / 9781461082095
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
8" x 10"
Full Color
Related Categories:
Body, Mind & Spirit / General
Otherworld Real Estate and Travel Guide 
MC 2013.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

New JFK Theory...

My theory to the JFK Conspiracy Theories:

(c) Copyright 2013 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

President Jack Kennedy was shot on November 22, 1963.  It was said he was "assassinated" by Lee Harvey Oswald, who acted alone.  Why?  No one seems to know why, because his "assassin" was later shot himself, sealing the secrets with the dead. Culprits ranged from Fidel Castro, USSR, the CIA, or Mafia.

My theory is that it was NOT an Assassination.
JFK committed State-Assisted Suicide mostly for health reasons...
(He told the CIA to arrange this so he could "reincarnate someplace else and overthrow the USSR.")

JFK health problems, the suicide of Marylin Monroe and his own infidelities with other Hollywood women (whom Jacqueline didn't appreciate), and the stress of being on the spotlight with the Cuban Missile Crisis drove JFK to kill himself and blame it on the USSR.

In his next life, JFK overthrew the USSR, became a Writer, experimented with Psychic Warfare, and met Hollywood personalities online.  His Camelot theme became a Micronation.  Jacqueline's White House had the French Empire decor, a reference to a previous age.  He even experienced MM's illness first hand, and became CTS by the CIA (who hoped no one would know this).

There you have it  -- my new theory on JFK.
Life is the Continuation of the Soul, for the Soul never dies....

MC 2013.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

On Micronations

Micronations traditionally are any self-declared State or developing Country.
Many mainstream nations were once Micronations; the USA is an example of this, having declared itself independent from England in 1776.  I started a few Micronations myself since early College years.  One of whom is the UEIR, a real nation based in the Egyptian Netherworld (that I discovered upon exiting my body prematurely since 1975).  Others include the Pharaocracy of Niihau (Akua Niihau Pharaocracy), and the Provinces of the UEIR.  I legally made a country merely by writing its existence in book form, like the US Constitution or other documents.  Micronations come in many forms: some are fantasy creations, like Disneyland, or autonomous islands, or covers for secret societies or underground movements and illegal activity (Caliphate of Al Qaeda).  Not all are well known.  Some only exist on websites or in computer games.  Others are media friendly.  

My Micronations acquired recognition by many world governments, so are they still considered Micronations?  I consider this the case based on size of the autonomous government not the population.  

MC 2013.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Tutankhamon's mummy

The many theories about Tutankhamon are just that -- theories.  

My Theory: 

 Whomever ripped open his chest looking for a valuable heart scarab [during embalming] probably torched his mummy to prevent his mummy from exacting revenge.  Not a chariot accident or botched embalming!  His chest, heart and scarab are all missing.  The cut marks are from an inexperienced thief cutting open the chest searching for a heart scarab amulet, probably made of gold and precious stones... a cheap, black resin scarab (replacement) was found on top of his mummy, not inside it.  Mummies are usually torched if violated.  

(c) Copyright 2013 Michael J. Costa, all rights reserved. 

MC 2013.

Post Script:

His leg injury occurs before the "chariot accident," so why would he be on a chariot if his leg was already broken?  Chariots held 2 people, both standing.  If he was riding ahead and fell off, his charioteers behind him would have collided into him, not from riding ahead in the thick of battle where people are fighting each other, giving no room for movement.  Was there any damage done to his golden or wooden chariots (in the tomb)? One was the driver, the other the passenger with bow and arrow; in the chest from his tomb, we see Tut with the reins tied behind him, riding alone.  Chariots did not have shock absorbers; if you run over a small 5 inch stone, you fall off. The same with corpses.  Why would someone intentionally run him down? Ay who became Pharaoh after Tut, did not wage war on the Hittites or anyone, if for revenge for Tut's chariot-accident theory.  Burning his corpse after death would be to stop decomposition on the field of battle, with added perfumes to stop the stench of death, not a 'botched embalming.'  

MC 2013.


Friday, November 1, 2013

Coming Soon...

