Friday, April 18, 2014

Akhenaton - First Monotheist or First Scientist?

The Aton - not just the Sun itself, but Science in general - could have been a first step into acknowledging Scientific Laws, but was taken religiously by its Priest Akhenaton, the "heretic Pharaoh" of 18th Dynasty Egypt.  

The Temple of Aton - an open ceiling to allow the Sun to "drink its daily offerings of wine and beer" - was a scientific observatory for water evaporation and timing of sunlight during solstices or equinoxes (as in Abu Simbel Ramses 2 Mortuary Temple).  

 Instead Akhenaton was not accepted for this discovery that his father told him when he was a boy.  Akhenaton created a religion around this concept, and forced the people into accepting and worshiping Aton.  This led to his downfall (or exile as the "prophet" Aton-Moses / Moses).  The City of Aton became the focus of the Israelites in early times, so that his people (Atonists - Israelites) needed to be liberated from Egyptian culture and into a land of their own where they could study Aton in peace.  Akhetaton = the First Jerusalem; this city of God became the Nation of Israel after the "exodus from Egypt."  If Israel was scientific then, they would not have spawned Monotheism, nor the animosity of its neighbors in modern Arab nations, nor would there have been  an Islam on Earth, and no such thing as "Al Qaeda" today - whom are discredited by this discovery.  

"When Science fails, Fantasy prevails."

King Tutankhamon chose to preserve the religion of Egypt and keep its Science a secret of the priests.  This was his choice.  His life may appear Christ-like, but he is not "antichrist" nor any other element of monotheism religion. 

MC 2014.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Fake Reviews both positive and negative don't count

On social media websites or distribution sites Writers can find reviews of their work; but how accurate are they?

I have had the experience of False Reviews by people who didn't read nor understand my books; others who are so-called Best Sellers seem to attract False Reviews only supplanted by Fake Positive Reviews so as to improve their 5 Star rating.  So why even bother with the reviews? Since no one can verify the truth of what is being said by the Reviewer, adding insult to the author seems to fit the Social Movement in America that likes to trash other people's work and support their own, whomever is paying them to libel another author is profiting by this activity.  Intelligence is a threat to these cohorts of malicious output.  They are threatened by intelligent authors, so they skim the books looking for patterns that fit a good story, and not finding it they trash it.  Because all you are really buying is a Pattern of Thinking from the author.  I do not think like most people.  So my books do not follow the General Pattern associated with best sellers in USA.  My books are unique, and the False Reviews cannot stand that.  So they attack.  And Attack. And Attack.  If I do nothing they eventually leave.  My purpose is to educate, not sell books.  If I sell anything I am successful.  My first reviewer ruined my life by making my first novel a best seller in 1990s.  Why do you think I am upset? (Gossip is the ill effect of success in USA). 

MC 2014.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

The Second Coming of Tutankhamon (Christ)

The Second Coming of Tutankhamon (Christ)

Copyright 2014 MJ COSTA, All rights reserved.

The Church of Christianity claims the Christ will return in the future to build his Eternal Kingdom on Earth.  But, what if that has already happened? The Christ appeared during the Roman Empire period, but no one actually saw him, at least not by Romans, or they would have written about him. No Roman politician, writer, priest, Consul, etc. ever mentioned Christ in the form of Jesus, until after Christianity started as a movement after Caesar Octavian or Caesar Tiberius died. This movement gained popularity because of the immoral direction of the Roman society then, and because someone needed motivation. The Gospels were all written or composed in a later date, some were conflicting in recorded information.  The four Gospels were selected from a large group of Gospels by the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great following his vision of a Cross in front of the Sun - Constantine worshiped the Sun, and this image was used as his battle standard, when victorious this inspired him to officially recognize his version of Christianity.

Christianity started in Egypt, not Rome. This is because the origin of Christ was from Egypt, and he was originally the Pharaoh Tut-ankh-amon, who ruled Egypt 1300 years before the Roman occupation of Egypt. Now Tut was erased from History by the Egyptian Kings (Pharaohs); this is believed because he was the real Christ, part of the monotheist revolution in Egypt as begun by his grandfather Akhenaton. Akhenaton was unfavorable as a King. His father (Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra) showed him the Scientific power of the Sun (evaporation), but Akhenaton took this as a religious power instead, so he built Temples to Aton (the Sun, or the One God) without ceilings so he could watch his God drink the offerings on the ground. The statues of the Gods could not do this; they lacked real Scientific powers.  Akhenaton would have become the First Scientific Leader had he not tried to force his beliefs onto the people, by closing all the other temples, destroying the plural form of Gods, or their statues. We find this occurring today with The Taliban and Al Qaeda. 

