Wednesday, May 15, 2024

China's Peace Plan for Russia-Ukraine...




 MC 2024.


Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov last month called the proposal a "reasonable plan that the great Chinese civilization proposed for discussion."

Xi's additional principles call for a "cooling down" of the situation, conditions for restoring peace and creating stability and minimising the impacts on the world economy.


To attract Peace & Tranquility:


Pray to Osiris-Ra, the God of Peace: “Hail Lord Osiris-Ra, the God of Civilization and Peace! Stop all fighting and arguing, stop the battles, stop the bombing, stop the bloodshed, stop the Cyber-attacks or looting.  Restore Civilization to its righteous form.”

Make an offering to Lord Osiris-Ra: of Fresh Fruit, Silver, Gold, Titanium, Pure Water, Incense or Flowers.

Release captured white Doves or White pigeons into the air.  They symbolize Peace and releasing them symbolizes the release of Prisoners of War.

Visualize a battle scene turning into Farmland.

Meditate for an hour with Incense offering, while repeating the expression: “May the War end, may the people embrace Love and Peace.”

Scatter a Veterans Cemetery with flowers.  Visit an NRA Office and drop Flowers at the entrance, or near any Military Statues (Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii). 


Hathor’s Sistrum: Egyptian Magic Spells for Healing, Peace & Love.

Copyright © 2023 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.




Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Temples of Amon-Ra online...



In the year 2000 I founded my first Temple of Amon-Ra on the Internet via MSN Communities.  Another was built in 2002 via MSN Groups.  Then I relocated to Freewebs website host. This lasted until 2009 when I moved it to Meta social media.  I also have a blog and another website.  Freewebs host dissolved a while ago.   MSN Groups also dissolved.  Internet Temples can be rebuilt.  

MC 2024.

Friday, May 10, 2024

Solar Storm...

 I am using a "Summon Energy" Spell for my Effective Egyptian Magic to power my Spells.  As Chronokinetic Energy may come from the Sun, this influenced the Solar Wind when summoned to Earth.  So the Northern Lights in USA may be visible.  

MC 2024.


Thursday, May 9, 2024

My books online...




 At my current rate of book sales, I won't need to pay taxes for 2024 next year.   


MC 2024.

PS: I am Not a "con-man" or anything else illegal.  Stop the libel.  I am sensitive to Public Word of Mouth.  If people leave "negative reviews" and this influences decisions to purchase my works, this activity is considered a conspiracy, people have to learn to write decent comments instead of filling their own ego online, as I cannot reply back to them on the Marketplace.  And if people want to question my sanity, there are far more crazier people who vote for Antichrist in the next USA Presidential Election than there are busy writers who wrote over 167 + books to date, as I have.  My Magic books work, you need to learn how to use them without expectations or instant gratification.  As is I am writing a book at current time.  I haven't sold anything for May 2024. 

M7C 2024.  



Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Video: Exploring Willowpond Haven Estate (ESO)...



Video: Exploring Willowpond Haven Estate in ESO 2024:

MC 2024.


Print on Demand vs. Traditional Publishing...




Traditional Publishers -- the company prints up a set number of Books then tries to sell them in a Marketplace or Book Stores.  Leftovers are either given to the Author to sell, or discarded.  Royalties to the Author is limited as a percentage of sales, usually 10% or 20% at best. 

Print On Demand Publishers -- the company prints up as many copies as wanted with no storage problems or leftovers to worry about.  Books are printed up as ordered, at least One Copy up to 999 on Amazon or other venues.  Plus books do not go out of print unless indicated by the Author or Company.  Royalties are determined by cost of printing, distribution and the Author's cut, also a percentage but usually better than Traditional Publishing, the Author may create his own price.  Printing costs for a 200 page book is about $2+ two Dollars in black and white, more if using color images.  

MC 2024.



Saturday, May 4, 2024

From : Hathor's Sistrum (book)...



 From Hathor's Sistrum: by Horus Michael

Hathor’s Sistrum: Egyptian Magic Spells for Healing, Peace & Love.

Copyright © 2023 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 979-8873391387


For healing an Injury or Infection:


Make an offering to Imhotep of Bamboo, Aloe Vera, Honey, and clean Textiles.

Pray to Imhotep:Homage unto the Great Physician, the Divine Imhotep, Royal Scribe and Vizier to Djoser.  Heal my injuries and cure the infection, if any exist.”


For healing Headaches or General Pain:


Make an offering to Ptah of Magnesium, Vitamin B2, Pure Water, Fruit, Nuts, and Olive Oil. 

