Thursday, August 27, 2015

Egyptian Minister agrees with (part of ) Reeves theory about KV62 tomb

Dr. Mamdouh El Damaty, Minister of Antiquities - says he believes there is a possibility of other rooms in the tomb, and probably will allow Radar penetration there. 
(All for Tourism).  He doesn't believe it is for Queen Nefertiti - as Dr. Zahi Hawass (and others = MC) said.

MC 2015.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

A response on Reeves theory by Dr Zahi Hawass

It's not surprising that Dr Hawass disagrees here with Dr Reeve's ideas.   It was also Dr. Reeves who searched for a tomb near KV62 using satellite images in 2006:

Dr. Zahi Hawass may or may not believe in a "curse" (the so-called Curse of Tutankhamon is the Arabic Population's interpretation of the supernatural.   I believe the tomb is just haunted by an angry Ka Spirit of Tut that cannot move on, so he kills anyone near the burial chamber -- which could be a connection to the hidden chamber (as written in Chapter 15 of Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990), where his family can be found if he murdered them in a fit of rage after discovering that they wrote to the Hittites while he was still Pharaoh?).  Dr. Zahi Hawass used parts of my book for his theories, no doubt he read some of them before answering Reeve's theory.  A Theory is an "educated guess" - Archaeologists who research data in a library make theories first then go excavate to see if they are correct or not.  I doubt the tomb was for Nefertiti - my first theory was the tomb was constructed for Smenkhkara, which was violated while Tut was Pharaoh, so Tut used it for himself so he wouldn't need to build one.  Now perhaps someone else is in there, because the tomb was "too small for a Pharaoh" -- see KV5 - the tomb for Ramses the Great's children.  It was originally found to be smaller than discovered.  Tut has been libeled by Egyptology as being "insignificant" based entirely on tomb size.  What if he wasn't?  What if the tomb is like KV5?  Then someone needs to rewrite History.  Now.  

MC 2015. 

 (Nefertiti "mummy head in KV40 Tomb").

MC 2015.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

The Fake King Ay in KV62

The Fake King Ay in KV62
A New Theory by Michael J. Costa,
Based on the Research & Theories of Dr. Nicholas Reeves
Copyright © 2015 MJC, All rights reserved

