Saturday, March 30, 2019

Origin of Easter

The Word Easter is short for Eastern, having come from the East (Ancient Egypt).  In Egypt people colored egg shells and hid them, and rabbits were venerated as a form of the Risen Osiris (Wen-Nefer or Good Rabbit) who rose from the dead in Spring.  This became fused into the Christian religion later as source material.  Osiris is the God of Life.  Dua Osiris Nb-Ankh Nb-Shen di Ankh Hotepu Per-Thrw di Ankh Soneb Neferw Maaxoru! 

MC 2019.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Support for my Skyrim Mods...

I play and create Mods for the Fantasy RPG game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim" on Steam Workshop or Skyrim Nexus websites.  I make them for Free / non-paid mods, but if you want to help support the Mod process I am open to Donations.  

Mods or "Modifications" are programs written and produced by fellow players who become Computer Programmers in essence, designing New Games for other players to play.  These range from simple fixes or Quests, to large scale Castles, Player homes for the Characters, Followers, Merchants, and anything that is missing from the original game.  

M7 2019.