Thursday, May 29, 2014

What is a Kheriheb Priest?

A Kheriheb Priest is one of the Chief Priests of Ancient Egyptian rituals, mostly listed as permanent in an Egyptian Temple (ref: page 90, The Complete Temples of Ancient Egypt, Richard H Wilkinson, 2000). His role (most priests were males) was the "possessor of the ritual books", meaning, he cast Magic Spells from a roll of papyrus or a stone tablet (tablets had water poured over them to activate the magic - from Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum, San Jose, CA, 2014).  The name (above) is referenced in The Dwellers on the Nile (EA Wallis Budge, c.1977, p.168).  Kherihebs were famous Magicians (see Westcar Papyrus) and some rogues like Aton-Moses (The Israelite Prophet Moses) were famous also.  As a Kheriheb used written Magic they were believed to have "magical powers over Nature" because embedding energy to print contained an effect, as I revealed in my studies of Chronokinesis.  Popular entertainment of today has Kherihebs resurrecting the dead (The Mummy Returns; Eye of the Pharaoh), which is possible - but as with most ancient knowledge it is forgotten until rediscovered by Archaeologists who practice Ancient Egyptian Magical rituals (such as Mike Costa/M7).  My studies compelled the USA Government to classify my work "top secret" (Eye of the Pharaoh book, c.1990-1995 MJC) to prevent others from knowing about it. Thank you, CIA...  The reality is that Magic is a lost technology and its abilities are possible when rediscovered, as with any technology. 

MC 2014.


MC 2014 Copyright 2014 MC All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


On the true Origins of Knowledge
(c) Copyright MJ COSTA 2014

I recently attended a lecture given at my former university on the subject of "Intelligence in the Digital Age."  It was very informative and educational - where do we hunt & gather information from today? On the Internet? Where are the sources of this knowledge? From books? or Websites?

Websites do not cite their sources, giving us false or misleading (misinformation) sources of data.  Books give information that is not always credible (as in Gerald Massey's works on Ancient Egypt that is widely cited by wikipedia and other websites). 

But, where did the ancients cite as their sources? The Gods? Aliens? Or their idea of Science?
Or - did they just invent it / make it up? The Bible/Quran/Torah are widely cited for sources of inspiration coming from someplace outside of the human brain.  We need to think outside of the box, so we rely on the God(s) as evidence.  Science is made of "educated" theories; a theory is a Guess, not a proven fact.  A Fact is something proven to be real. What then is "real?" What is Reality? Is Reality what we are told that exists from a psychology perspective or a Science /personal experience background?  Do people who "hear extra-terrestrials" really hear non-humans / spirits or aliens, or are they "hallucinations?" And if so, where does this noise originate? from drugs or brain injury? or theories by psychologists alone? Remember, Psychology is a Science, which only exists from theories / guesses - they do not actually "know" anything.  How can we trust their source and not simply their Doctorate/PhD? 

Websites via Almighty Lord Google are not accurate as they are written by humans who lack education in most places, as with websites or books sold by people who want to tell you an alternate history of Ancient Egypt - from a non-Egyptian, "African" framework, using "PhD" people as sources. There was no "Black Egypt" during the Pyramid age until later when the Black Kingdom of Kush took possession of Egypt in the Later periods (to protect it from foreign invasions as with Persia or Assyria, etc).  Yet - look up "Black History of Egypt" on youtube or and there are 10,000 books (all propaganda) or videos claiming this to be the case.  This is an identity movement that robs real Egyptians of their pedigree and culture. Not being "racist" but Africa has yet to discover any lost civilization run by Africans; Libya, Carthage and Egypt (North Africa) are all Caucasian. Kenya has the genetic origin of human DNA - (it is where the human spacecraft landed). You cannot trust the Internet to be accurate.  Many people cited my websites for their ideas (never crediting me though...), and I rarely cite my sources due to copyright issues while online (except with links). 

Religion needs no sources of ideas if it is invented by some creative dead genius. History (His story) is "written by the survivors," and Science is written by observation.  Since the dawn of human language people have been borrowing ideas from each other to the point of gibberish; the living do not actually "know" anymore than observing the box they are contained in (the box is 3RD Dimension), and the size and scope of observation.  Once you leave that box you will know a new and different reality.  And then you start over. 

MC 2014.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What happens when a Ka Life force decays...

