Sunday, January 27, 2019

new book for 2019...

Pharaohcraft: Magic from Ancient Egypt
Orthodox Heka em Kemeta
Copyright (c) 2019 Horus Michael, All Rights Reserved.

The Power of Belief unlocks abilities known in Egyptian Magic.  You need to be able to focus and concentrate Mental or Spiritual (Ka) Energy via believing in the venerated archetype or object of worship, whether this is real or imagined, physical or immaterial.  These innate abilities can change your environment in terms of Weather or Climate, attract people or objects via developed Telepathy, heal the sick or cause sickness (depending on Mood or Emotion, a form of energy), communicate with Spirits of the Dead or Akhu (Angels), Telepathically link with Time (Clairvoyance), Destroy Enemies (of Pharaoh) via ritual or spell, create Earthquakes or Storms, stop rain from falling within 5 minutes, restore life to the intact recent dead via Telepathy and Energy, communicate with animals (Telepathy) or render yourself Invisible (Telepathic Mind Tricks).  

Paperback: 330 pages
Publisher: Independently published (January 25, 2019)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1795226951
ISBN-13: 978-1795226950

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Virtual Tourism?

Would it be better to visit an Ancient Archaeological site in person or in a Virtual Reality Computer game?  No vandalism by Tourists, no worry about committing crimes in foreign countries, no pollution, no money problems, no stolen artifacts, etc.  

Egyptians and other Nations should support the Computer Game Industry and help their own Economies by investing in Virtual Tourism.  

M7 2019.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Global Numerical Currency = PERO...

The Global Numerical Currency - PERO.
Copyright 2019 M7-Niihau, UEIR.

1. Replace paper money and coins in all participating Countries.  No more Euros, Pounds, Dollars, Pesos, etc.
2. Merge Credit and Debit Cards into one card.  Pay first with Debit and second with Credit as an option. 
3. GNC Cards can be decorated by the user using images or photography or other art.
4. GNC cards will be microchipped and a paper ledger of all accounts in case of electrical problems at the Bank.
5. GNC cards will be linked to a Bank and IRS/Social Security connected. Taxes will be deducted automatically per tax year or from paycheck, eliminating need to file taxes with IRS/Revenue collection agency.
6. GNC cards will also be part of Universal Identity with photograph and data of user, to prevent fraud or ID theft.  Included are Vehicle Licenses, occupation, DNA ID (Genetic code), Military ID or Medical ID, finger prints, and other data.
7. GNC cards will be readable on cellular phones and tablets/PCs (etc.), and portable readers.
8. Poor countries that otherwise could not produce physical currency can now use this system. 
9. Also no more currency fraud.  GNC cards are invulnerable to computer theft or hacks. 
10. Banks will still exist to record Numbers and accounts. 
11. People can print receipts of currency on home printers with time limits per printed material and use this during electrical storms or outages at the banks.
12. The Global Numerical Currency is the PERO (Ancient Egyptian word for Pharaoh).

(C) Copyright 2019 Pharaoh M7, Niihau-UEIR.
All rights reserved.

Monday, January 14, 2019

Phone scams

How many people are daily or weekly contacted by people impersonating Microsoft or other computer companies?  

"This is Microsoft Technical Support, about your computer...." as if our computer is sending out signals to Microsoft, even when it is turned off!  

Do Not believe these fraudulent people / Scammers! They are trying to obtain your personal or financial data if this involves paying them money to fix non-extant issues with your computer.  

Microsoft software is on most new computers sold in the USA.  

This activity is illegal and is considered harassment if allowed to persist. 

They also use non-traceable phone lines.  The Real Microsoft does not telephone people about their services.  You go to them. 

MC 2019.