          Egyptologist Nicholas Reeves has been studying the confusion that followed the removal of Akhenaton from power.  Akhenaton either died, or was deposed, with his heirs fighting to control the power vacuum in his wake.  The name “Nefer-neferu-Aton” was applied to Queen Nefertiti as Akhenaton’s wife.  It was also later applied to “Ankh-kheperura” as “Nefer-neferu-aton Ankh-kheperura.”  Reeves believes this person is another incarnation of Nefertiti, rather than someone else or a fused name of 2 people – the Gods had fused names, like Amon-Ra or Ptah-Osiris or Ra-Horus, so why not people as well?  He also said the person who “wrote 2 letters to the Hittites asking for a Hittite Prince to marry” is also Nefertiti.  So Nefertiti, Reeves theorizes, was buried in a tomb in the Valley of the Kings that later became the same place as Tutankhamon’s. 
          The tomb of Tutankhamon (KV-62) was recently photographed with precise instruments and a replica tomb was built in Egypt for tourism purposes as the original tomb is becoming dangerous and ill-fated for tourism, and its paintings are deteriorating.  The original was shown to have “invisible seams that form doorways behind the plaster.”  This was done with special equipment that removed colors so the area could be viewed differently.  Reeves believes this “hidden chamber” leads to Queen Nefertiti’s tomb or resting place, because the painting in the burial chamber was painted over its original occupants for Tutankhamon’s use.  Reeves speculates the painting of Tut was Nefertiti and the King Ay was actually Tut performing a ceremony for her, because Ay has Tut’s facial features with Ay’s names above his head.  The ceremony was the Opening of the Mouth ceremony usually performed by the last male heir of the King or person at the gravesite.  Ay was Tut’s last male heir and was always suspected of something nefarious over this depiction.  Did Ay kill Tut and have him buried here?
          If the KV55 mummy – a 20 to 40 year old male – with DNA as indicated by the exam by Egyptologists in 2009 to be related to Tutankhamon as “his father,” is Akhenaton then Nefertiti is in KV62 hidden behind one of two plastered over doors hidden by inscriptions (according to Reeves). 
          There is one problem with that.  A mummified head was found in KV40 that closely resembles Nefertiti’s portraiture.  This is found in KMT Magazine Fall 2014 issue, or on Google Images: KV40 mummy.  So who is behind Door #2?
          KV-62 may be larger than originally discovered.  Most Pharaonic tombs are of a grand scale, and Tut is libeled as being “unimportant” based on the size of his tomb.  The rest of the tomb was bricked up and painted over, just as the burial chamber was when Howard Carter found it in 1922.  The burial chamber had this small opening on the bottom, probably used by artists after they painted it as an exit, rather than as a “robber’s hole.”  Two life-size, gilded wood Ka Statues painted black in imitation of the luxury wood Ebony stood guard there.  Reeves states this burial chamber and the Antechamber was once “one complete hall” leading to another chamber.  This would conform to “Queenly tomb design.”  If robbers knew about this “fake wall” they would have plundered it entirely. 
          If Tut was reburied in KV62 it was long after he was forgotten.  The arrangement of the items as found was “haphazard” or crammed together into the small space of this lesser building.  The tomb was “robbed twice” because there were 3 plaster seals on the entrance – the original and 2 other seals for having sealed it three times total.  If Queen Ankhsenamon died after Tut died, she would want to be with her husband, so had herself buried there and her section sealed off. Tut’s item were then re-arranged after her items and mummy were buried in KV62.  The tomb was robbed once after this, then covered by debris during the next Dynasty and forgotten.  (This is My Theory).
          The Reeves Theory states that “the King Ay portraiture has Tut’s face because it is actually Tut performing the ceremony for Nefertiti.”  I don’t see a Nefertiti in Tut’s Ka, Osiris, or Tutankhamon in the scene.  If it was painted over, we would see paint underneath.  If it was chiseled out there would be chisel marks.  There are no marks.  What if Ay was killed by Tut and buried in the chamber; then sealed off (rather than the other theory that Ay killed Tut)? Why would Tut kill Ay?
          If Ankhesenamon wrote letters to the Hittites, who did she convey the message to? If Ay discovered this, he informed General Horemhab.  Horemhab is absent when “Tut died,” so Ay became Pharaoh though Horemhab was his original heir and “Crown Prince.”  Ankhesenamon wrote the letters believing Tut was dead, perhaps, or because she wanted to duplicate her mother by marrying a Hittite Prince? Peace treaties often allowed marriage to royals; if Akhenaton ignored the pleas of the Mitanni Empire being absorbed by the Hittites, did Nefertiti secretly make a backroom deal by marrying or mating a Hittite Prince? No Hittites would attack Egypt as long as a royal with Hittite blood was on the throne of Egypt. This Hittite Prince was the father of Smenkhkara, then.  Smenkhkara would not be in line for the throne so he was married to Akhenaton’s daughter, Meritaton.  This puts Smenkhkara and Meritaton as ½ siblings. 
          Horemhab didn’t like the Hittites yet he has the title of “Crown Prince” (Iry-pat).  Both Smenkhkara and Horemhab had names with “Djeser-kheperu” in it, Horemhab adds a “Ra” to make “Djoser-kheperu-Ra.”  The heirs of Akhenaton were:
Nefer-Neferu-Aton (Nefertiti) + Ankh-kheperu-ra (Ankhesenamon),
Ankh-kheperura + Smenkhkara
Smenkhkara + Djoser-kheperu (Horemhab?) with Queen Meritaton
          If Ankh-kheperu-Ra was Ankhesenpaaton co-ruling with her mother Nefertiti, she later ruled with Smenkhkara.  Ankhesenamon and Meritaton both had “daughters” named after them from Akhenaton’s incest-royal bloodline.  These are “shared names.” 
          If Tut was alive when his Queen did this, did Horemhab bring him along to find the Hittite Prince?  Meanwhile at home, Vizier Ay and Vizier Nakhtmin (Ay’s son?) declare Tut to be “dead” so Ay is crowned Pharaoh.  Ay marries Ankhesenamon to keep her in power and out of trouble.  Tut returns and is upset by this betrayal (similar to the Tut miniseries on Spike TV in 2015), so he kills the usurper Ay and his son Nakhtmin, places their mummies in KV62 and seals it off.  Tut has himself portrayed as Ay, whom he impersonates for 4 more years, on the burial chamber.  This is possible if Tut’s mummy is older than the given “19 years of age” OR if the mummy of Tut is someone else, like Nakhtmin, buried in his place?  The original Tut is buried in KV23 (Ay’s tomb) and later buried in KV62 once the tomb is sealed there, in the unopened section.  Another idea is that Tut is 19 and his age differs from when he started as Pharaoh, possibly at age 5 or 6.  So he rules once as Nebkheperura for 9 or 10 years, then as Ay Kheper-Kheperura for 4 more years.  He performs the Opening of the Mouth ceremony for Tut as Ay-Tut, essentially for himself.  A leopard skin with metal claws was found in KV62, indicating Kheri-Heb equipment for this ritual.  While he impersonates Ay he strengthens the worship of Tut as a Deity in Nubia. 
          The faces of Ay in KV-23 and KV-62 do not match.  They are different people or a different artist painting either mural.  Ay in KV-23 looks like it was painted over someone else. 
          KV-23 and KV-62 are similar in design; both have one painted burial chamber.  KV-23 has a “Marsh scene” and KV-62 has the fake Ay performing the ceremony for Tut.  KV-23 is similar to 19th Dynasty tombs, in a straight line like King Sety’s tomb.  KV-62 has the usual 18th Dynasty spiral shape. 
          The chart about the tomb extension suggests Ankhesenamon is buried in KV62 after Tut died and his stuff was moved out and placed in the smaller section.  Ay could be there, along with Nakhtmin, and whomever else a psychopathic Tut killed and covered up.  Horemhab was said once to have been “Tut’s Guidance Counselor” when Tut became angry (or had psychotic episodes of rage); this was mentioned in a video of Egyptology on television. 
          If Smenkhkara is ½ Egyptian via Nefertiti and ½ Hittite via a Prince traded for a peace treaty, then Tut is not pure blooded Egyptian so he is wed to his “sister” Ankhesenamon.  Mostly a peace treaty is between a son of Egypt and a foreign daughter.  Akhenaton had only daughters.  He was angry with Nefertiti for not giving him a son as heir, so he applies affection onto Smenkhkara as revenge, or mates his mother Tiye (for daughter Baketaton), Meritaton (for Meritaton Tasheri “junior”), Ankhesenpaaton (for Ankhesenpaaton Tasheri “junior”), etc.  Then he “adopts Tut as his bodily heir.”  Akhenaton needed an heir to continue his monopoly experiment.  

