Saturday, May 27, 2017

On Libyan or ISIS attacks on Christians

 (Attacks from Libya)

Excerpt from "Eye of the Pharaoh, Chapter 20 - A Pharaoh's Dream"
 (C) Copyright 1990 MJ Costa:

As my first act as president, I ordered that all the borders and boundary lines of Egypt be frozen until the dispute is stable.  This would prevent the foreign agents from entering and thus prevent anymore problems such as the one that just occurred. 
    I ordered that all military artillery and soldiers be mobilized for attack on the western border, as Libya is the prime enemy in this war.  I called the Prime Minister of Israel to accompany us, that is join forces, in this battle and all that follow as we would be working under the floor-plan established by Sadat.  After all the American made and traditional military equipment was activated, I noticed that at least one-half were still in the harbors and hangers -- waiting for use.
    I placed the ring of Emerauldia on my third finger as I thought about what I should do next.  I decided that I would resurrect all the mummified, ancient Egyptians found in museums across the world to operate the vehicles of war still remaining.  Since they were already dead, there won't be any casualties of war. . .
    In order to make my idea possible, I needed to be in an area at the center of Egypt, this place was the pyramid of Khufu.  I ordered that a couch from my wife's tomb be placed inside the crypt of Khufu on which I would sleep due to the power drain that occurs whenever I attempt to resurrect something from the past.  Ankhesenamon was nervous about my decision, though I was confident this time.

    The next day I laid down upon the ancient platform in the burial chamber of that great pharaoh, holding the ring with its magical powers.  In my hands I held my original scepters of power, the crook and flail (taken from the museum under direct order).  I concentrated on the ring as Ankhesenamon stood by me and watched curiously.  Soon, the entire chamber was engulfed by green light.  I concentrated upon my feelings of my past; I thought about all those people I knew and who served me.  I probably didn't take much interest about them back then, but now I was upset that I didn't acquire a better relation with them.  Nevertheless,  I thought about everyone who I had met during my time as pharaoh (what I called "per-aa"), and all those who lived in Kemti. 
    The energy surrounding me pulsed with activity as I was now in deep thought.  As I later discovered, all the mummies of the ancient world rose up from their glass cases and flew from their captivity as wings sprouted from their bandaged bodies.  They looked like giant butterflies, storming in clusters and entering the war machines, which later charged through enemy lines.  Their instructions came from me as I lay near the sarcophagus of a great ruler.  I controlled their thoughts easily, and I also concentrated on falcons, which flew above them so that I could oversee their progress. 
    The next day, Libya surrendered at the hands of my "spirit brigade".  I ordered my troops to collect all foreign vehicles for use on our side, against Syria.

    Over the next month, the nations of Syria, Libya, Palestine, Iran, Iraq, Turkey (where Hittites used to be),  Lebanon and Jordan succumbed to the power of the ancients under my declaration.  The nations of Israel and Sudan were united with Egypt by their own accord.  Saudi Arabia took no part in this activity, however. 
    I ordered that all conquered lands be united with Egypt to form an empire.  This empire was labeled "The United Egyptian Imperial-Republic," and the national flag was composed of many smaller sections, each of which constituted the original nation's flag.  Egypt's flag was once again green with a crescent moon and three stars, with the added insignia of ancient Egypt: the scepter of Ptah encircled by waves of fire and water.  The scepter emerged from a blue Lotus flower, and above was seven four-pointed stars. 
    The manner of government is the following: ministers are over each section or city, Prime ministers over each ten ministers.  Vice-presidents control each former country, while four "pharaohs" control four combined regions with a vice-emperor for every two pharaohs.  At the apex is the Supreme Pharaoh or emperor of the entire realm.  The emperor will be chosen by a two-thirds vote of a congress of ten representatives.  The emperor will appoint each vice-emperor.  Each pharaoh will be elected by a secret ballot by the Prime ministers who in turn are elected by the ministers.  The ministers are thus chosen directly from the people, as are the ten selected representatives.  Well, something like that.

M7C 2017.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Egyptian Magic

The KheriHeb Master Series presents...
Egyptian Magic - Be your own KheriHeb Priest,
by Pharaoh Horus Michael (M7):

Would you like to know how to make custom weather? Or communicate with Souls of the Dead? This New & Improved book on Egyptian Magic can teach you tested Egyptian Magic Spells for a variety of effects - from Protection, Basic Spells, Attraction to Weather Plagues, Healing, Political and the Afterlife.  There is even a chapter on KheriHeb Magical First Aid in case of emergency. Learn how to cast effective Magic Spells using Repetition, Natural Energy, Imagery, Meditation, and refrain from doubts or other distractions.  Use of this book may impart or strengthen Psychic Abilities you would normally develop from religious Prayer - such as Telepathy, Elemental, and  Chronokinesis or other forms of Projection.  Each Magic Spell has a caption, word-phrase or mantra in Ancient Egyptian (Magical) Language, and custom hieroglyphs (using Inscribe software).   Copyright (c) 2017 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.  