Tutankhamon, Akhenaton's successor, was Egypt's Messiah or Savior because he closed the Temples of Aton and reopened the other temples, built new ones, and repaired the damage done by Akhenaton. Akhenaton was exiled (kicked out of Egypt) for this activity; he returned to Egypt 43 years later to liberate his people, the imprisoned Atonist Monotheists (people of Israel), and place them into a new land no different that the City he built in Egypt.  Akhenaton changed his name while in Exile to Aton-Moses, and later Moses, to prevent contact with those whom he angered while as Pharaoh. Tutankhamon's parents were King Smenkhkara and Queen Meritaton, both were children of Akhenaton. Meritaton was known as Mary in the Bible (mother of Jesus).  Tutankhamon's wife was Ankhesenamon, daughter of Akhenaton and Nefertiti; Ankhesenamon was white skinned with blue eyes. Her great grandfather was Yuya, the Divine Father (or the Joseph of the Bible who interpreted Pharaoh's Dream; see Ahmed Osman's book, Stranger in the Valley of the Kings). Ankhesenamon later married the Grand Vizier Aye after Tutankhamon died, because he was the only male heir or relative in line for succession and marriage to the female line was customary to become Pharaoh. Aye also was a Divine Father title.  Aye performed the ritual of the Opening of the Mouth in Tutankhamon's tomb, using a Carpenter's adze tool. Joseph was the husband of Mary in the Bible; he was a Carpenter, and was the Holy Father of Christ. Tutankhamon became Christ in death, as did Jesus. On the murals in Tut's tomb we see "12 men of the royal house escorting the funeral procession of Tutankhamon;" these are his 12 Disciples. The Holy Grail cup (the White Lotus Chalice of Tutankhamon) that offers Eternal Life to anyone who drinks from it (as in hieroglyphs) was found in the antechamber of Tut's tomb (KV62).

Tutankhamon's mummy has a broken leg; it was common during ancient Crucifixions to break the legs of the victim, to prevent their escape. Tutankhamon's Queen, suspecting infidelity or adultery, wrote to the Hittite King asking him for a son / prince to marry; the Hittite Prince entered the Egyptian Nile Delta as Tut was hunting.  They fought and the Prince died, but not before the Hittites crucified Tutankhamon by tying him to a tree and broke his leg. The Egyptians found Tut and freed him.  Tut was brought home on a carrying chair or litter, and he had a confrontation with his Queen about the Hittite Prince. Tutankhamon later chose to commit suicide via royal Asp because his life was ruined. His spirit still haunts his tomb and memory... Some future day would come when Tutankhamon returns to live again and fix the world by recreating the circumstances from his reign, and resolve them.  That day is now.

Copyright 2014 MJ COSTA, All rights reserved.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Did Buddha reincarnate from Tutankhamon?

Did Buddha reincarnate from Tutankhamon?

Tutankhamon is shown rising from a Lotus flower, and Buddha is shown sitting on one.  

MC 2014.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Just in time for Easter -- Mathematical Evidence of the Actual Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt

Just in time for Easter -- Mathematical Evidence of the Actual Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt:

From Pharaohism 2:

Pharaohism 2: Evidence for the Tutankhamon-Jesus Christ Theory. 

How does the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaton - an apparent Drug Addict and Transgender cross-dresser, who cares more about worshiping an invisible God that drinks wine in an open ceiling Temple than for its Scientific qualities - become exiled outside of Egypt, only to return as the Prophet Moses? Why is the Hebrew Bible's account of the Israelites in Egypt off by a factor of 10, proving the Exodus happened in the life of Horemhab or Ramses 1? (Exodus 12:40). Why is the life of King Tutankhamon so Christ-Like - that he had 12 Disciples attending his funeral, He started his work on the Temples at age 12, and may have been crucified to a tree when the Hittite Prince visited Egypt while Tut was hunting? This book uses ideas from Egyptian author, Ahmed Osman (1992), and American Psychic, Jeane Dixon (1962), for the theories presented herein. Copyright 2014 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved. 

Dates of Egyptian Rulers: 
Djoser-Kheperura Horemhab: 28 years.
Kheper-Kheperura Ay: 4 years. 
Ankh-Kheperura Smenkhkara: 2 years. 
Nebkheperura Tutankhamon: 9 years. 
28 + 4 + 2 + 9 = 43.

The Bible said "430 years" for the duration of the Israelites' imprisonment in Egypt.  This is a mistype of the Old Testament of a factor of 10x.  Historians were always vexed on this number, and could not locate the actual Exodus given this time frame.  
Akhenaton was exiled (not killed) for 43 years, and his people (Atonists, Monotheists, or Israelites) were imprisoned for 43 years, and liberated when he returned as (Aton)Moses during the reign of Horemhab (who lost his only son) and Ramses 1 (who ruled after Horemhab died, presumingly at the Red Sea). The biblical Exodus was a simple and minor affair, not what Hollywood imagines. Dates courtesy of "The Wordsworth Handbook of Kings & Queens" by the late John E. Morby, Ph.D., professor of History at CSU East Bay.

Akhnaton's exile and the age of Moses in the Bible as an elder both correlate to this discovery.