          Copyright © 2015 MJC-M7, All rights reserved.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Do doors lead out from KV62? (King Tut's tomb)...

What if the rumors about hidden doors in KV62 are real?
The burial chamber was originally sealed with plaster and painted over, and the bottom of it was partly open to allow painters to exit, not robbers breaking in because robbers didn't know that was an escape route.  If robbers knew about the doors being only plaster the other proposed doors would also be open.  The tomb was found in a disarray or confusion, items were not neatly stacked on top of couches and furniture.  IF the tomb was sealed these items would be in better condition.  The tomb was probably opened first by thieves, then someone decided to add his family and cover the entrance with rubble and seal it.  The burial chamber was then taken apart and reassembled after someone sealed up the room and repainted the mural or painted it, as indicated by the arrangement of the golden shrines around the stone sarcophagus.  Tutankhamon's tomb was probably larger than discovered.  The missing rooms had his items neatly arranged.  If his Queen wanted to be buried near her husband rather than in her own tomb, all was needed was to open KV62 and clear the way to her sections and then push his stuff out into the rooms discovered in 1920s.  King Ay was on the mural in the burial chamber for 2 reasons: one, he was the last male heir of the King (Opening of the Mouth ceremony requires this), and two, he reopened the tomb to put Ankhesenamon in it after she died (she was married to Ay after Tut died).  Items from Tut's tomb were saved by her and placed in the closed off sections.  Below is my theory about this expansion... MC. 