I decided to make a series from  my novel "Phrenland"

The first two books, "Phrenland" and "The Lotus: Lord of the United States" will have a new novel that connects the two stories together.  I am currently working on it. 

"Phrenland" is a story about Espionage, Dimensions, and Counter intelligence. 

"The Lotus: Lord of the US" concerns itself with the origins of a new hero and the cure to his condition (as well as exposing his only weakness). 

Both are of the "action/adventure" genre.

MC 2013.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

reviewing prophecy effect in Eye of the Pharaoh...

When I first wrote my novel from 1989, entitled Eye of the Pharaoh, I did not know that events in my book would later cause or foresee or predict future ones.  It was fictional at that time. When I submitted the book for Copyright Registration in 1995 (After I discovered it was published by my reviewer from 1991 - illegally of course) I stated it was "Fiction."  In 2001 the USA was attacked by Arab-Terrorists in 2 cities where my character visits in my storyline - NY and Washington DC; my character is not a terrorist, nor am I; the character visits these places en route to Egypt, wherein he finds and brings back to life the wife of Tutankhamon, the character Ankhesenamon. People believed I had something to do with Sept. 11, 2001 attack -- this proved false when Al Qaeda said "no American knew of their plans to attack USA."  So some people believed in this lie, and tried to attack me in various ways, some even claimed I am the Biblical Antichrist -- and this of course is a religious Hate Crime on their part.  The American Psychic Jeane Dixon started this belief when she had a vision of "the Child from the East" or a descendent of Tutankhamon (or tut reborn) who makes a new religion; later she says this person is the Antichrist because of her pro-Christian ideology whereby her faith poisoned her psychic abilities.  She said Tut "was so Christ-like, with an unnatural planning for this boy.. who would create a new, all-embracing religion."  Dixon was famous for seeing the John F. Kennedy assassination vision before it happened. She had the effect of having one successful vision followed  by several false leads; the "Jeane Dixon Effect."  I wrote more than 3 religions since Eye of the Pharaoh.  Take your pick.  My book had other events: the War on Terrorism was first, then followed by the Arab Spring (revolution in Egypt ending in Democracy), and USA/USSR/Iran having nuclear war.  An image in my original book (author's test sketch) showed what appeared to be an asteroid approaching Earth (actually it was supposed to be an Emeraldian in natural form, or Emerald Fireball).  The war extended to Libya and Syria.  

Events since 1990 (when the book was done) involve my new psychic abilities of Elemental Chronokinesis and Telepathy (the book anticipated these as well).  With Elemental ability I influence the weather; Chronokinesis influences future events (Nostradamus), and with Telepathy I can sense other peoples' thoughts or project my ideas into receptive individuals, not 'mind reading.'  Weather making is amplified by Global Warming.  As I am a high priest of the Egyptian God, Amon-Ra, using his name influences the wind (Amn) and Sun (Ra).  I decided to become a priest of this "religion" of Ancient Egypt as a way of studying Egyptology in an Experimental Archaeology framework; to replicate Ancient Culture by thinking like an Ancient Egyptian.  I DO NOT Recommend this.  Doing this causes permanent mental pattern dissolution (you will think like an AE all the time).   Amn-Ra also influences the Economy.  The USSR fell shortly after the book was done, in short-term effect of Chronokinesis.   I also wrote to the US Government many times to prevent the other events. 

MC 2013.


Before religious extremists go and call someone "the Antichrist", be certain you are correct because that is considered Hate Speech.  Was "Jesus the Christ" ever Anointed with Holy Oils in the New Testament?  No? There is no passage saying this.  "Anointed with power from God" is not Anointed with Holy Oil; Egyptian Priests were Anointed Priests (though mostly from Aloe Vera, useful as treating Sun burn) because they lived in the Sahara desert region and needed to keep cool.  You cannot call someone "Christ" if he is not Anointed.  So who am I against?  I am an Egyptian Priest, an Anointed Priest.  I started training as a Kheri-Heb Priest (Lector Priest) in 1988 when I purchased a copy of the Papyrus of Ani from the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum gift shop.  Then I wrote Eye of the Pharaoh (after leaving Moreau Catholic HS after 2 years - for security reasons, not educative). Christians use the term loosely as a part of conversion tactics.  I was Baptized and Circumcised as a child; my Father's family [from Madeira Islandswas Catholic; they had ancestors from the Middle East - as proven by a genetic DNA history test I took (National Geographic project) that proved I am from the Fertile Crescent region thousands of years ago.... This includes Ancient Egypt.   They also lived in Hawaii during the Plantation era. 