Pray to Ptah:Hail Ptah, Grand Engineer of Life, He who opened the portal for Ra to enter the Dawn, remove the pressure in my brain; remove the pain in my body.”

Try eating 5 times a day with small meals, sleep often, Meditate, and exercise 2x a day.  


To relieve Stress, Anger, or Boredom:


Go outside and attack a Gym Punching Bag or cushion for an hour.  Meditate in a Park (Tai Chi, Yoga, Breathing Exercises, Ninja Breathing, etc.) for +15 minutes. 

Summon a Wind Storm or Rain Tempest to release energy.  Place 5 empty cans on a wooden fence or bench, and focus on hitting them with Telekinesis by mentally pushing outwards any thoughts of violence (from +3 meters away); this also works with unclogging a toilet bowl – focus anger emotion on the bowl and visualize it flushing.  Repeat until it flushes down.  I have tried this myself and it works.  

To relieve Insomnia:


Pray to Thoth: “May I become rested, May my Insomnia end, May I sleep well and be rested.”

Go outside in the evening to see Ra (Sunset). 


 MC 2024.



Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Sunday, April 28, 2024





Accuracy in Eye of the Pharaoh © 2024 M7C


In the 1990s the consensus of Egyptology was that King Tutankhamon was a “weak and inept ruler incapable of leading armies into battle.”  This was also based on the replicated physique of the King in the 2000s to 2010s, which showed him with a clubbed foot and obese stature.    Later further research led Egyptologists to notice that the weapons and armor found in KV62 tomb showed “wear and usage” to indicate that the items were not simply decoration or for the Afterlife.  Parts of his Mortuary Temple, found in talatat fragments at Karnak, displayed various scenes, like captives in his conquests and a man captive on the prow of a boat.  Art of the times at Tell Al-Amarna was based on realism not static standard portraiture.  The replication of the face of Tutankhamon doesn’t match his artifacts, as taken from the mummy assumed to be his at KV62. 

In my book I wrote Tut led armies into Libya, Syria and Nubia.  This was known from his “war chest” and “tribute sent to the King” from his Viceroy’s tomb.  I did not mention he had a clubbed foot, but I did mention he had a fever prior to his death.   Malaria germ was found on the mummy, and this causes Fevers.  One of his legs was broken near the kneecap which may had become infected, causing his death.  Or he died by Asp (Cobra) to “unite with Ra,” and lessen the suffering from infection.  

In other evidence the mural in KV62 shows “King Ay performing last rites for Tutankhamon,” on the burial chamber wall.  This picture of Ay does not match the Ay from Ay’s tomb WV23/KV23; it resembles Tutankhamon’s face (according to Egyptologist Dr. Nicholas Reeves, “The Burial of Nefertiti?”).  It was Tutankhamon’s trademark to add his face to other people in his monuments, notably the gods, such as AmonRa or Khonsu.  This preserved his information when people defaced Tut’s image not knowing it was on the other statues of the gods near his!  So Tut’s face on King Ay’s body raises questions.  Who painted this and why?  Did Ay actually succeed Tut? Did Ay usurp the throne? Did Tut take over as King Ay? 



The Mummy in KV55, now thought to be Akhenaton or Smenkhkara, was aged at 23 years old initially.  It was found in a violated mummy case, its decoration ripped off.  King Ay ruled 4 years maximum, Tut ruled 10 years estimated.  Tut was believed to be crowned at age 9.  He died at age 19.  King Ay ruled after Tut, until he “died while hunting,” this also raises speculation.  Grand Vizier Ay was elderly when Tut was 19.  Tut was a sportsman, he liked to hunt – he had hunting expeditions for Ostrich, Lions, Ducks, and Gazelle.  He had fans with Ostrich feathers captured by his “royal hand.”  He had a lion cub as a pet (see Golden Shrine of Tut).  It is highly unlikely Grand Vizier Ay would want to endanger his life by hunting.  

KV62 was originally designed for “Smenkhkara” until it was violated early in Tut’s reign.   Some Egyptologists believe Smenkhkara = is Nefertiti, since the tomb pattern resembles a female curve, like that of Queen Hatshepsut’s.  The Burial Chamber looks like a converted antechamber.   Many of the items found in KV62 are for a female ruler.  There was a female ruler after Akhenaton (Nefer-Neferu-Aton the Ruler), which is a title of Nefertiti.  This person may have ruled at the same time as Tutankhaton for 3 years in Amarna.  Tut kept the items from KV62 for future usage. 