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

was King Tut's tomb originally larger?

The theory posted by Egyptologist Dr Nicholas Reeves -- and findings of cracks in the plaster of the burial chamber in KV62 -- may indicate the tomb was originally much larger than discovered.  His tomb was opened at least twice, once by robbers.  His items were seen as being crammed into the discovered rooms, as seen by Howard Carter's archaeologists.  What if the tomb was originally larger and someone else -- his Queen perhaps -- was buried there and his stuff was moved out?  The entrance was plastered over and had inscriptions on it; the original rooms undiscovered would have  more murals and inscriptions -- probably related to Tutankhamon.  

In my novel - Eye of the Pharaoh (The Flawed Emerald c.1995) I said there was a "secret chamber that was sealed with blocks of stone and plastered over with inscriptions."  This chamber had an "emerald with a golden lotus ring" and "Tut's diary" or papyrus; another tomb nearby was Queen Ankhesenamon's tomb.  So if the theory holds, these will be discovered soon. 

MC 2015.

Is it Nefertiti or Ankhesenamon in KV62?

MC 2015.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Queen Ankhesenamon's KV62?

 Does KV62 (TUT Tomb) lead to Queen Ankh tomb?
The theory posted by Egyptologist Dr. Nicholas Reeves that a tomb or room is hidden inside KV62 (Tut-ankh-amon's), is not new.  In my book - The Flawed Emerald c.1990-1995 - I have a hidden room sealed with a stone wall and plaster that hides a few items and another chamber nearby that is the ground entrance to Ankh's tomb.  Reeves' theory is that both lead from Tut's tomb in hidden plastered-over chambers, the Burial Chamber and the Annex.  Sonar readings would correct this.
Tutankhamon's tomb was opened twice, so is it possible it was reopened for placing Ankhesenamon into it? This would explain why items were rearranged in the tomb.  The robbery would have occurred after Ankh was placed into it, and her husband's wall paintings were painted afterwards, so explains why they look "cheap or hurried." Wall paintings occur only in the burial chamber, over a purported door/wall according to Nicholas Reeves' theory. The Supernatural element perhaps protects the contents, or emanates from it.      

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Does KV62 (TUT Tomb) lead to Queen Ankh tomb?

The theory posted by Egyptologist Dr. Nicholas Reeves that a tomb or room is hidden inside KV62 (Tut-ankh-amon's), is not new.  In my book - The Flawed Emerald c.1990-1995 - I have a hidden room sealed with a stone wall and plaster that hides a few items and another chamber nearby that is the ground entrance to Ankh's tomb.  Reeves' theory is that both lead from Tut's tomb in hidden plastered-over chambers, the Burial Chamber and the Annex.  Sonar readings would correct this.

From The Flawed Emerald - c1995

Chapter 15: Final Sacrifice: (Eye of the Pharaoh/The Flawed Emerald):
Copyright 1995 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

..."After investigating other areas of the estate, I went into the chariot house and talked to Horemhab secretly.  I told him: “Should anything happen to me within the next week, that he should take my place as Per-aa of the Two Lands.”  He, of course, was awkwardly interested yet baffled about my statement.  I urged him to remember what I told him, even if it never means anything in the near future.  Since I am the per-aa, he cannot argue about it.  I half jogged up the stairs and into my bedroom suite where I had kept my secret diary.  I hastily made some important notes in it and stealthily climbed down the stairs and into the chariot house.  Horemhab was gone for the moment, which relieved me.  I assembled my horses and chariot equipment and drove to the Valley of the Per-aas in the western hills.  I drove past the tomb that Ay had been building and asked myself who it was destined for.  Disregarding it as personal, I drove towards my unused tomb.

