Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Divine Moods

Divine Moods

Copyright 2016 MJC, All rights reserved.

What if all the names and attributes of Deities were simply a Mood or State of Being?

1.  Jesus/Horus/Mithra/Marduk - God in a good mood.
2.  Satan/Dragon/Set/Zeus - God in a bad mood.
3.  Antichrist/Apophis/Tiamat - God when very angry.
4.  Ptah/the  Creator/Toth/Ahura Mazda - God when Creative.
5.  Isis/Selqet/Nephthys/Neith - God when feeling pretty.
6.  Bes/Cupid/Baal - God when being mischievous.
7.  Lucifer/Anubis/Sobek - God when inventive.  


What if personal experiences are related to personal moods?

1. Good Dreams/Good Luck - Heaven.
2. Bad Dreams/Misfortune - Hell / Aset Tchabet.
3. No effect/Neutral - Inspiration.


Now say that becoming a God or Divine is the end result of Mental and Social Development, and that by progression through Mental Training one becomes fully developed and is no longer "human."  This has happened to several historical people:

1.  Buddha
2.  Imhotep
3.  Ptahhotep
4.  Tutankhamon
5.  Caesar
6.  Ramses 2
7.  Amonhotep 3

Mental and Social Development, or "religion", is not about beliefs per se, but about becoming something better than the average person, via Mental Evolution.  This doesn't happen by itself.  Using Egyptian Magic you train different areas of the Mind and as a result these areas are strengthened and can perform actions or what some call "Miracles." Egyptian Magic is learned by experimentation in the Natural World via "spells" and research. 

MC 2016.



Sunday, March 27, 2016

Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...

The Church of Tutankhamon - The Book of the Golden Christ

Authored by Horus Michael
Edition: 2.0

The Church of Tutankhamon: The Book of the Golden Christ (Pre-Theism):

Pharaoh Tutankhamon is the KRST (Christ), the Egyptian word for "burial," which is associated with Anointing Oils in mummification. There is some evidence of human sacrifice or crucifixion (his broken leg and Malaria/Fever if exposed to the elements prior to his death) among the Hebrews living in Egypt (Jacob & Isaac); in Christianity, Jesus was a human sacrifice who was ritually killed and prepared for burial as the KRST/Christ. The 12 Apostles/Disciples of Christ, the 12 Royal Men of the House of Pharaoh (who attended Tutankhamon's funeral), and the 12 Signs of the Zodiac may be connected. The KRST was like a plant: it lived, it died and was buried underground only to rise up and bloom again, so this cycle was personified by a ritualized sacrifice and offering to the God(s). People with "red hair were sacrificial offerings in Ancient Egypt" because Set, the God of Chaos and Storms, had red hair; those under his influence could influence storms and earthquakes. Queen Tiye had red-brown hair; she was an ancestor of Tutankhamon. Jesus may have had reddish hair, though Tutankhamon's hair was shaven; Jesus influenced storms and Earthquakes.

It is recorded that someone named "Tut-ankh-u-aton" was the "son of Akhenaton," as since Royal Scribes never made errors on Official Records, and there is no evidence that his name was changed to "Tut-ankh-aton" (this name was changed to Tut-ankh-Amon when restoring the ancient religion), who is this person? Was this his unknown Twin Brother? Who also is Ankh-et-kheperura? Is she a Female Pharaoh or a misspelled name on Official Records that are never supposed to fail? And if so, is Ankh-et-kheperura actually Queen Ankhesenpaaton / Ankhesenamon, the woman whom was first co-regent to Akhenaton and later Queen to Tutankhamon and Ay? Is she buried in KV62-B? Her Golden Statues in the Canopic Shrine, the Canopic Jar Stoppers, and Golden Mask may be hers from her brief time as Pharaoh, discarded and given to her husband's tomb. Her "Fake Burial in KV63" - the one with "Feather Pillows" weighted in the coffin - could be a clue.

Ancient Egypt began with deified warrior-kings, whose totems became their symbol of authority. These totems took on human form and the accumulation of these picture symbols became a Hieroglyphic language. The Pharaohs sought to maintain the connection with the Gods via Genetic Bloodlines or Divine Ancestry. The origins of certain words are from Egypt (Satan is from Sata the Serpent; YHWH is from YUYA; MARY is from MRY; Messiah is from MESEH, a drug made from a crocodile; Christ is from QRST/KRST; God is Good is from NFR-NTR; Hell is from the Fiery Abyss). The idea that Laws come from God originates in the Babylonian Government of Hammurapi (from MARDUK). Copyright © 2016 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

List Price: $14.00
Publication Date:
Mar 25 2016
1530738180 / 9781530738182
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Body, Mind & Spirit / General

Note:  Some religions are introduced by Force:
1. Atonism - by Akhenaton
2. Islam - by the Conquests of the Prophet Mohammad
3. Christian Missionaries - by Spanish conquerors
4. Islamic State - by (semi)Islamic Terrorists in the Middle East.

