Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Collecting what evidence?



If someone is "collecting evidence" for the sole purpose of exploitation of my Supernatural Abilities, for money, then why not stop spying on me and ask the CIA directly?  Or if you are collecting evidence about fictional characters in my books, stop because you are not going to find anything.  Self-Insertion is a common Author technique to introduce the Author as a character in the story.  This does not make the Author a character in reality.  Cartoonist Stan Lee inserted himself in the Spider-man films as Self-Insertion.  Don't call my phone asking for a character to talk to you if you believe that.  Mahalo.

MC 2022.


Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Bibliographies in Novels?


When I wrote my first novel in 1988 (Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990 MJC) adding a Bibliography after the story was very uncommon.   Does Star Wars mention Ancient Egypt in the credits? Or Walt Disney? The idea for this is to make it appear scholarly, as one would for a college paper; it makes it appear the author is intelligent or doesn't want people to believe s/he plagiarized another source.  Research for Novels forms the background data.  The story goes on from there.  Star Trek, for example, Never Supplies a Bibliography of books in the Credits of any Star Trek based film.  People asked this about Eye of the Pharaoh in the US Media in the 1990s, before I had any means to communicate with them (no Internet).  People believed I stole information to write my science fiction novel.  I read 12 books before writing it, and none of which contained anything more than placing the scene.  The other knowledge came from me.  Real Past Lives for example or Otherworldly Knowledge does not have a human source.  The CIA classified the book and author top secret since my book was published (stolen) in 1991-1992.  This is not the fault of the author (victim).  She (the publisher, KW) could have asked for sources if she wanted to publish the book legally, but no.  She photocopied it without telling me in 1991 when she asked to "see it."  She returned the book claiming "her car was stolen but the book was still inside it."  Published it by 1992 off my College campus (I attended college from 1990-1999, part time, for 2 degrees at 2 colleges - Chabot College and CSUH/CSUEB - the name changed after I left it).  The university is where she was a student working on her Masters in Psychology using my book as reference.  Other people stole ideas from my novel, not just in Hollywood -- The Matrix and The Mummy series.  Walt Disney used Ancient Egypt for his cartoon films (Cinderella from Osiris, and wishing upon a star - from Dua).

 MC 2022.


Monday, August 29, 2022

Moses of the Book of Exodus...



The Prophet Moses was an Egyptian Kheri-Heb Priest.  His Elemental Magic was Egyptian in origin, as replicated today. 

MC 2022.

Are there any requests?




Are there any Requests?

©M7C 2022

My Chronokinesis is peaking. First I told Pres. Biden about “Inflation is coming” in an email; then Inflation hit the USA (and the World).  I wrote “Rain is coming” and then Rain (Monsoon rain) hit Europe, Pakistan, and the USA.  So are there any Requests, perhaps? 


Prosperity is Coming. 

Peace is Coming.

Stability is Coming.

The Target Audience reads this in their personal location and the effect is in their Area of Effect (region).  No one in my location reads this, or not enough people to cause the desired actions.  This is not the same idea as Prayer.  I am not praying to anyone.  I am simply willing by written form.  I can interrupt an existing action so stopping it is not as feasible. 

© M7C 2022



KV62 as original tomb of Nefertiti?




KV62 as Nefertiti Tomb 001

Copyright © 2022 MJC

IF Dr. Zahi Hawass is correct about the DNA findings of the royal Mummies of the 18th Dynasty, which is not always the case, then we can deduce the following:

Akhenaton is the Father of Tutankhamon, and the full brother of the Mother of Tutankhamon (whom is a daughter of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra and Queen Tiye);

Nefertiti is the Mother of Tutankhamon, and daughter of Amonhotep 3, and mother of the female Mummy who is a full sister of Tutankhamon and mother of the 2 Fetuses found in KV62;

Nefertiti was the First Smenkhkara who was co-ruler of Akhenaton (King Smenkhkara 1), and was buried in KV62 (which was violated early in the reign of Tutankhamon);

KV62 was a tomb of a Female King originally and contained some Female King trappings and furnishings;

The Burial Chamber was indeed painted for Nefertiti as King by Tutankhamon her Son, and later painted over for Tutankhamon’s burial;

There are no Hidden Chambers in KV62 because there was no need for this as KV62 was Nefertiti’s tomb as King Smenkhkara 1;

Ankhesenpaaton was King Smenkhkara 2 as Ankh-kheperura Smenkhkara, and she married Tutankhamon to be his Queen and continue her reign after Akhenaton died;

Tutankhamon as direct Son of a King did not need to be married to a Daughter of the King, as done by Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra whom married a commoner (Tiye);

Queen Meritaton was the Great Royal Wife of Akhenaton and the 2 rulers named Smenkhkara;

Tutankhamon kept KV62 for his personal use after the tomb was violated, so he wouldn’t have to build one while he was on campaign conquering the Border States;

Akhenaton was reburied with his mother Queen Tiye.

