Monday, October 31, 2022

Friday, October 28, 2022

The Court of Lord Osiris S7...




Visiting the Court of Lord Osiris S7®

Copyright ®©M7C 2022

Once upon an era, there were 3 Billionaires from the United States who died tragically, and their souls entered the Divine Court of Lord Osiris S7, whom is called the Supreme, Eternal Pharaoh of Netherworld and Living, the King of Kings, and Sovereign of Heaven. 

One Billionaire, Elon Musk, the Founder of Tesla Motor Company, who bought a social media company in 2022, entered Duat after his Stock Portfolio crashed in the Recession of 2055 causing a heart attack.   Elon entered the Court with a worried look upon his face.  “Why am I here? I donated to Charity,” he asked. 

Lord Osiris S7 glanced at Anubis, whom shrugged his shoulders, then at Thoth the Recorder who sighed.  “Mr. Musk, you bought Twitter in 2022.  Then you fired all the vital employees, culled the user population believing they were Bots, and allowed Organized Crime to take over the platform.”  Lord Osiris S7 looked at the Scales of Ma’at which was tilted to the right, and the heart fell out of the pan and into the feeding dish of Ammit the Devourer of Souls.  “Next!”

Another Billionaire, Mark Z. the Founder of Facebook, entered the Court room.  He died tragically when his yacht capsized during a hurricane in Kauai where he drowned in a pool of gold coins on board the ship’s swimming pool.  “Why am I here?” he asked. 

Lord Osiris S7 replied, “Mark, you founded a social media company and a Metaverse program, and a hospital in San Francisco, CA.  However you valued profit over people’s lives.  Many people were affected when you took over the State as its Governor in 2037 and ended Medi-Corp HMO.” Anubis watched as the Scales of Ma’at emptied its contents into Ammit’s waiting mouth.  “Next!”

A third Billionaire entered the room.  His name was once classified top secret by the CIA and is only known by his Internet handle, “M7.”  Lord Osiris was handed a list of papers from Thoth.  Ammit turned to Osiris, waiting patiently.  M7 said nothing as the verdict was read. 

M7, you were a classified Billionaire for a number of years.  In that time you told the USA Govt. to do some things with that money.  You bought a hotel in every city across the USA for housing the homeless, at about 17,000 hotels total.  You built a bridge connecting Niihau Island with Kauai Island to allow fresh water and sanitation there and for constructing a hotel resort for the residents.  You used revenue of $100 Trillion to reduce the National Debt to nothing, saving the next generation from that burden, and paid off Social Security for 1000 years,” Osiris smiled.  “You have passed the Judgement of Ma’at. Congratulations!

M7 was escorted out of the Court of Lord Osiris S7 by the falcon-god Horus, and into the Fields of Reeds in Elysium.  The others were led outside by Lord Set, the Chaos God, to their fate. 

M7 entered the Fields of Reeds to his new Palace in the afterlife.  It was seven levels with many rooms, gardens and pools, attached farmland and golf courses. Ushabtis labored in his service as servants.  M7 invited the Ka Spirits of the Billionaires whose Souls failed the Judgement of Ma’at as guests in his Palace.  There they assisted with technology and played computer games in the afterlife. 

© M7C 2022






 Local Products of the Kingdom of Ni'ihau (Micronation), also Books from

 The island named Ni'ihau is pronounced "Nee-Eee-How."   The Micronation is a Kingdom ruled by Pharaoh Horus Michael I (Author).  Ni'ihau once was considered as a location for the United Nations HQ before its current place.  It is protected by a USA Govt. Missile range on Kauai and is governed by Kauai (Hawaii State).  The location is a symbolic region for the Micronation itself, like in Most Micronations.  There is no Kingdom on the Island itself as that is a reservation for Natives of Hawaii and a ranch for exotic animals, despite attempts for adding civilization or a private 8 Mile bridge to supply water and sanitation there.  Climate Change and rising sea levels are a concern.  So the actual Kingdom is elsewhere.   Ni'ihau is called the Forbidden Island (via a Polio outbreak in 1952?).  

MC 2022.


Thursday, October 27, 2022

Social Media is having problems...



This week on Social Media: October 27, 2022 CE. 

1. Twitter won't allow me to access the website, it goes blank or a white page after adding password.  

2. Facebook is doing something with Pages so that I cannot post new content to them, or asks me if I can "switch to an account with Facebook access." So none of the Pages now work.  

3. Initially I thought this was me or a virus or malware, but now I think it is the websites themselves.  

4. Or Russian Hackers?  

5. Or NSA/CIA? (I already spoke to them about this, no decent reply yet related to this).  

MC 2022.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Some Known Incarnations of M7...




List of Incarnations of Mike Costa © 2022 MC7

Human Incarnations Only are Below:

King Horus Narmer – Egyptian Conqueror, First King of United Egypt

Vizier Imhotep, 3rd Dynasty, designed Stepped Pyramid of Zjoser.

King Sneferu, father of Khufu, 4th Dynasty, built pyramids.

King Menkaura, builder of the Divine Pyramid, 4th Dynasty.

King Djedkara Isesi, 5th Dynasty (origin of Trinity, Jesus QRST)

King Montuhotep Nebkhepetra, 11th Dynasty.

King Hammurabi of Babylon, wrote laws.

