Monday, January 27, 2020

A Time-Travel novel.

Time-Traveling Adrian Laos and the Frozen Pharaoh, by Horus Michael: The year is 3149 AD. Time-traveling Archaeologist Adrian Laos and his team have discovered the ancient Pharaoh Amyrteos in his secret tomb, frozen in a cryogenic sarcophagus. His arch-nemesis is a Vampire Emperor from Persia, who once awoken has an old score to settle with Amyrteos. This war continues throughout Time as the team pursues the Vampire, Vladimir Magnus, and is later pursued themselves in this Science-Fiction adventure. Copyright 1998, 2002, 2019 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

'King me.'

If you play the board game "Checkers" when your playing chip reaches the Other Side, they crown you a King.  So... Osiris is King on the Other Side.   

Doesn't this become something to look forward to in place of lamentation?

RIP - Kobe, Pete Stark, and others now crowned in the glory of Eternal Life on the Other Side.  Although if you play the Egyptian Board Game, SENET, if your piece goes off the board you are in the Afterlife.  I was actually crowned myself when I prematurely reached the Other Side at age 3.  Dua NTRW EM DUAT NB-PT-HH. 

M7C 2020.

USA and the Age of Antiqrist

USA and the Age of Antiqrist

The USA exports several sinful corrupt ideologies which are frowned upon by the rest of the World who are being forced into acceptance.  Greed in Corporation-based Capitalism, Lust for Wealth, Gluttony or over-consumption and wastefulness, Sloth or Passiveness, Wrath or Hate-crimes, Envy of neighbors over suspected wealth of an individual, Pride or self-centered behavior.  

If USA wasn't doing this then there would be no Islamic or religion based terrorism armies out there, and no hate-based groups seeking to overthrow corrupt governments.  

POTUS45 is Antiqrist -- the False Messiah who thinks he is the Chosen One, the Great Deceiver, the World Ruler, the self-centered CEO of his own business using Tax Dollars for personal gain, the Evil One who steals benefits from the Poor and gives it to the Wealthy, the Evil Tyrant who makes deals with enemies, alienates allies, and pollutes the Earth for profit. Etc.  

The World leaves this up to One Person to stop this activity.  

Use my Effective Egyptian Magic, the Words of Power (names of the Egyptian Gods used in spells) to correct society's wrongs.  

M7C 2020.

Human thinking via associations...

Human people think by associations of words and ideas.

If by reading a book causes society to replicate parts of the story to influence their existence, this is caused by the reader, not the author.

For example, many people read my novel, Eye of the Pharaoh (The Flawed Emerald) illegally since it was unlawfully published in the 1990s.  There was no war on terrorism in 1990s.  Yet after 2001 there was, and people pointed to my book as its source.  There was no Terrorist State until 2014.  Iran was not developing Nuclear Weapons in 1990s.  The CIA read my book.  They poisoned their minds with my Fiction.  They persecuted Iran because they believed that Iran has connections with the author, or that the author has connections to the Caliphate or Al Qaeda.  They never paid the author.  The book is selling on the International Black Market (Dark Web).  The author demands restitution and compensation.  The book's "publisher" in 1990s was a criminal, and those selling it illegally are also.  When people hear the book's title they immediately call the author a "terrorist" - when the author was in Las Vegas at the Luxor Hotel in 1990s and wore his "M7" hat, a woman saw it and told a shopkeeper about that "terrorist."  The author is not a "terrorist."  But you get the idea.

The book 1984 did not predict the Presidency of Donald Trump.  Trump could have read it.  Authors who write very influential stories seem like Prophets when their stories influence Society.  

Star Trek gave you the Tablet PC and modern Cell Phone (communicator). There was a Bluetooth phone device in Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. Other Science Fiction stories influenced modern technology. 2001 A Space Odyssey influenced modern AI in computers. 

MC 2020.

The original concept of Messiah was from Egypt...