© MJC 2022.


Now should the DNA Findings not match the Historical record of Egypt, we have the following:

If Akhenaton is the Father, then Nefertiti cannot be the Mother of Tut since Nefertiti is not listed as a daughter of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra in the Historical Records.

If Nefertiti is the Mother, then Akhenaton cannot be the Father of Tut, so he must be an uncle of Tut (Paternal relative), or if Nefertiti is an aunt of Tut rather than his mother.  In which case, Tut is the last son of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra and his real mother is Sitamon, the Daughter/Sister of Nebmaatra via incest, as both parents of Tut are siblings according to the DNA analysis (A3's mummy would need to be in KV55 for this).  Sitamon was married by Amonhotep 3 as a consort-wife to keep him in power according to Ancient Egyptian Laws (as an infant). Her age was younger than Akhenaton. Nefertiti would adopt Tut after Sitamon died. 

Sitamon would then be the First Smenkhkara #1, co-ruler of Akhenaton. Nefertiti pops up later to say she’s still alive, but not as a ruler.

Baketaton would be the female mummy, sister of Tutankhamon and mother of the 2 Fetuses; as daughter of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra. Ankhesenamon is buried in another tomb yet to be found. Baketaton was part of the royal harem as was Nefertiti.

Nefertiti’s name meant “The Beautiful Woman has arrived,” a Harem moniker. 

Tutankhamon himself wrote that “Amonhotep Nebmaatra was his father.”

The clothing mannequin in KV62 has a Golden Nefertiti Crown on it.

Does this sound confusing? If it does, then Welcome to Ancient Egypt!

© MJC 2022



The reliability of online reviews?



On most Authors' or other Online Product reviews, there are Bots or people who give low ratings on popular products/books/music, etc.  Some are accurate but rarely.  I look at them to determine if a product works or not.  Five Star ratings do not always give accurate feedback for a product like a radio or computer part.  Self-Published Authors have one-star ratings seldomly (unless it is a person the Author knows) but most well-known Authors have at least 5 of them, composed by the competition.  Other Authors have teams of book buyers to attack Authors who are more popular at the time.  Amazon has rules about this, and won't remove them usually.  

MC 2022.

I advise if people want to counter the fake online reviews on my Books list, just buy the book & hit 5 Stars on it and watch how long it would take to balance them with the Bots.  Then you can donate the book to a Charity or Library Book Sale that supports Library programs in your town or city.   

MC 2022.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Cursing more than just Internet Trolls:


 Attacks in Syria (2022):

Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic Spells: Revised Edition:

    Ignore any "one star reviews by Internet Trolls" (Enemies of the Author whom Ammot will Devour). I see them with all the popular Authors on the Websites.  Trolls are delinquents who cannot read and want to sabotage success out of envy.  They also lack the ability to read English so cannot post an honest review (see "Rich Troll, Poor Troll" post).  I have Spells to curse them as on the Copyright Page.  May Sakhmet curse the Internet Trolls and Enemies of the Author with Pestilence, Misfortune, and Discontentment; May a thousand insects infest their homes.     


MC 2022.

Rain in CA...



What I worry about is that my Egyptian Magic system works, of course, but the Egyptian Gods do not like Americans; in CA there is a prolonged Drought.  When the ground becomes solid from lack of rain, any incoming rain will not be absorbed quickly enough, causing Floods.  This happened in San Jose, CA one year.  I used a rain/storm spell for that.  The rain comes in quickly causing Flash Floods.  The Egyptian Gods do not like the American Govt. not paying me for my first novel that was stolen and published without my knowledge/ permission and the Govt. confiscated the proceeds from the thief, but declined to pay me; this has been going on for 30+ years now.  The Drought was caused by a Drought Spell.  The storms were caused by Storm Spells.  Climate Change is the vessel for Custom Weather.  

MC 2022.

Caligula Caesar...



Happy Birthday to Caligula Caesar on August 31, 2022! (Roman Emperor). 

 MC 2022. Dua Caligula Caesar Ankh di htpw nfrw pr-aa HH. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Ignoring the obvious...




In Ancient Egypt, the King occasionally used Prisoners of War to help build Temples or Cities (“slaves”, “forced labor”), as done in Pir-Ramses City and Akhet-Aton (Tell al Amarna).  Farmers when not farming became conscript laborers during Flood Season, to prevent crimes from idleness. The level of organization for the building of Monuments is no different than the USA advertising a classified top secret Country in the 1990s-2000s.  Motivation was the same (“building for Gods”, as Pharaohs were seen as Gods incarnate).  “Aliens” or “Gods incarnate” ordered the people to build their projects.  Human people are good for various projects separately from Military roles when properly educated.  When Humans contend that “Aliens did not build the Monuments,” did anyone ask the “Aliens” first? No, because Humans do not believe in Aliens, and stopped believing in Gods once Monotheism was invented.  The “Burning Bush” (“God”) is actually a fiery-green fireball of intellect that spoke, the first recorded “Alien” on Earth after Ancient Egypt (or Asmarian).  If one takes this religiously one ignores the obvious. 