MC 2013.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Goodreads or .. bad reads?

I was tempted to register on Goodreads today, then I took a look at their Terms of Service, decided not to, and found other websites about how Goodreads is behaving towards comments by readers. 

I noticed in their TOS about "never replying to negative reviews or it will permanently affect the reader or reputation of an author."  I had some reviews by Internet Trolls last year; they may have been a part of this purported "war" of negative reviews, using self-published authors as bait. 

After my reply to the Trolls was written, I noticed people stopped regularly buying my books, despite the fact I have over 7 or so writer names in effect (Horus Michael, Horus Ptahmeses, Nisut Peroaris, Ahmed Merenptah Marcaesar, Ptolemy Caesar, Archangel M7, Mika'ele Kapakai, etc.). 

There is  nothing wrong with my books; something may be wrong with me, but that is not your concern :P . Goodreads was purchased by Amazon to advertise authors; perhaps they should invest in blogs or unite with Google? 

MC 2013.

Thursday, October 17, 2013


Egyptome - 50 Gods, 50 Magic Spells

by:  Michael J. Costa, (c) Copyright 2013 MJC.

Copyright 2013 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

Egyptome (Egypt Tome) is a Reference Book on Ancient Egyptian Mythology with corresponding Magic Spells. A selection of 50 gods and goddesses were chosen, ranging from Netherworld Gods, Weather Gods, Nature Gods, to Personal Gods, and Elemental Gods. The book contains color pictures and some hieroglyphs.


List Price: $16.00
Publication Date:
Oct 10 2013
149296607X / 9781492966074
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
5.5" x 8.5"
Full Color
Related Categories:
History / Ancient / Egypt

Friday, October 11, 2013

On Covert Messiah...Fact or Fiction?

The authors of this project present a Roman based concept of what became Christianity.  Christianity was an Anti-Roman Movement during the Empire, so why would the Romans invent it?  When Constantine the Great became Emperor, the Movement was already a threat to Roman Society (like Al Qaeda is for USA).  So he made it the official religion of Rome to appease the Movement's influence.  

There are parallels of other cultures to be found in Christianity.  In Egypt we have most of them.  The hieroglyph for purity in Egypt was 'a bucket of water on top of a foot'; Jesus often washed people's feet with water, as did his mother Mary when "She washed his feet with her tears, and dried them with her hair.."  Baptism was purification by water, and the first initiation rite of Christianity; the first ritual in an Egyptian temple was purification in the Sacred Lake.   On Palm Sunday we use palm branches in ritual; palm branches cleared the floor of sand in Egyptian temples, to remove footprints.  The Communion ritual of making bread and wine into divine food and drink is the Eye of Horus in the Opening of the Mouth ritual, performed at grave sites. Jesus riding a donkey represents Horus conquering Set by dominating him (riding him).  The Heavenly Gates refer to the Book of Gates in Egyptian religions, and the Lake of Fire can be found in the Book of the Dead (Abyss or punishment that follows Judgement of the Heart).   God as Judge of the Dead is a reference to Osiris.  The Father, Son, holy ghost = From Rome: the Father (Julius Caesar), the Son (Ptolemy Caesar), and the holy ghost (Divine Caesar's ghost that appeared after his death; Julius Caesar reincarnated into his son, Ptolemy Caesar); the Star of Christ's birth = Caesar's comet that appeared when he was killed in the Senate.  

(c) Copyright 2013 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

MC 2013.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Recycling the USA Deficit

Debt-based Currency 
"Recycling Dollars"

Copyright 2013 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

When you buy (trade) a Debt-note, you are buying someone's debt, thus paying for it with your hard currency.  This is similar to a Recycling Company buying trash from poor nations to Recycle it into useful items.