    It was dark inside so I lit a portable torch and climbed in slowly.  I made my way past odd-looking statues of fine quality and into the ‘secret chamber’.  I considered it to be secret because of the sliding stone door that, when shut, made an even wall.  The door will later be covered with plaster and have painted scenes with some inscriptions.    I entered through the side of the door and into the room.  I placed the torch along one wall and opened the obsidian, pyramid shaped altar.  The top of the pyramid altar was a pyramid itself, and the inside of the altar was partly hollow to allow a small object to be placed inside.
    Reaching inside the altar, I grabbed the Emerald ring containing third-component and held it to the light.  The third-component swished in circles as light bounced off the sides of the crystal.  I held it to my heart and concentrated for an hour, thinking about the temple of Ptah at the same time, for it was the priests of the temple of Ptah that first made use of the Emeralds in the distant past.
    During my meditation, I allowed the third-component to be activated by my imploring thought waves.  The ring will cast out the component and allow me to leave my embodiment when the time is right, and later it will return to the ring.  Because of these mystic ways of dealing with the simple way of death, no one living will ever understand how I had died.  The more important question is why I died. . .

     In a niche alongside a wall I placed my incomplete diary scroll tied with black cord.  I replaced the ring in the altar and exited the room, closing the door behind me-- this time permanently. 


Chapter 19: The Future:

I quietly entered the tomb searching for more power rushes, energy strings, or ancient radiation.  What I did find were unpainted, unfinished walls enclosing the antechamber and annex.  The burial room was accessible by a wooden deck, which had a high fence, which protected the sarcophagus from unwanted visitors, including me.  The fence did not prevent me from climbing over, however.  I walked to the treasury and looked at the inscriptions along some walls in that area.  Next I visited the golden coffin and wiped the dust off of the glass lid. 
    I peered into the lapis lazuli eyes of the coffin and thought to myself about why I had to leave.  After all, I was in no hurry back then.  I could have waited a few years before I departed.  Now, due to my late decision, I am forever separated (while on Earth) from both my past career, and my beloved wife Ankhesenamon who is buried somewhere.

    After two hours of replenishing my memory, I slowly emerged from the cavity of my past and continued to roam about the valley with some ideas in mind.  I walked and greeted the morning sun as I drifted towards the tomb of Amonhotep II, in the direction of the original tomb for the use of my past burial.  The ring of Emerauldia drew me in the direction of the unfinished cache, which protected it. I felt the countless rays of energetic destiny emitting from below the surface of the rock piled ground in the hills to my west.  I walked on top of smooth limestone piercing the still lawn of boulders in the higher ground above the tomb of my greater ancestor Amonhotep.  Voices from the past echoed to me from below the very surface on which I stood, causing me to be drawn to the level of my ankles.  I scratched at the topsoil and commenced a slow and tiring dig.  With the aid of a passing fellahin carrying a blunt shovel to which I offered an Egyptian pound, I began a long search for the opening staircase of my lost entombment.
    After four hours of digging, we managed to discover a stone step protruding downward.  I felt as excited as Howard Carter must have felt when he removed the rubble from the entrance of the tomb to which I was buried and almost forgotten.  Another hour of excavation followed as we determined the exact opening portal of the cache.  The time was nearly at noon, and some tourists passed by with the look of awe upon their gloomy faces, which dripped with perspiration.