© MC 2022.



Tuesday, August 23, 2022

R2 at the De young Museum in SF until 2023...



Ramses 2 the Great Exhibit runs now through February 2023 at the De Young Museum in San Francisco, CA.  While there are some statues of Ramses, and those whom he acquired and stamped his name onto, the majority of the show is a collection of Other People's Stuff from different Dynasties (the Gold of the Pharaohs). Ramses was a "Master of Self-Promotion," which doesn't seem to change with the Age. 

MC 2022.

(Mike Costa, Author/R2):
(Dr. Zahi Hawass, Egyptologist, Author/Khufu):

(Ramses 2 with name: Powerful is the Truth of Ra, Chosen One of Ra).

MC 2022.


TGC - Semi-Finalist in Contest for 2022.

One of my games is a Semi-Finalist on The Game Crafter in August 2022. The Contest is a Choose-your-own-quest type game involving a game book and playing pieces.  It is Fantasy type. 

 Dragonsgate: Wizards of the Red Dragons, by Michael J. Costa.

 MC 2022.

 A "Choose your Own Path" Game:

The Game of Dragonsgate includes Dice, the Game Book, Tool Cards, and Reward Tokens.  Roll the Dice to determine who plays first (highest number wins). Each Character has a corresponding number (1 to 6), as shown on the Dice.  After the Player rolls the Dice, read the Character’s Mission in the Book.  If the Player is Successful, the Player receives a Reward Token, and then it is the next Player’s turn. The Game Stops once a Player has played one of each type of Character and successfully completed the Quest lines.  

Characters & Dice Numbers:
Wizard (1), Rogue (2), Thief (3), Knight (4), Scribe (5), & Monk (6).

Tool Cards come in 10 Varieties: Weapons, Armor, Potions, Food, Antidote, Repair, Bandages, Incense, Lock picks, & Magic Spells.  Each Card may increase the cast number on the Dice, such as +1, +3, or +5 per Quest.  The Tool Cards are selected at random by taking the first card on top of the Deck; each Tool Card costs 1 Token.  

Average Time of Play is about 45 Minutes to an Hour, depending on reading and action speed per Player.  If a Player has completed Mission #1, then the Player can begin Mission #2 on the next turn, and so on.  Tool Cards can also be used for selection of Characters with Dice.  

MC 2022.

At the end of the voting period the top 20 games will become semi-finalists and move on to the next phase. If there is a tie for the 20th spot, then the game that was submitted to the contest first, will win the tie.

NOTE: This phase will be skipped if there are 20 or fewer entries.

 The semi-finalists are awarded a Contest Semi-Finalist  accolade. And they can use this larger version on their promotional materials and packaging.

Selecting Finalists

Once we have 20 semi-finalists the judge or judges for the contest will visit the shop page of each semi-finalist game. There the judge will rate the artwork, the action shots, the description of the game, and how closely the game represents the spirit, intent, and rules of the contest. This is meant to simulate how likely a buyer would be to add this game to their cart. They'll also download the rules and read them for clarity, beauty, style, and fun. Like the semi-finals, this round will be judged on the shop page and downloadable rule book for a game.

Determining A Winner

After the judge or judges have selected a list of finalists, the games are produced and shipped to the judges.  The judges will now take a few weeks to play and evaluate each of the games, usually playing each game several times. The judges have traditionally either created a more detailed scoring spreadsheet for this stage, or written evaluations of each finalist, or both.

Once the judge or judges have determined a winner, they report their findings to The Game Crafter, and then TGC announces the winner on and awards the contest prizes, including a Contest Winner accolade. And they can use this larger version on their promotional materials and packaging.

MC 2022.

Monday, August 22, 2022

The "Crypt of Khufu" from The Flawed Emerald (Chapter 3)..



"A False Coffin was placed inside the King's Chamber, to delude thieves, while the actual tomb was placed secretly inside a crypt, hidden within solid stone, only accessible by [Asmarian Crystals]."  

From Page 14, 3rd Paragraph, The Flawed Emerald, Copyright 1995 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.  

This book was given to Dr. Zahi Hawass, the famed Egyptologist  by the Author after 2011.  

Now there was discovered a "void" in the Pyramid with 3 small "doors" leading to it.  We will see if this is true or fiction in the coming months...

MC 2022.