Perhaps the USA Federal Government can trade Debt-notes to clean up its $17 Trillion of Debt before there is any chance of, or to prevent "economic collapse" or a "weakened Dollar?"

MC 2013.

Friday, October 4, 2013

I am not a billionaire

Some people out there assume I am a best-selling author and told others not to buy my books because they feel I am somehow a "Multi-Billionaire."  Why? Why would people knowingly invent a falsehood about me? The most I have made so far on my books slightly exceeds $100 USD (in 2012) in royalties.  Maybe they are confused on the word "royalty" and believe I am a "King", and since Kings are Billionaires why not confuse this further with my Micronation and tell everyone this? Royalties are proceeds one generates from selling books or music, etc.  It is not a caste system or inherited title. 

If you want to say I am a "billionaire" then go buy my books in Bulk to all your millions of friends out there.  Otherwise STOP LYING.  Thank you,

MC 2013.

I am not a billionaire on Earth.... Maybe I am in the Otherworld


Thursday, October 3, 2013

Can Authors really Trust Word of Mouth?

Can Authors really Trust Word of Mouth for Advertising their work?

Copyright 2013 M7C.

You would probably think people would remember the important aspects of your book. Talk about the positive areas and not dwell on innuendo, make rumors about what they believe, or disrespect the author on the part of the characters in the story. 

My characters in my books are NOT the author, unless specified.  The only true-stories I have written are either personal biographies, science type books (Archaeology), or personal family heritage. 

Word of Mouth is supposed to sell products not invent lies about people.
Malicious rumors ruin lives.  They also ruin countries and their reputations, as well as stock markets. 

So no, we cannot trust word of mouth.  We can trust people know of something if we hear them gossip.  (There is a place in the Abyss for people who do that). 

M7C, 2013.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Dangers of improper Copyrights on books

The Dangers of Improper Copyrights on Books:
Copyright 2013 M7C., All rights reserved.

If you place a Copyright on a book and do not register it, you risk theft of its contents when offering it for review to strangers.  I had this happen to me once.  I offered my First Book (Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990) to a Psychology Counselor at my University (CSU-EB), for review.  She returned it but did not tell me she had secretly photocopied it.  This was in 1991. Rumor has it that book became a best-seller, though the author (me) never was paid for it.  If you are constantly being ripped off by people who can sell your book better than you, then I recommend registration in the LOC.  Otherwise, change your marketing strategy. 



MC 2013.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Dr Zahi Hawass uses The Flawed Emerald to find the Crypt of Khufu

My book, The Flawed Emerald (C) Copyright 1995 MJ COSTA, was used by Dr. Zahi Hawass for his lecture about "finding the crypt of King Khufu of the Great Pyramid of Giza."  He said the other chambers were made "to deceive thieves" (just as my book states).  If he finds it my book would reach best selling status if people can remember that besides its stolen glory; if not, he is misled by a sci-fic novel no different than the Cayce predictions. 

I tried contacting him about this, several times, but no reply.  He is either one of my fans or just a PhD person with no imagination...  Ironic though, he was once subject to the Curse of Tutankhamon for disturbing the remains of that Pharaoh; here I am, its Akh, writing about this....   

MC 2013.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

What KheriHeb Priests do...

Ancient Egyptian Priests who read the ritual book and directed its ceremonies were called: KheriHeb Priests.  They were highly skilled and knowledgeable in Magic and Natural Physics.  As a result of this, they often controlled or manipulated Natural Forces by willing them into action.  One way of attaining Divine Energy was to "identify with the Gods" as by saying "I am (this God)" in the spell.  Each God was in charge of a different act of Nature: Nut for outer space, Horus for the sky, Amon or Shu for the winds, Geb or Seb for the Earth / Earthquakes, Tefnut for rain and storms, Seth for chaos and revolutions and thunder/lightning, Ptah for creation or Chronokinesis, Thoth or Imhotep for healing, etc.  It does not mean the KheriHeb Priest is the God in question, only for about 10 minutes at a time to absorb its energies for working Magical Effect.  I am a KheriHeb Master; I started this occupation in the late 1980s.  I started to control the wind in 1988, the rain in 1991, and earthquakes in 1989.  I was classified top secret by 1993.  LOL.