    The time was one o'clock in the afternoon when we finally reached the granite filled passage.  I climbed over the boulders and broken diorite pillars.  The antechamber was only four meters away when I heard a booming voice from behind.  There was a tour director of medium height standing at the entrance of the passage.  He demanded my authorization or a temporary archaeologist passport, which gave me permission to dig in this zone.  I informed him that I already was issued a passport by the chairman of the board of the international archaeologist committee.  He gave me a crooked grin and decided that my bluff was enough for authorization, so he turned away and walked to the nearby rest house.  I resumed my exploration and hoped that my luck would not turn sour.
    I entered the polluted antechamber and searched for a wall with two jagged lines that would form an entrance to the secret chamber.  I crept through the roughly polished tunnel connecting the back chambers with the entry.  In between the second and third chamber I discovered an air-pocket along the western wall.  I lit a match and watched the trapped air from the hidden chamber cause the flame to flicker gently.  I called the Arab from the entrance to enter the tomb with his shovel.  When he answered my call, I grabbed his shovel and inserted the blade in between the cracks and pushed a rock below it.  I added weight to the handle of the shovel and eventually forced the wall to open at one side. 

I silently entered and lit a torch. 

    In the chamber I stood alone, searching through heaps of dust on the floor for any object of value.  My fingers penetrated through 3,000 years of decomposition and discovered an obsidian pyramid at the center of the room.  I quickly brushed aside the decayed fabrics that had once covered the altar and tossed them into the surrounding dust.  My hands handled the apex of the pyramid and I lifted it from its platform. 
    Inside the obsidian art treasure I reached in and picked up a large emerald bezel on top of a 23k gold ring in the form of a lotus flower.  Inscribed along the edge of the ring were these words: "The power of Ptah is triumphant, victorious is the owner of the green sun who knows not Re but is forever the victor of his enemies. . ."
    I placed the ring on my third finger and noticed that it fit almost perfectly.  I carefully replaced the top of the pyramid onto its altar of volcanic glass. 
    I stood up from my kneeling position and searched the walls for a niche.  Inside one wall was a false doorway, which contained a lightly gilt, wooden box in the form of a local Kemtic shrine.  Opening the clay sealed lock with a pocket knife, I opened the box and discovered a black cord enclosing a long papyrus scroll.  This was the diary I had written long ago, and finally I have found it!  I hastily ripped the cord from the scroll and unraveled it.  Using a brief hieroglyphic decoder, I managed to decipher the first word.  It was in no doubt my diary from the past.

Chapter 20: A Pharaoh's Dream:

I walked in the breezy afternoon, glaring at my energized ring containing the infamous third-component.  I held it to the sun and allowed the rays to reflect from its uncut surface.  I decided that I should not bathe in this glory alone. 
My decision was to locate my wife's tomb and to give her the breath of life so that she may accompany me in both my afterlife and my current. 
    Walking in the hot sun allowed me to grow tired so I took a brief rest on top of a granite obelisk, which had fallen during some restoration work a year ago.  I stared to the mountains of the Valley of the Queens where my search would commence.  Some people started to walk towards me from the rest house ten meters away.  One of them was an advanced Egyptologist who acquired knowledge of my discovery.  Another was a director of antiquities at the Luxor museum.  The remaining few were merely Arabs dressed in peasant garb carrying excavation equipment.  They asked me where I would dig next.

    I told them that I would begin searching for the tomb of Queen Ankhesenamon in the Valley of the Queens after I had rested.  During the rest period, the baffled scientists wondered in amazement of my physic ability to locate my old tomb.  They nearly bombarded me with simple questions to satisfy their quarrelsome worries. 
    It was four in the afternoon when I drew enough energy from my will to force myself upon another equally important discovery.  I was now armed with a dark brimmed hat, a leather whip (for protection), a light weight jacket and a brass handled shovel. 
    We walked along a path where famous queens had their palaces of eternity decked in the mountainside.  I raised my hand, which wore the ring and glanced to the north.  The sun sent a bolt of light to the emerald, which then sent a light beam towards the valley.  The light beam directed itself to a side in the mountains.  I told the assistants to walk in that direction.
    When we approached the designated location the emerald cast a light in the corner of the valley.  We walked to the site and started digging. 
    After another three hours, the sun lowered itself to the clouded horizon and thus sending cool winds across the desert.  Our shovels hit something.  I cleared away the sand with a portable dust blower and brushed off excess dust with a five-inch brush.  There was a step with the Cartouche of my wife's name inscribed upon it.  I was delighted.