The Ancient Egyptians believed a person consisted of a body (Khat), a soul (Ba) a shadow, a name, a power (Sakhem), and a Life Force (Ka).  These separated upon death, the soul went to the Duat (Otherworld), and the Life Force or Ka remained on Earth in the tomb with the mummified remains of the body.  Ka Life Force were in a Ka Chapel part of the tomb or Mortuary Temple, where it was given offerings - both physical (food and drink) or non-physical art work which magically nourished this.  When the Ka was not energized, it decayed.  When a Ka Decays the life force decomposes or splinters.  This Decayed Ka is spread all over the world, and its memories are attracted to former possessions of the person.  These fragments of the Ka are what people encounter when studying Ancient Egyptian personalities and later, after an illness or experience, are what some people absorb into their bodies.  This allows the Ka to live again through False Reincarnation (the victim is not fully 100% the past life it absorbed).  As with Ba or Souls of the Dead, a soul CAN reincarnate and have more memories than this fragmentation allows.  There are many people on who believe they are "King Tutankhamon", "Queen Ankhesenamon", or other people because their Ka decayed from lack of attention.  The Ka of Tutankhamon was in KV62 until the tour in USA and the world in 1979 era.  While writing Eye of the Pharaoh in 1989 I absorbed this Ka life force of Tut, and it became embedded inside me until late 1990s; the Ka was attracted to the Ba of Tutankhamon.  In 2009 I was in SF, CA and in the De young Museum an hour before the exhibit.  I was in the gift shop when the emergency doors came down, trapping me inside for 1/2 an hour. In 2005 in Los Angeles CA I attended the first day of the tour of Tutankhamon, and I could sense the fragments of Ka of Tut among his possessions therein.  Real Reincarnation involves Karma.  For instance, I was born on the same day as Howard Carter, the discoverer of Tut in 1922, and 3 weeks premature, like the 3 weeks he waited to open the tomb (From Nov. 4 to 26).  I have a college degree in Archaeology and was an artist before going to College.  Carter was an artist before becoming an Archaeologist, as indicated by his water color paintings.  The Akh of Ankhesenamon appeared in dreams since 1979 to 1993.  She is my guardian Akh protecting me.  An Akh is the perfected form of the Ba (after passing Judgement of the soul in the Court of Osiris). 

MC 2014.

Post Script:

A typical Haunted House is a disembodied Ka Life Force separated from the body/soul.
or "Haunted Pharaoh." The Ka is not the soul. 


Monday, May 5, 2014


In the 1980s I was into the Sticker Trade as a child.   Kids would be trading stickers for other stickers - colorful ones, Scratch & Sniff, reflective stickers, Celebs, etc.  If I wanted one particular sticker I offered several of my stickers for that one; this was a Barter Exchange.  If the person had multiples hidden from view, he would be making capital gains off of me.  This idea gave rise to the Barternote - a currency supported by simple Barter Exchanges.  If I offer the USA Treasury One Barternote (autographed by me) for $40 Trillion USD in Debt, perhaps they would take it, thus erasing the debts?  What is debt worth? 40 Trillion pieces of paper for one Barternote autographed by Mike Costa - it's a cool deal right?  When my first book (Eye of the Pharaoh) was stolen and published by its reviewer after 1991, in 1994 I decided Fame was not for me so I declared myself "dead."  Everyone believed this, including the CIA. So my existing copies of the book accelerated in value overnight by those who wanted to "cash in on my demise."  I never saw this profit as I am "deceased."  From $17 face value to $50k on the black market, some 20 Million copies sold according to the FBI.  I should be a Trillionaire, but since I am "dead" I cannot collect on it.  My heirs will though (according to my LW&T).  So what do you want to do? My offer stands. 


Climate Change and the USA Economy

If the USA stops trading with China, USA businesses in China will stop.  USA currently borrows USD from China's supply of Dollars, and China is getting tired of paying American debts.  China is the single most pollutant in the World, causing Greenhouse gas emissions contributing to Global Warming from all their American factories in the country.  Their air is so full of chemicals that citizens have to wear Oxygen masks when outside.  Once businesses in China stop, should the Chinese Government either runs out of USD or stops using them, the pollution will stop.  The air will still be full of chemicals, but this can eventually return to normal, and Climate Change can end, sea levels will return to normal, etc.  The USA Economy will have issues though, and may have to pay its debts with Chinese currency.  The collapse of the US Dollar will probably begin with hyperinflation to pay its debts with imaginary money.  The USA Government currently cannot pay its debts, and it owes many people billions of US Dollars (M7 included).  Alternative currencies and local currency are options.  Or people may return to Feudalism (farm land, gold & silver, personal economies, etc.), in place of failed Capitalism.  Inflation (cost of living) increases after the minimum wage increases; Pres. Obama recently tried to increase this but failed in passing legislation.  Pres. Obama is currently outspending the ability of the US Treasury.  Republicans have said this, as have others.  IF USA Dollars have no apparent value or backing, who will trade with it?  Prices are already rising from Climate Change affecting farms and produce, endangering coastal regions and islands, and other economic factors.  All this originates from Chinese factory pollution and their owners in USA.  

MC 2014.

Post Script:

Invent a device that extracts pollution chemicals from the air and sell this to the Chinese government.  We already have one for extracting water vapor from humidity in dry or desolate regions.  

M7 2014.

Science and Psychic Ability

If the Scientific Method is used to define or prove Psychic ability by constant tests, it will fail to prove anything.  The reason: the patient will use up all his or her Psychic Energy in the test phases, and once s/he is depleted of this Energy, the Tester will conclude wrongly that the ability "does not exist."  The Scientific Method is outdated, and a new method must be created that can prove the abilities are in fact real (besides myself "testing my abilities" by constantly creating earthquakes or weather anomalies to prove this is real to ignorant Flat-heads on Mostly the general public is scared of these abilities, so they have Psychiatrists and other Scientists claim the abilities "are delusions or hallucinations" to sway people from studying them, while at the same time, classify top secret those who are real (M7-CIA). 

MC 2014.