M7 2013.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Chapter 21 wanes....

Ha, someone must have reread my book and thought about Chapter 21 (WW3 - USA, USSR (Russia), and Iran).  Though sending copies to the government probably helped.  From Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990 / The Flawed Emerald c.1995.  The event may be delayed by 10 years, just as the Revolution of 2011 was delayed by ca.10 years after Sept. 11, 2001.  A delay of 10 years is in the book. 

MC 2013.

Friday, September 27, 2013

AE Deity of the Week: Osiris

Osiris (Asar, as in C_Asar, the form of Julius Caesar post-assassination and deification) is the AE God of the Afterlife in Duat (the Otherworld).  He was once a Moon god, separate from the Solar worship of Ra; after decades of competition with the other doctrines, some priests unified the beliefs of the people by merging the stories in the doctrines, thus creating a family of the gods, whereby the gods were all related to one another, not separate (as in pre dynastic or early dynastic eras). 

The story that Osiris is the Father of Horus or son of Geb and Nut or Ra, that he was killed by Set and dismembered, is modern (prior to the New Kingdom era).  This story was created to unify the gods together.  The original Osiris was the Nobleman Latracenal of Atlantis, the First Sovereign Prince of Light, who had 2 bronze female statues positioned behind his chair, like the positioning of Isis and Nephthys behind Osiris.  The later stories has Osiris as the god of Agriculture, the Moon, and of regeneration or resurrection.  In that story, "Eternal Life was only granted by him." 

The stories about Jesus of Nazareth are taken from the later stories about Osiris.  The Second Appearance of Christ is the same story as the Return of Osiris to establish his Eternal Kingdom on Earth (S7-UEIR).  Christian rituals have their origins in Ancient Egypt: Foot washing ritual is a hieroglyph for Purity; Palm Sunday has Palm branches used to clean the floor in Egyptian Temples; Communion ritual is the Opening of the Mouth ritual, using the Eye of Horus as the body of sacrifice; though there are no anointing rituals mentioned in the Bible, so Jesus cannot call himself Christ, the "Anointed One" because that is misleading, as Egyptian Priests were anointed priests; anointing oils include sunscreen (Aloe Vera). 

 MC 2013.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

island formation

MC 2013.

In The Flawed Emerald, I mentioned how the "destruction of Atlantis caused Egypt to rise from the sea..."  As if Earthquakes can raise land formations.  Then this happened ( see link ). 


Saturday, September 14, 2013


"Homage unto Amon-Ra, the Divine Power who did come into being in primeval time, Lord of Eternity, One, Fashioner of the Gods, Fashioner of Humanity, Fashioner of the Living, you who appears as the Only One, the Only One in Nu, before your Father the Earth, and your Mother the Cosmos.  You are in the form of Horus who illuminates the Two Lands with his Two Eyes.  It is not Aton of the dwellers in the sky, but it is your divine form, the god of the two lofty plumes, which appears from out of the water of his lapis-lazuli. Revolve in your name, Destroyer of the Evil Ones, and hack in pieces all those who devise Evil against Pharaoh (M7); as you have sent forth to do what they had to do, deliver you Pharaoh (M7) from them.  It is he who has joined the Abet Crown to the Maat Crown, he knows your beautiful names, which you did make when you was the Only One in the sky in your name of 'Creator whose heart never rests.'  All the Gods cry, 'Hail,' and they adore their Lord, the Only One, who is more hidden than his creations, who ruled this Earth when he appeared from out of the water, who enveloped with fire the impotent one, and drove him away in his name of 'Kaf.' Behold, give not you Pharaoh (M7) to that Enemy who is in the front of you, nor to the red fiends, nor to the children of Set, nor to the children of impotent revolt.  Protect him (M7) with your power, for you are his protector, guard him, for you are his guard, O Creator of the Gods, and fashion his face with life and serenity, and let him never, never die."

So declares Pharaoh M7 before Amon-Ra, justified with Ma'at and everliving.