When Prince Ah-Moses liberated Egypt from the Hyksos and became King of the Two Lands of Egypt, his name was remembered as Prince (Ah) Moses, and if written from right to left it reads Moses-Ah or Messiah, the Hebrew (Hyksos) word for Liberator.  

The Hyksos or Shepherd-Kings invaded and took hold of Lower Egypt to the North for several generations.  They originated from Canaan, where they later returned (Israel).  The Christ is a different word meaning Anointed, in Egypt it is spelled as QRST/KRST for the word for Burial.  The original QRST is Osiris, whom was ritually buried in a tomb.  

The original Trinity of "Father, Son, Holy Spirit" is Osiris (Father), Horus (Son), and the Ka of Osiris reborn as Horus (Holy Spirit). For Osiris - the King of Kings of Egypt - was killed, resurrected (2x), and became King of Heaven, and was reborn as Horus the Messianic-King.  For you cannot see the Kingdom unless you are reborn. 

Where did Israel come from?  This would be a later form of the Hyksos, once they became literate.  The Hyksos could not read the Egyptian language while in Egypt. So they had their revenge by writing the Bible and misrepresenting Egyptian History/Religion.  

M7C 2020.

Thursday, January 23, 2020


Erotomaniac – Female Stalker of M7C
Copyright © 2020 M7C

This type of stalkeris relatively rare, often mentally ill and believes the victim is in love with them.

A challenge of managing these cases is the lack of motivation for treatment. They do not see themselves as ill but blessed by a romantic personality, although they convince themselves it is blighted by the slow response of their target, or interference by others.

Restraining orders are counterproductive for many stalking victims and should not raise expectations of protection, or a resolution of stalking. Mandatory psychiatric assessment by specialists trained in stalking is required.

There is a Female Stalker of M7C since around 2003 CE. She is a close relative of a restaurant owner, and uses his name on social media.  She routinely opens and targets mail boxes, telephones, emails, and other forms of communication.  Her first name may be an alias but a given name: Christina.  She is of Hispanic related origin, as indicated by her restaurant where she works (as found on the Internet).  She previously left female clothing catalogs including Playboy Magazines sent to M7C in the mail; she opened a side gate (prior to it being locked) and trespassed in the back yard where she once untied a clothesline and stole a personalized shirt from (designed by M7C).  She calls the telephone and does adolescent actions like hanging up on answering, breathing into the receiver, or saying something unintelligible.  She believes she was a “Harem Girl from Tutankhamon’s Egypt” after she read Eye of the Pharaoh, following marketing that book in the region by the author – she started stalking him afterwards.  Her family also openly gossips about M7C.  She is greatly delusional and won’t take medications to stop this activity.  M7C has never physically communicated with her.  This has been going on for about 17+ years now.  The Police won’t take any actions.  She also parked her car in front of M7C's house; the same car was found in her driveway.  She also vandalized the mail box with "M & C" in purple ink.  etc.  etc. 

I am asking the Public for help in this matter.  If you see anything suspicious call the FBI or CIA or Local Police Department.  Thank you. 

M7C 2020.  

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Traditional Publishing vs. Self publishing - Anti-trust?

Most published authors who are Traditionally Published have to fight to keep their books relevant - the company prints up a set amount of books, sends to Book stores, and has to sell them every month or they are returned (and destroyed).  They 'fight' by marketing the books (advertising) as by holding book signings, lectures (if Academic), parties, tours, paid advertising on blogs or social media, etc.  Only the Best Selling Authors (who sell thousands or more of copies per month) are honored; some even have movies or computer games based on their work.  

Self Published Authors (Amazon Kindle) have their books exist 'forever' via the company so don't need to worry about it disappearing unless the company disappears or stops selling  a product (Cafepress or Fatbrain come to mind).  Most have to market the book themselves.  An Agent may do some of this, but not all have Agents.  