In Tutankhamon’s last recorded years he was off on a campaign to the North, fighting the Hittites with General (and royal heir to the throne) Horemhab.  Grand Vizier Ay was at home in Egypt with Queen Ankhesenamon.   Perhaps they wondered if Tut was still alive.  Did Ay seek to usurp the throne in Tut’s absence?  The Queen wrote to the Hittites asking the King for a Hittite Prince to marry, as a form of Peace Treaty.  Usually the Pharaoh marries a foreign princess as a Peace Treaty, never a female royal wed to a foreign Prince.  The Queen didn’t want to “marry a servant,” and said “Why would I deceive you? My husband is dead; send me one of your sons to wed.”  So the Hittites sent a Prince to arrive in Egypt. 

Tutankhamon would notice couriers going back and forth from Egypt to the Hittites.  If he found one, he would then know something was odd.  So he returned to Egypt and intercepted the Prince on the way in.  Then he demands to see “King Ay” and confronted him with the evidence (letters).   Ay is arrested and Queen Ankhesenamon remains married to Tut, or is compelled to commit suicide.  Since everyone said “Tut died” he has to improvise.   Gossip like this spreads faster than the Pest of the Year. 

Tutankhamon has a mock funeral for “Tutankhamon” with his original items in KV62.   His new tomb was the one “Ay was building” (Chapter 16) in KV23.  He has painted the mural with Ay (Tut’s face) on the scene of the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, which is self-serving.  He died while hunting 4 years later and is buried in KV23 as King Ay.  Horemhab returns by then and becomes Pharaoh.  


Horemhab doesn’t know what happened.  He blames Ay for Tut’s death and persecutes the memory of Ay.  He has Ay’s tomb violated, the red granite sarcophagus smashed into pieces.  Then he finds the remains of Tut in there.  So he has the remains placed into KV55 with Tut’s seal on the entrance, the same seal in KV62 entrance.  Had King Ay sealed KV62 his seal would be there.  Horemhab was the last to enter KV62 before its discovery in 1922 CE.  He may have placed the damaged red granite lid from KV23 on the yellow quartzite sarcophagus in KV62, the lid found broken in half.   This would indicate that Tut was buried elsewhere.  The remains in KV55 tomb is a Male, the “son of Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra.”  If Tut is in KV55, who is in KV62? Was the male Smenkhkara reburied in KV62 as a decoy burial? 

In later parts of my book, you have the War on Arabic Terrorism (Arabic Terrorist States) in Chapter 20 followed by a war between USA, USSR, and Iran in Chapter 21.  In Chapter 20 the risen Tutankhamon conquers the Middle East to create the Kingdom of Osiris (Daniel 2:44, the Kingdom of God), and Israel & Sudan later join.  In 2001 the real War on Islamic Terrorism started in the Middle East, the Caliphate in 2014 was an “Islamic State.”  Tutankhamon conquers the Middle East with an Army of Mummies (see The Mummy Returns film that plagiarized my book in 1999+).  In Chapter 21 Iran separates from the Empire and attacks USA interests in the Middle East (USA protects the Egyptian Empire, which Israel joined in previous chapter).  In reality, Hamas attacked Israel the day after an incident in an Israeli Museum involving a desecrated statue of Athena, the Greek Goddess of War.  Iran backs Hamas.  Russia is at war in its former province of Ukraine.  USA is supplying Ukraine with weapons and Israel with weapons.  So Russia is at war with USA, while Iran is at war with the Empire, as in the book (indirectly). 

Not to worry but the Apocalypse in the book occurs +100 years after current events.  The Christian Apocalypse had “Pestilence, War, Famine and Death” (the 4 Horsemen), the return of the Christ, and the opening of the 7 sealed book.  The book on the lap of the Mighty Angel, which one “eats up and is sweet in the mouth but bitter in one’s belly,” is my novel, Eye of the Pharaoh.   It was good when first read and bitter later because I was never paid for it, as it was stolen from me by a trusted person.  The CIA classified it top secret and the FBI confiscated the money and refused to compensate me.  The book initially was sold as a “true story,” in USA after 1992.  It was not Public Domain.  I registered Copyright in ©1995 after I discovered this theft in 1994.  It took a year to do so.  If this was public I would be the wealthiest person on Earth.  The FBI said the book was selling on the Black Market in 1998 for $50,000 to $100,000 each as an investment.  Billionaires know about this.  How many copies exist?  The book has a tendency to influence Time not because of its content, but because I have Chronokinesis.  My Magic books allow for this ability.  This doesn’t make my novel a “true story” though.  

©M7C 2024.