M7C 2013.


countering bad luck?

This is some advice from an Occult Source. 
Also I use Counter-Magic in my books (see list).

MC 2013.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chapter 21 approaches...

Why is Russia supplying missiles and nuclear assistance to Iran?

(From: Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990/The Flawed Emerald, c.1995).

MC 2013.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Celebrity Deity of the Week: Anubis

Anubis:  Egyptian Deity of Protection, Chief Physician (and Embalmer) to ASAR (Osiris), and Patron Deity of Lawyers.

Anubis is the White Light that draws people's souls to Duat (the Otherworld, or place some go to when their bodily form dies).  Anubis leads the souls to the Divine Court of Ma'at, where they are judged for their actions when alive in the presence of the Divine Judge, Lord ASAR (Osiris), who is the King of the Otherworld and Lord of the Living.  Anubis then weighs the hearts of the person against the Feather of Truth/Order/Justice (Ma'at), so one's testimony is compared to the crimes.  If successful, the soul is led to Paradise/Heaven/Fields of Peace/Offerings by Horus (Mordoxis).  Horus in monotheist religion is comparable to St. Michael the Archangel, when he leads the righteous to Heaven.  If the soul fails (which is common nowadays) the Demon Ammut will devour the heart (chewing it to pieces), symbolic of heart disease.  The Ka Spirit of the damned is thrown into the fiery Abyss below that separates the dimensions, or it wanders the Earth looking for sustenance. 

Anubis is represented as a black jackal in humanoid form. 

MC 2013.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Sun or Moon

The Sun is the same all the time.  People have their beliefs or systems of belief about the Sun, as in religions. These beliefs do not change the Sun, only the perceptions of people. The Sun is Ra, the Creator; the Sun is also Kheper, Atum, Aton, Ptah, Horus, Apollo, Marduk, Sol, etc.  Thunder and Lighting is Zeus, Thor, Seth or Apophis. Religions are opinions; God is still God despite the adjective.  Why then are people fighting over God when in fact they are fighting over their opinions about God in any given name or identity? Opinions about God do not change God; God is not Hebrew, Christian, Pagan or Muslim; God exists outside of religion, just as the Sun does, or the Moon, Stars, Thunder and Lighting... And in Science God is called Mother Nature.   Atheism just loves Science, but all they do is attack the perceptions of people. 

M7 2013.

Monday, September 2, 2013


The Flawed Pharaoh's Emerald Eye --  (Reprint (c) Copyright Registered in 1995):

The Flawed Pharaoh's Emerald Eye

A Modern Classic Novel

Authored by Michael J. Costa

The unification of Arabic terrorist States into an empire. The Democracy Revolution of 2011 in the Middle East. The wars in Libya, Egypt and Syria, and Syria's Chemical Weapons issue in 2013. The nuclear weapons issue of Iran and the destruction of the USSR. The search for the tomb of an Ancient Egyptian Queen prior to the Arab Spring. Repatriation of ancient artifacts in Egypt and abroad. Tutankhamon as a warrior-Pharaoh, as shown on recently excavated Temple walls... How did an author, writing in California in 1989 Common Era, know all this? Written in strangely precise detail, at times somewhat prophetic, the author penetrates the notions of our reality within his own personality. Within these pages you will comprehend the nature of real reincarnation, of the divine, and the bonds of Eternal Love.


List Price: $17.00 [Also coming soon to Europe]....
Publication Date:
Aug 26 2013
1492264571 / 9781492264576
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Fiction / Science Fiction / General

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Syria's chemical weapons found in Eye of the Pharaoh chapter 20

A Limousine to the president’s office from the airstrip transported me.  Ankhesenamon was waiting impatiently in the office when I arrived.  The President had a worried look on his face when he turned to me from a row of windows.  He briefly informed me that the nations of Syria and Libya were slowly amassing weapons of various characters, some were chemical and some were traditional.  

Chapter 20 " A Pharaoh's Dream"
Eye of the Pharaoh (c.1990), written in 1989 CE. 

The Flawed Emerald (Copyright 1995), 
Michael J. Costa.
All rights reserved.