Now as some of you may know my first novel was published by a traditional publisher in 1990s without my knowledge.  I had allowed someone to borrow it for a few weeks.  The book was photocopied.  Then a few years later, I started hearing people converse about the book.  When I was in my University, someone told me my book was published.  So naturally I was upset.  I tried to get the Campus Police on it, but could not.  The USA Govt. read the book purportedly selling as a True Story despite my Classification as Science Fiction; they were investigating my book looking for 'connections to Middle East Terrorists or Iran's Nuclear Weapons' (from Chapter 20-21).  They bugged  my telephone and mail.  They put me on a 'terrorism watch list.'  They asked Al Qaeda if "any American knew of their plans for Global Jihad'  --- in Chapter 20 my Fictional Character conquers the Middle East and establishes the Kingdom of God in it (a Biblical reference to what the returning Messiah does, but in Egyptian).   The book was a best seller before and after I complained; first on the normal market, and later after someone said I died it sold on the Black Market from 1998 to the Present Time.   I copyrighted the book.  Criminals do not care about that saying it was "in the public domain" and no one ever paid me for it.  The CIA said it made "From $900 Billion to $87 Trillion USD" since 1998.  The CIA also said Iraq had weapons of mass destruction and that Iran was planning to attack American Embassies in 2020.  CIA lies.  So I have neighbors (Chapter 18) who 'investigated me' looking for information that the CIA said, paying increments of "$30,000 to $40,000 USD" for information (bribes).  IF this is not enough to stay away from Traditional Publication due to Mistrust, then who can you trust?  

My first novel was called Eye of the Pharaoh c.1990.  
It appears in 8 parts in the film, The Mummy Returns, and in parts of other films or television shows and some computer games. Hollywood steals.  CIA lies.  Some Egyptologists also steal and lie (ZH).

So, if you want to be published you can either find a book agent that doesn't reject your work, or if impatient try self-publishing until you are discovered.  You won't make as much money but you will at least be able to show your work or build an audience.  

Mike Costa, 2020.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mental Illness and Religion

Mental Illness and Religion
Copyright © 2020 M7C

Long ago, people who became Prophets (those who foresaw the future, or encountered the Supernatural) were associated with the modern conception of “Mental Illness.”  If you summon a Spirit (Psychology negates the existence of your own Spirit in our “advanced Age of Civilization”) and you start “hearing voices” (of the Spirit), then you complain to your Doctor about this, (s)he will tell you that you are “Mentally Ill” and put you on Medication that doesn’t work in regards to the “symptoms.”  Apparently Stupidity has no cure.  

The Prophet Moses when he became a Prophet had the appearance of one with “Mental Illness” and he “had powers” used in the Exodus from Egypt. 
The Prophet Jesus of Nazareth “heard the voice of Satan in the wilderness,” and “had Divine Powers of healing.” His family had “hallucinations” (Visions). 

The Prophet Mohammad of Islam said he “was going insane” after having Visions (of Archangel Gabriel), and his family believed this.  So he left his family and found people who “shared his beliefs” to found his new religion.

The Biblical Antichrist (Fictional) hears the voice of Satan and does his bidding.  

The Egyptian God Horus-Set (the two faced God) seems to have “dual personality.”

Bisexuality (etc.) was originally a Mental Illness.  It isn’t now.
Witchcraft was a Mental Illness.

Computer Game Addiction is a Mental Illness.

Who makes these Illnesses?  Psychology and Psychiatry do.  

Exposure to the Supernatural is evidence of the Supernatural.  But Science is ignorant of this fact.  They believe too much in unproven theories.  So what happens when you are told something “doesn’t exist or is not possible under the accepted beliefs of Society”? You go insane and cry to yourself all night that it “isn’t possible.”  

The CIA classified the Supernatural top secret because it doesn’t want to alienate the beliefs of Science, as this would lose Government funding.  It’s all about money.  Psychology/Mental Health has a very high Federal Budget in USA.  

