Sunday, December 6, 2015

The Search for Queen Ankhesenamon (on Kindle)

 The Search for Queen Ankhesenamon, The Mystery of KV-62: (on Kindle)

New Theories about the Hidden Chambers inside King Nebkheperura (Tutankhamon)'s tomb in the Valley of the Kings, Egypt. Specifically about Queen Ankhesenamon as Ankh-et-kheperura Nefer-neferuaton, whom inherited titles from her mother, Queen Nefertiti, as co-regent with Akhenaton.

MC 2015.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Egyptology Plagiarism

The recent "discovery in Egypt" about a "hidden chamber in Tutankhamon's tomb" was plagiarized (stolen) by Egyptologist Dr. Nicholas Reeves in his "2015 Theory" about the undiscovered tomb of Queen Nefertiti from my novel, Eye of the Pharaoh - Copyright 1990, 1995 Michael J. Costa.  His Theory states there is a "hidden chamber concealed by plaster with murals and inscriptions" in the Western and Northern Walls of Tut's Burial Chamber.  This was originally from Chapters 15 and 20 in my novel.  My novel is not "public domain" as it is Copyright Registered.  Why am I not recognized for this re-discovery?  Money -- people are improperly motivated by Fame and Fortune to acknowledge their sources of information.   (My novel mentions the discovery of Tut's Queen Ankhesenamon, though in a different location besides the ring in the Western Chamber). 


Howard Carter in Egypt

MC 2015.