All are Monotheism.  
If Introduced in another way it should be accepted.

MC 2016.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Something is in Tutankhamon's tomb...

Tutankhamon's tomb is not empty.  "Eldamaty noted that the Japanese specialist believes there are objects made of metal and organic materials behind the north wall, and others composed of organic materials behind the west wall.  “But I cannot say exactly what it is,” Eldamaty noted at the press conference."

The possibilites:

1.  A Metallic / gold ring with magical green stones.
2.  A Mummy Case of gold with Mummy in it.
3.  Flowers, oils, or food offerings.
4.  A Papyrus (Tut's diary).
5.  Entrance to Ankhesenamon's tomb (KV62B).
6.  Dead scorpions or snakes.
7.  More "treasures of Tutankhamon's original burial."

If the painted wall of the Opening of the Mouth was first done for "Queen Nefertiti"  under the current mural with Tut performing it, then the wall was already there when she was buried.  This means she is not in the hidden rooms.  This also means if Nefertiti was in the tomb once, she is not there now; her mask, coffin, Canopic Shrine and Jars are for her originally and was violated and removed so Tut was reburied there following his initial violated burial elsewhere.  The Canopic Shrine goddesses resemble not her, but Queen Ankhesenamon, her daughter.  My theory is that Ankhesenamon was buried there then the wall was added and sealed with the mural for Tutankhamon, her husband, who died before she did, and he was reburied outside to block the entrance to her tomb.  

MC 2016.
Copyright 2016 Mike Costa, All rights reserved.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Yes I am a Kheriheb Priest...

People are talking.  Do they even know what a Kheri-Heb Priest is before they claim I am or am not one?  No they don't.  And here is why....

A Kheri-Heb Priest is an Egyptian Priest who commands the elements using a Magic Spell book.  The word Kheri-Heb references use of a ritual book.  In paintings they are usually holding a scroll of papyrus (book) or are wearing ritual clothing like the spotted Leopard skin (in the Opening of the Mouth ceremony which he shares with the Setem Priest/Anubis Priest).  They are also called Lector Priests because they read the ritual book.  The words in the ritual book are charged with Ka Spirit Energy, and once this is done, the book behaves like a supernatural computer.  Each word causes an action in the outside world. Also when practicing this system of Magic, there is NO SUCH THING AS FREE WILL.  Not that anyone notices this of course.  Believe what you will.  I can still conquer countries with Magic by controlling Nature.  No "sickness" required (Magical Thinking is not an illness, but an edge). 

Mike Costa, 
Kheri-Heb Master since 1987 (Age 15 - not a Child Wizard).  :)

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Superman (the super hero) was based on the Biblical Story of Moses.  He traveled to Earth in  a "small boat" and has "super powers."  All Modern Super Heroes owe their inspiration from the Bible's Messiah Complex.  Superman 3 film used the Egyptian Story of Ra & the Goddess Isis, whereby Ra is infected with poison created from "his essence / DNA" and gives Isis his secret name or power in order to be cured -- in Superman the film shows a sample of his DNA is fashioned into a clone of  him, whom he must vanquish.  The Mummy Returns film used elements of my stolen novel, Eye of the Pharaoh, as "inspiration."  My book is not a religion.  But you get the idea...

MC 2016.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Space Junk and Climate Change

The Moon is a satellite that orbits the Earth.  It has its own Gravity.  Now there are other satellites in orbit -- like communication satellites, spy satellites, the ISS Space Station, and lots of Space Debris of former satellites.  Do these also affect the conditions on Earth?  The Moon controls the Tides on Earth, which may affect the winds.  Do other objects influence the weather as well?  Other Planets - such as the Gas Giants of Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus, have multiple Moons or Rings in orbit.  The Rings are collections of Space Debris - rocks, dust, etc.  These Planets have weather patterns similar to Earth's Climate Change.  Climate Change may be naturally occurring from weather patterns, or caused by excessive CO2 in the air, or by accumulation of extra-orbital masses.  The Dinosaurs lived in a Climate of excessive CO2 -- by decay of their bodies or other exhaust; this decay became Petroleum.  Oil lamps and Incense burnt in the Ancient World may also have caused CC.  But this eventually disappeared.  So a natural weather pattern that occurs every 3000 years may be the answer.  

MC 2016.


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Is Ankh-kheperura Nefer-Neferuaton = Ankh-esenpaaton?

Is Ankh-kheperura Nefer-Neferu-Aton (+ Effective for her Husband) = Queen Ankhesenpaaton?
The tomb of KV62 may have originally been built for a female co-regent of Akhenaton.  If he divorced Nefertiti, then her daughter replaced her as Queen and she inherited her mother's titles.  Plus both names start with "Ankh." Then after Akhenaton is dead, she marries Tutankhaton who becomes Pharaoh, later marrying King Ay after Tut died. Is Ankhesenpaaton an Egyptian "Black Widow Spider" and is she interred in the hidden rooms of KV62?