    Without taking a break from our discovery, I ordered the workmen to start removing the enclosing rubble from the staircase.  Stone by stone were removed and each minute increased my enduring excitement. 
    We worked until six that evening until the staircase and the first passage were cleared.  The Egyptologist found some alabaster lamps and unguent containers with both the names of my wife and that of my former embodiment.  I knew that she was buried here, though I did not know when. 
    At 6:30 PM the antechamber was uncovered and some gilt furniture came to light.  The objects were similar in design to those, which were buried with Tutankhamon.  At seven o'clock, we posted a guard and went to the local restaurant and ordered dinner.   The curator of the Luxor museum met us there and we discussed our findings of the day. 
Although I did not have a valid permit to dig, they allowed me anyway since I single-handedly found my old tomb.      Two hours later I returned to my cruise ship and changed my clothes and took a relaxing shower.  I returned to the site at 8:41 PM and assisted the men with their spotlight and camera equipment. 
    I opened the burial chamber with a crowbar and beamed my flashlight at the hole.  The light bounced off a gold covered wall, probably a burial shrine containing the coffins.  The men were amazed although the sight looked all too familiar to me. . .  After clearing away the plastered door, we entered the sepulcher in silence.

    The crewmen at the entrance directed the spotlight towards the stairwell and the cameras would record the findings.  I inched along the side of the golden wall and discovered the entrance with the doors still sealed after 3,000 years.  I allowed one of the workmen to photograph the clay seal with its nine jackals representing the nine chosen enemies of Kemti.  The rope knot was carefully loosened with a slippery gel that caused the withered rope to be preserved upon its removal.  I held the ancient bronze door handle in my right hand and I swiftly pulled back the door with ease of its fragile hinges.  The door was at first stuck in place until some lubricant was added, and then the door was opened easily. 
    Upon the opening of the first set of doors, many artifacts came to light: first there was an ivory jewel box heaped with golden jewelry, next were ceremonial garments, and finally there was a shroud dotted with roses of gilt bronze covering the next shrine.  I wasn't positive as to why there were shrines in this tomb, since usually shrines were meant for pharaohs and not their queens. 
    Two more golden shrines were uncovered and following the removal of more artifacts the stone sarcophagus appeared in the midst of our discovery.  I told the others to clear a way along the walls of the inner sanctum and that of the antechamber for room to place the coffins.  The workmen lifted the stone lid from its home and placed it on the side of the sarcophagus.  Next, shovels were placed within the cracks between the coffins for their removal. 

    From the granite sarcophagus three gilt coffins of similar description were removed.  I waited impatiently as the lid of the interior coffin was being removed.  After the archaeologists took the lid from its place I directed a high powered flashlight onto its contents.  There, laid before me in the form of the goddess Isis, was the mummy of my former loving wife, Ankhesenamon.  Not knowing what to say, I knelt down beside her and glided my hand across her folded arms as newly formed tears blurred my vision.  Although in reality she was my oldest niece, I regarded her not only as
my wife but also as my purpose for living. . .
    Finally, my eternal quest was at an end.  I have both regained my ancient knowledge and the kindest, most caring creature I ever knew in my environment of the times.  I intended to resurrect her using my combined ancient powers so that she may assist with my future progress that she would not have witnessed otherwise. 
    I did not discover her tomb for the fame and fortune that my predecessors Carter and Carnarvon had, but for the continuing presence of eternal perfection which inspired my past by knowing someone who accepted me, not only as a deity, but as a person-- something that never existed in any of my lifetimes beforehand.  I regarded her as a perfect example of the potential ability that all dependent mutations can acquire, which is of course why I allowed them to exist on a planet made for life forms of greater value.  I not only loved her as a person, but as a perfect being; probably the reason I created her. . .