People make money off Misdiagnosed Mental Illnesses or fabricated ones. 

Mental Illness is a hot topic because it generates revenue to the State.  Doctors say “mass shooting suspects” are Mentally Ill (not because they are) for revenue to the State.  Hospitals receive much funding for “Mental Illness” health therapy; Pharmaceuticals over-price Medicine and gouge the State in Medicare and other methods.  Most so-called Medicine is Tranquilizers or reverse-emotions (i.e. Medical Torture).  The Medicines do not cure the symptoms because they cannot.  If the Symptoms are exposure to the Supernatural, no medicine can cure that.  How many people hear the Voice of Mike?  

For credibility in founding a religion you must be Mentally Ill or at least accused of having one.  Magic is an aspect of religion – it uses elements like Gods, Spirits, Powers, controlling Natural Forces, etc.  It violates the Laws of Physics every day.  

Psychology, Darwinism, Atheism, etc. are Human inventions.  

Go to another World and ask them what they believe?

Or believe you are “alone in the Universe and exist only by accident.”

Whatever you are comfortable in acceptance.  

Scientology has issues with Psychiatry also, but this doesn’t imply their founder was Mentally Ill – he wanted to purge chemical poisons from the body in his methodology.

Long ago, Magic was a money-maker.  This is now replaced with Psychology. 
People would buy amulets, spells, books, statues, incense, and build Temples. 
Magic is a form of Science as is Psychology.  You need a doctorate to be a Psychiatrist.  The names change but the idea remains – you have a structure of organized beliefs, you believe in the efficacy of Magic Pills (Potions), and use Meditation as therapy.  You work in a Temple (Hospital) and are paid by the State.  

The Medicine-Man becomes the Doctor. Egyptian Mage-Priests also studied Medicine so their spells were effective in treating illness.  What did Jesus do to cure illness? He used Supernatural Powers (energy).  You use energy to resuscitate an unconscious person (with an Egyptian Heart Scarab).  

Spirits and Demons were the “causes of illness” in Ancient Times.  Bacteria under a microscope resemble Demons.  These are exorcised (removed by ritual) from the body; such rituals include drinking foul-tasting potions (Medicine).  

Spirit Possession is now called Schizophrenia; it includes Divine Possession.  Possession is where the subconscious (Soul) of a person replaces the personality of the conscious (awake) self.  This is caused by a sleep disorder and is treated with medicines to force one to sleep.  Having the subconscious alert at the same time as the conscious implies two or more personalities active simultaneously.  Some people can recall memory from long ago, this is from the Subconscious self. 
Seeing or hearing Spirits is called Hallucinations.  ESP is a hallucination to Psychiatry but exists and is real despite their interpretation.
Most homeless Mentally Ill people that have this can see or hear Spirits/Angels.  If you listen to what the people say while they are talking to the “Hallucinations” this will become evident that they perceive something invisible or inaudible to normal people.  Spirits are normally invisible to people; Psychics and the Mentally Ill, and some children can perceive Spirits.  If Scientists actually applied their methods to knowing about this they would discover more than simply rejecting information based on its age.  People with Mental Illness that I have spoken with can perceive the Supernatural or have ESP.  They are being treated for the ignorance of Society.

© M7C 2020.

Political Magic

Page 207 - Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic - An Introduction to Solar Magic (by: Horus Michael):

To counter-attack a Corrupt Ruler:

To punish a Corrupt Ruler who believes (s)he is above the Law and Omnipotent:

To stop a Corrupt Ruler from rewriting the Country’s Constitution or Laws so as to benefit from it:

To prevent Social Nepotism in Government:

To allow Ruler’s Term Limits:

To punish a Ruler who destroys all opposition to his/her rule as during (tainted) elections:

To control Weapons so they are not used inappropriately in Society:

The Impeachment Trial for POTUS45 is today.

M7C 2020.