Moses was a royal person or "prince of Egypt" exiled for treason.  Akhenaton betrayed Egypt to the religion of One God and tried to destroy Egyptian religion, so he was exiled and later became Moses 43 years later.  Osman said this but without the Mathematical answer I provide in this new book.  He mentioned Smenkhkara ruled "a few days" not 2 years.  The throne names of the interim Pharaohs are complex names, possibly 2 per name.  Djoserkheperura was the throne name of both Smenkhkara and Horemhab (minus Ra), so possibly both ruled using a complex name.  

Akhnaton ruled 17 years with coregency of his father Amonhotep 3. 
Then Ankhkheperura Neferneferuaton ruled (Smenkhkara and Nefertiti),
followed by: Ankhkheperura Smenkhkara, and Djoserkheperura (Horemhab) and Smenkhkara.

This interim was  2 years.

Tutankhamon ruled 9 years (age 9 1/2, before age 10 birthday to 19 at death).

Ay ruled 4 years, and married Tutankhamon's Queen as customary. 

Horemhab ruled 28 years, then the 10th Plague killed his only son, and he died himself chasing after Moses (Aton-moses).

The Israelites were the overthrown Atonists under Akhenaton and were imprisoned for vandalism and destruction of property.  Akhnaton was exiled outside of the Egyptian Empire.  He came back for them at the end of Horemhab's reign.  His successor Ramses 1 was a grandson of Akhenaton via his daughter Ankhesenpaaton 2 and a Army man named Sety.  Yuya was Ramses 1's ancestor.  This may explain why Sety 1 and Ramses 2 have red hair, and the same nose type.  Osman credits Yuya as one of the Josephs of the Bible (Pharaoh's dream, Amonhotep 3).  

Akhenaton was a drug addict because he let his country go to waste while he was drugged up, ignoring foreign nations, closing all Polytheist temples in Egypt and destroying statues, and ignoring the people who slaved for him as Pharaoh.  The combination of drugs included Hemp (found in his tomb), Poppy flowers / Opium, and Blue Lotus inhalants.  Monotheism was the end result of this activity.  This also explains why Moses looked the way he did upon returning.  A simple prison break is nothing worth celebrating the last 3300 years. 

MC 2014.  Copyright 2014 MJC. All rights reserved.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

ha .. WW3 in my book now in the Press

Does Art Imitate Life or vice verse? Now fresh from the Press:  Russia wants to arm Iran with Nuclear Weapons (is this plagiarism or prophecy?):

Last week, Reuters first reported Russia was preparing an oil-for-goods deal with Iran worth up to $20 billion. An unnamed Iranian official told the news service that the barter would include Russian weapons...

 Chapter 21 is coming soon??? (I hope not, but this news may help book sales of Eye of the Pharaoh, copyright MC-1990, 1995)...

MC 2014.

Excerpt from Chapter 21 (World War 3), Eye of the Pharaoh, Copyright 1990, 1995 Michael J. Costa, All Rights Reserved.

One year has passed since my inventions held a firm grip on the world's industry and technical age.  The nation of Iran recently broke free from the empire of Egypt once it acquired a substantial amount of nuclear weapons.  The thought of that didn't seem to matter, although Iran directed its interest to the USSR rather than other countries of the world.  Iran seemed to take the path of Libya when it acquired nuclear warheads from Russia.  Soon enough, World War III started to bubble from the fathoms of incompetence when my empire directed its warring attention to Iran.  Russia protected Iran, and America protected my empire.  Finally,
Nuclear war was inevitable.

    I transported all furniture and items of value from the palace in the Egyptian Empire to the M.C. Futura residence and the prism tomb near Thebes.  The palace was the only area not protected by the Diamond glass domes.  Although many zoos and wildlife centers were protected, nothing protected the open land of Africa.  Only those animals in the wild were subject to mutation from the radioactivity from the nuclear fallout. 
    To state what happened is simply that America and Russia were annihilated and Iran was completely flattened.  The empire still remained yet it suffered from fallout and acid rain.  Those areas protected by the domes were safe and not subject to the second-degree mutation that occurred around them.  I consider the mutation process to be second degree because of the fact that the life forms were mutated once and that was during the creation of the humans.  This second degree was slightly different in the formation of giant insects and mutant humans in the form of crossbreeds which consisted of humans and reptiles combined to form anything less than dragons. 

MC 2014.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Reasons why King Tutankhamon was not wealthy

Reasons why King Tutankhamon was not wealthy:

1.  He had black painted statues guarding his burial chamber; black paint is in imitation of the luxury wood "Ebony" which was imported from Nubia to the south.
2.  He had gold-plated or clad statues instead of solid gold statues; his first coffin was solid gold, but had glass paste for decoration rather than semi-precious stone inlays.
3.  He was equipped with hand-downs (relics) from his relatives, rather than new items.
4.  His tomb was too small for all his possessions that were crammed into a tight space.
5.  His artwork, though well made, was older than his tomb and mostly came from his childhood.
6.  The economy of  his times was cash-poor due to political and religious factors.
7.  His throne was not in the tomb, and in its place was his childhood throne from Tell Al Amarna (Akhetaton).  

MC 2014.