Saturday, April 23, 2016

Who was Jeane Dixon?

In the Church of Tutankhamon: The Book of the Golden Christ,  a recent Prophecy (prediction) that said the "Second Appearance of (King) Tutankhamon" would become "the Messiah, or Christ" and he would create "an all embracing New Christianity based on his almighty Power" [probably Chronokinesis], and that the USA Government would support him via its technology (the Internet hinted at here).  The Prophecy was in 1962.  

Jeane Dixon was an American Psychic and Christian.  So naturally her Christian Conservative attachments influenced her interpretation of the visions coming from above.  She "saw the JFK Assassination" first, then this new vision.  For the most part, she was wrong about nearly everything else.  The 1962 Tut Prophecy was contained in 2 books -- A Gift of Prophecy (1965) and My Life and Prophecies (1969).  

Her date of my birth was off by a decade, but was on Howard Carter's birthday (he discovered King Tut in 1922), as relative to Karma / Reincarnation. I did write a book that appeared religious - after leaving a private high school following 2 years of Theology classes that altered my world view.  

She changed her mind from calling me the Christ and turned it into the Biblical "Anti" Christ.  Perhaps the Church told her to, because THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.  

An excerpt from my recent project:

The Church of Tutankhamon: The Book of the Golden Christ (Pre-Theism):

Pharaoh Tutankhamon is the KRST (Christ), the Egyptian word for "burial," which is associated with Anointing Oils in mummification. There is some evidence of human sacrifice or crucifixion (his broken leg and Malaria/Fever if exposed to the elements prior to his death) among the Hebrews living in Egypt (Jacob & Isaac); in Christianity, Jesus was a human sacrifice who was ritually killed and prepared for burial as the KRST/Christ. The 12 Apostles/Disciples of Christ, the 12 Royal Men of the House of Pharaoh (who attended Tutankhamon's funeral), and the 12 Signs of the Zodiac may be connected. The KRST was like a plant: it lived, it died and was buried underground only to rise up and bloom again, so this cycle was personified by a ritualized sacrifice and offering to the God(s). People with "red hair were sacrificial offerings in Ancient Egypt" because Set, the God of Chaos and Storms, had red hair; those under his influence could influence storms and earthquakes. Queen Tiye had red-brown hair; she was an ancestor of Tutankhamon. Jesus may have had reddish hair, though Tutankhamon's hair was shaven; Jesus influenced storms and Earthquakes.

It is recorded that someone named "Tut-ankh-u-aton" was the "son of Akhenaton," as since Royal Scribes never made errors on Official Records, and there is no evidence that his name was changed to "Tut-ankh-aton" (this name was changed to Tut-ankh-Amon when restoring the ancient religion), who is this person? Was this his unknown Twin Brother? Who also is Ankh-et-kheperura? Is she a Female Pharaoh or a misspelled name on Official Records that are never supposed to fail? And if so, is Ankh-et-kheperura actually Queen Ankhesenpaaton / Ankhesenamon, the woman whom was first co-regent to Akhenaton and later Queen to Tutankhamon and Ay? Is she buried in KV62-B? Her Golden Statues in the Canopic Shrine, the Canopic Jar Stoppers, and Golden Mask may be hers from her brief time as Pharaoh, discarded and given to her husband's tomb. Her "Fake Burial in KV63" - the one with "Feather Pillows" weighted in the coffin - could be a clue.

Ancient Egypt began with deified warrior-kings, whose totems became their symbol of authority. These totems took on human form and the accumulation of these picture symbols became a Hieroglyphic language. The Pharaohs sought to maintain the connection with the Gods via Genetic Bloodlines or Divine Ancestry. The origins of certain words are from Egypt (Satan is from Sata the Serpent; YHWH is from YUYA; MARY is from MRY; Messiah is from MESEH, a drug made from a crocodile; Christ is from QRST/KRST; God is Good is from NFR-NTR; Hell is from the Fiery Abyss). The idea that Laws come from God originates in the Babylonian Government of Hammurapi (from MARDUK). * This Book fulfills part of the Jeane Dixon Prophecy of 1962. * Copyright © 2016 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

Publication Date:
Mar 25 2016
1530738180 / 9781530738182
Page Count:
Binding Type:
US Trade Paper
Trim Size:
6" x 9"
Black and White
Related Categories:
Body, Mind & Spirit / General

Friday, April 22, 2016

The Universe is Thought

The "simulation theory" about the Universe being artificial may be accurate if you think Dimensionally (as I do).  The world is thought controlled, as known by Chronokinesis & Natural Telepathy on my part.  Each person is plugged into a Cube on the other side, this Cube sends thoughts into the Cube Moon at the nucleus in 7D.  your thoughts influence the environment -- not exactly like the Matrix film, but close enough... Black holes did not exist until someone thought about it.  then they were "discovered."  The Earth rests like an aquarium tank, the Sun is a light bulb, and all this is in a separate hidden dimension -- a cube within a cube.  you are in a cube inside a hidden larger cube that you cannot see but know is there.  Angels / spirits are invisible in white light, but are visible in less dense dimensions where they dine on solid light (Light Matter).  Etc.  It seems someone is taking a liking to my kind of thoughts, eh Neil Tyson?

-Mike Costa.

Now suppose the Universe is a body but we are inside it.  The Mind controls the Body.  We are in a micro-organic state.  The Universe may be expanding from a Cell Mitosis explosion to form other cells, other universes.  There are universes within our bodies, our cells.  This continues in a finite state but we do not see it this way; we perceive infinity.