    For once in thirty-three centuries, we were finally together, even if it is in spirit for the time.  I carefully lifted her from her bed of eternity and carried her past the Arab onlookers who displayed anything less than passion for my actions.  I doubt they'll ever understand what I am performing, and I hope that they will never have to go through with what I am dealing with. 
    I transported her to a lion-headed couch and gently placed her wrapped corpse on the platform.  Using a steel blade I cut the bandages from around her facial area, revealing to the world the third oldest daughter of the famous Nefertiti.  I noticed some golden jewelry hanging from the surrounding linen strips so I placed them in my jacket pocket. 
    I removed the ring of Emerauldia from my pocket and placed it over her heart, assuming it was still there.  Next, I held both of her tightly clasped hands and hung my head over her body, deeply concentrating on my creative powers which will cause her to live again, and this time in a new form.  Within minutes, her entire body glowed in an eerie Emerald bath of light.  During this process a copy of her soul was being entered into the Emerald which in turn will enter her new embodiment...." 

MC 2015.

Monday, August 3, 2015

Orthodox Pharaohism

Orthodox Pharaohism

 Veneration of Ancient Kings

Authored by Horus Michael
Edition: 1

"In Orthodox Pharaohism: Veneration of Ancient Kings, the Author (Pharaoh) Horus Michael presents a new perspective on honoring the Ancient Pharaohs of Egypt. You may read the Kings List while burning fragrant incense, thus honoring the Ancestors who built Civilization, and read some selected biographies of the Kings of the Two Lands. Meet Ahmoses who led the Canaanite-Hyksos (Israelites) out of Egypt and liberated the enslaved Egyptians, an inspiration for the Jewish Book of the Exodus, or Tutankhamon the Anointed One whose affair with an Egyptian Priestess and rumors of the Israelite Messiah compelled his Queen Ankhesenamon to write to the Hittites asking them for his replacement (A Hittite Prince to rule the Egyptian Empire with her). Also included are Celebratory Holidays, requirements for electing a Pharaoh from the College of Lector Priests, and an Egyptian-inspired Novel (Neferkheperura, C.2014). Copyright 2015 Horus Michael, All rights reserved."

Orthodox Pharaohism

List Price: $12.00
Publication Date:
Feb 20 2015
1508596204 / 9781508596202
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
8" x 10"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Religion / Ancient

Neferkheperura & the Legend of the Golden Pharaoh

Not Another King Tutankhamon Book!:

 Neferkheperura & The Legend of the Golden Pharaoh --  Kindle Edition

  (Young Adults; Historical Fiction, Adventure)

Though truth is for philosophers and fact is for Archaeologists, contemporary thinking leads to stereotyping. Now what if Pharaoh Akhenaton had been a drug-addict who let his country go to ruin while pursuing a lofty religious interpretation of the Science of the Sun? Hemp fragments were found in his tomb once and Egyptians did have access to Poppy flowers and Blue Lotus blossoms. Now say this same person was exiled from Egypt for his actions, and returned some 43 years later to reclaim his People of the Sun (not the Biblical error of 430 years)? Then he discovers immortality, which allows him to create technology for a future savior or superhero...

Copyright (c) 2014 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.


Egyptian Magic

Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic Spells

Revised Edition

Authored by Horus Michael
Edition: 1

The KheriHeb Master Series presents Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic Spells: Revised Edition. This book covers a wide range of Egyptian Magic spells on topics like acquiring psychic Energy, Counter Magic & Protection spells, Weather Manipulation, Financial, Medical-Healing, Legal Spells, City Spells, Love & Peace, Egyptian Necromancy, Chaos Magic, the Afterlife, Telepathic Hypnosis, etc. This Edition has been tested by other Participants prior to publication.
Copyright 2014 Horus Michael.

List Price: $10.00
Publication Date:
Dec 09 2014
1505446074 / 9781505446074
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Body, Mind & Spirit / Magick Studies