 Coming Soon.....

RIP - Roger Moore - 007-James Bond Actor

Famed 007-James Bond Actor, Sir Roger Moore, has passed away today from Cancer. He was 89.  

MC 2017.

I dedicate my Spy Novel, Phrenland, in his honor even though it was already published.  


Saturday, May 13, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

The Pyramids - Buried Ancient Skyscrapers?

What if the Ancient Egyptian Pyramids were actually structured like Egyptian obelisks rather than as one Pyramid structure? The statues on Easter Island were proven to be more than just heads, with the substructure of a body below the ground.  So if Egyptian Pyramids are just the capstone to an obelisk or ancient skyscraper, there is more than meets the Eye.  90% of Egypt is not excavated yet.  This is my theory - Copyright 2017 MJC all rights reserved. 

MC 2017.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

The Kingdom of Niihau - The Akua State

The Kingdom of Niihau - The Akua State by: Pharaoh Horus Michael (M7).
Copyright (c) 2017 Pharaoh M7, All rights reserved.

When people think of a King, all they really see is obvious wealth, rather than its function as a symbol of Righteous Government. The Ancient Egyptians were the symbolic ancestors of the Kingdom of Niihau, from the first king Osiris to his return prophecy (borrowed by Christianity). Hawaiian Petraglyphs are the hieroglyphs from this distant ancestor, both cultures had Polytheism, Mana Words & Magical Energy governing their leaders. In Hawaii this energy permeated their bones, in Egypt such existed in blood sacrifices or inherited. The Akua are the Divine Spirits who influenced the Ancient Hawaiians; in Egypt they are called Akhu. The Kingdom of Niihau is a combination of these influences.

Thursday, May 4, 2017


If there is a Nuclear World War 3 in modern times, it is after 1922 when Tutankhamon's tomb was discovered, containing part of a story called The Heavenly Cow / The Destruction of Mankind, rather than my novel, Eye of the Pharaoh which says Iran, USSR and USA have WW3.  

Since my book was released prematurely in 1990s, the USSR already fell, thus preventing the outcome.  Iran was investigated by the USA & UN for nuclear weapons.   Syria and Iraq (Caliphate) are part of Chapter 20 whereby my main character conquers the Middle East so as to establish the Biblical Osirian Kingdom of God (UEIR) and rules for several years until cryogenically frozen for 100 years then the Apocalypse happens and New Earth is formed.   

M7 2017.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Why KV62B?

Nothing new to report from Egypt's Valley of the Kings.  The scans presented no evidence of Nefertiti's or anyone else's burial within Tutankhamon's tomb - yet.  

That doesn't mean it isn't there.  Howard Carter almost gave up, but he didn't.  Persistence pays off.  

Ankhesenamon / Ankh-Kheperura may be nearby.  Read KV62B for new theories on this possibility...

MC 2017.

Why Egyptian Magic works...

Ancient Egyptian Magic works because it uses the original names of the NTRU (their deities), which are hard-coded Words of Power (action verbs).  When venerated (given energy via worship) the names become active.  Then you either write or speak their names to cause an effect.  To stop an effect is to acknowledge it or stop using the words, otherwise it continues to work via Inertia.  In the Hebrew Monotheism (Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc.) the name of their God is not known or spoken, so when saying "God bless..." nothing really happens unless you use its name ("Amen" is an Egyptian Deity name).  Repetition of a name shortens the time it takes to work.  You can also visualize the desired effect or use imagery for this.  Be Careful when using this system. In the Christian Bible, Jesus identifies with Christ and "Son of God" for his name to be able to receive veneration energy.  Otherwise using his name in prayer does nothing; this was an ancient concept.  Pharaohs are also venerated as living Gods. 

- Pharaoh Horus Michael M7, Copyright 2017.

Perhaps if I had better revenue I could construct Egyptian Temples to pacify the anger of the NTRU  and reduce the effects of "Global Warming"? One cannot blame everything on CO2 emissions while Elemental Chronokinesis exists at the same time.  Especially since "custom weather" exists via Egyptian Magic.  Every time someone reads a set of Weather Spells there are weather anomalies in the USA, blamed on CO2 emissions; Science does not know this, and the Republicans in office know about M7, so they changed opinion on Climate Change effects while classifying my information, preventing American Science from noticing... "Hail Tefnut, Shu, Amun, and Ra! May there be weather among non-believers!" Egyptian Temples were not simply "houses of worship" but a centralized government. Today Egyptian Temples can incorporate Libraries, Gardens, Astronomy centers, Museums, Shrines, Courts, and Stores.  

M7 2017.

Monday, May 1, 2017


Tutianity -  A New Religion for the Boy-King

This is like the Mortuary Cult of the Pharaoh done in Ancient Egyptian times, to preserve his memory and give his Ka something to do via the interaction with the Living (whom read it).  

It is not a full-scale religion.  

M7 2017.