Thursday, October 23, 2014


Over the years I experimented in Micronations -- not "Fantasy" countries as some will point out, but real countries whose aim is personal attachment to an ideal that is not actually realized.  

The USA and Australia started out as Micronations or "declared States."  USA rebelled against England once the colonists found a large chunk of land and resources with a native population whom was not immune to foreign European diseases; USA is a Micronation unrecognized by England ( To This Day ) but accepted as "real" or we couldn't print this.  

My first Micronation is the Supernatural Nation of the UEIR in Egyptian Heaven (Duat).  I say Supernatural because the US Government classified it top secret since the years of annexation...

My second one was not Iapana Province (part of UEIR), but the Island Nation of Akua Niihau Pharaocracy.  This has a Nation-States online computer "game" simulator too.  Akua Niihau claims the island of Niihau (or the Forbidden Island in Hawaii) as its symbol.  Since no one is allowed to go there, no one can refute the claim (I had neighbors who really believed this and they tried to file extortion lawsuits against it and tried to actually steal the island itself.  They failed.), as the island cannot support life for long it is a perfect example of a Micronation.   Most Micronations claim rocks protruding from the ocean or uninhabited islands if lucky.   I also belonged at one point to Nova Roma Micronation (New Rome) and the Society for Creative Anachronism (not necessarily a Micronation but a Renaissance type invention).  Micronations are private government projects, or individuals who want to be unique and find ways to express creativity...


The Pharaoh News

The Pharaoh News is what would be a Newspaper in 18th Dynasty Egypt.

I wrote it on "papyrus texture" for effect.  

There are pictures and relevant "news" articles from the start of Tutankhamon's reign to his end, similar to the Satirical Papyrus.  

MC 2014.

On the subject of Memoirs

Why must I rewrite my autobiography several times?  It is because the information changes with age.  The first one (Eye of the Pharaoh) was in novel form -- inspiring other writers to do the same with their "memoirs."  Later ones are discourses in the varied subjects I created -- Applied Superphysics & Occult Archaeology, The Chronokinesis Foundation, or Tutankhamon's Wadjetism.  

One Memoir was Californian Pharaoh,  priced at $231 USD is a deterrent because I don't want just anyone to read it, and also because that will guarantee a royalty payment from the publisher (authors typically earn a fraction of the price per book, just because self-publishing it does not mean I receive 100% of the proceeds; more like 1/3).  Rumor has it that the original book Eye of the Pharaoh is in circulation at $50,000 each on the Black Market. 

Why would anyone want to read it? It's not like I Own the Federal Government and am forcing people to read it to maintain their Citizenship or anything.... Right?  


A Memoir shares experiences in life, not because someone is close to the other side for writing it, though in today's world life expectancies are extremely varied.  I also edited the first one 8 or 9 times for corrections. 

MC 2014.


Why did Mummies have books of the dead in their tombs?

The book was a road map to the Afterlife,  this location was Dimensionally not within Earth, but rather another Earth accessed in the Jet-stream, so pyramids, ladders, and boats could access it.  This other world was called Duat / Neter-Xert, the domain of the Deities who controlled Natural phenomenon.  The surface closely resembles Earth but in a perfect and untarnished environment.  The people who dwell there are Akhu ( Egyptian word for Angel), who subsist on "light"; the objective of such a book was to create a realm and exist forever therein, without needing to return to Earth in a new bodily form.  Consciousness is Life.  To enter this realm you must first sleep -  as in Dimensional travel; the burial site of Tutankhamon had a ritual bed below the coffins inside the stone sarcophagus.  Without this book your soul GOES NOWHERE after you die.  You remain on Earth, a confused Ghost or Displaced Ka Spirit.  

MC 2014.

For Social Media "Unfriendliness"

For those people who like to "friend" someone on social media, then leave or "un-friend" without giving a reason - there is a future for people like that:


"O my Shabties, if Lord Osiris commands me to do work in the Afterlife, you shall become my Proxy and work in my place when called upon..."

Compliments of the reincarnated King Nebkheperura Tutankhamon.  

MC 2014.

   (Ancient Egyptians had Slaves.  Slaves were an economic choice, or Prisoner of War, while sometimes by choice for a religious vocation.  They even had Slaves in the Afterlife -- Shabtis. This was not a factor of race or ethnicity.  Egyptians conquered border States - Libya, Nubia/Kush, Canaanites, North Africans, and Eastern States; sometimes they acquired prisoners who were made into laborers or "slaves" according to the Greek Historians. Other countries had slaves, too.)


See also:

M7 2014.

solar event

ABU SIMBEL, Egypt (AP) — Hundreds of visitors have gathered at the Great Temple of Ramses II in Egypt to watch the sun illuminate colossal statues, a rare 3,200-year-old astronomical ceremony that happens twice a year.

There was a partial solar eclipse in CA today at 3:00pm. Pacific Standard Time.

Eclipses in Ancient Egypt were considered dangerous due to Solar worship - they told people that the Egyptian Devil (Apophis) was attacking the Sun-God Ra, or that Seth was attacking another solar-deity Horus (a sky deity).  The Priests knew this was a natural event, keeping this a secret so they could manipulate peoples' fears and control the economy.  

MC 2014.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Effectiveness of Egyptian Magic

The book by Horus Michael - Effective Egyptian Magic Spells, from Initiate to Master (vol.1) - works when the caster has willpower / Mana Energy with skill as provided by continuous practice.  Some of my students in foreign countries (Asia) have been asking me to guide them in their abilities.  One student successfully influenced a rain storm to produce rain, in drought conditions.  Another asked me to use my skills in Magic to assist in family matters, via writing it in social media.  That it works is why they keep contacting me.  

Have an Open Mind and Believe in the Magical Process, for it is in believing or acceptance that causes the effect to work.  By not accepting its possibilities -- doubt, skepticism, atheism, preference to other Sciences, etc. -- you will not produce an effect.  Believing in something focuses energy in the mind, whether external to the body or internal willpower.  You can become Psychic, Telepathic, Telekinetic, etc. by practice and experimentation over the course of one's lifetime (as I have).  So give it a try, though new students probably won't create anything miraculous, it is still a possibility with Effective Egyptian Magic Spells.  

Although it was reported in the Media that some people occasionally have health issues after reading about "Ancient Egyptian Magic," this is their belief because of the events occurring after 1923 in Cairo, Egypt with Tutankhamon's tomb discovery.  My Magic spells are recent and not ancient; the spells are found in Hieroglyphs translated to English; Magic can be written in English though most people prefer using old languages so it won't look "primitive" to the viewer.  Some people also have health issues after reading anything I write (I am supernatural / psychic), includes Web posts, blogs, letters, notes, books, post cards, journal entries, UEIR Advertising by the American Media since 1993, etc.  

MC 2014.

There is a warning label:

Caution! Ancient Egyptian Magical Techniques are dangerous when misused by ordinary people.  Although anyone can create a Magic Spell, not everyone can master the invisible forces at work behind it.  For those with an innate illumination of Emerald Fire in their minds when in complete darkness, you will benefit the most from this book (along with the sacred Green Stones of Egyptian antiquity).  For everyone else, allow me to introduce to you the abilities that result from this system of Magic.