King Ahmoses 1, who expelled Hyksos from Egypt, 18th Dynasty.

King Thutmose 1, 18th Dynasty.

King Thutmose 3, conqueror/Pharaoh, 18th D.

Pharaoh Amonhotep 3 Nebmaatra, 18th D.

Pharaoh Tut-ankh-Amon, 18th D. found in KV62.

Pharaoh Ramses 2 the Great, 19th D.

King Solomon of Israel (may be Mythical or Amonhotep 3)

Siddartha the Buddha (Mythical?)

Socrates, Greek Philosopher, poisoned by Greeks after Sparta war loss

Alexander the Great, avenged Socrates by razing Athens (Myth?).

Shi-huang-di, first Emperor of China, started Great Wall

Gaius Julius Caesar, First Emperor of World, Rome

Ptolemy Caesar XV, son of Cleopatra and Caesar, Lord of World.

Joshua the Scribe, wrote New Testament with self-insertion of character.

Gaius Caesar, “Caligula”, Emperor of Rome

Constantine the Great, Roman Emperor, started Christianity

Moon Jaguar, Mayan.

Prophet Mohammad, Conqueror of Arabia

William the Conqueror, England

Genghis Khan, invaded China and tested Great Wall

Tlcaellel, Aztec Priest

Christopher Columbus, Discovered Atlantis (Americas)

Michel Nostradame, French Astrologer with Chronokinesis

William Shakespeare, playwright

Oseawa Kajite, Ninja trainer, Japan

Napoleon I, Emperor of France

Abraham Lincoln, President of USA (dream life?)

President John (Jack) F. Kennedy, USA.

Michael J. Costa/Horus Michael, Author, Archaeologist.

© MC 2022.







    Hello, I am Author Michael J. Costa (Horus Michael), and I wrote 153+ books since graduating High School, some of which were written while in College for my degree in Archaeology & Biological Anthropology '99 CSUEB.  I specialize in whatever is currently selling, such as novels, Egyptian Magic, Philosophy/Ancient religion, or Games.  My Amazon links are from my names Michael J Costa or Horus Michael.  I also test game designs on The Game Crafter website (designs from MC), and I formerly created Modifications to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game until health issues (Eye disease, etc.) forced me off the computer, where I worked for hours a day making mods.  I also practice Ancient Egyptian Magic as a Kheri-Heb (Chief Lector Priest) & ritual Pharaoh (as Chief High Priest of all the Egyptian Deities).  I also made Micronations as a hobby, and conquered the Earth with my abilities or powers (Elemental Chronokinesis, Telepathy, Telepsi).  I also believe in Reincarnation and that this is not my first visit to this recreational planet.  I was crowned Sovereign-Lord (Pharaoh/King) by Rev. Billy Graham in 1993 after testing my powers.  The CIA marketed my information to the Media after 1993.  In 1994 I discovered my first novel was published by my therapist, who died in March 2020 of Brain Cancer.  The book was a best seller until the USA Govt. confiscated it when I alerted to them it was stolen.  It made "$990Billion+ USD" since 1994, and is presently classified top secret by CIA, after it ended up on the International Dark Web by 1998, selling from $50,000 to $100,000 each. CIA classified me because I am supernatural only.  I own the copyright in 1995.  So.. I am famous as an Author.  I am also alive. Thanks for asking...

MC 2022.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Amazon Central in US/UK are using Top Picks on Author Pages!



 Hello Mike

Warm greetings from Author Central. I am very glad to assist you today.

I truly apologize for the inconvenience that this has caused you.

Upon researching, I noticed that all of your books have already been added to your Author page.

The reason you cannot see your books listed on your Author Page is because The Top Picks feature has been implemented.

The Top Picks feature allows Amazon customers to see personalized recommendations from your catalog of books. Customers will see this on your Author Page and it will suggest books based on these traits:

• New releases and pre-order books matching their interest.
• Unread books from a series they started.
• The customer’s reading and purchase history.

The goal is to help them find more books they want to read from you. Each customer will have a different recommendation, including you, if you’re logged into your Amazon account.

Author Pages currently support the “Top Picks” feature in the US and UK marketplaces.

Since this feature is updated based on customer shopping habits and changes frequently to reflect current buying patterns, I'm not able to modify it.

While changes to the feature are not possible, I hope this information better explains the way the feature works on our website.

In advance, I really appreciate all your patience, help and understanding.

I am aware this is important for you because of this I hope to hear back from you! Please feel free to contact me again in case you have additional questions on this matter. As a Support Representative your satisfaction is my top priority.

Thank you for using Amazon Author Central.


MC  2022.


Sunday, October 23, 2022

Amazon Central software updates caused missing books lists...




Apparently a recent software update on Amazon Central website (where author profiles and links to their books) caused missing books and book listings to occur.  This has impacted most or all authors on Amazon KDP.  I have about 5 pages on MJC and 6 pages on HM or so normally (of my 153 books).  So this will impact the month of October 2022 until fixed.  I emailed AC about this and they are probably working on it (except weekends, as today is Sunday).  My books are still for sale independently of the main links. 

MC 2022.




Saturday, October 22, 2022

Wednesday, October 19, 2022


Political and spiritual views

Actor & Comedian Jim Carrey believes in and advocates for the so-called "law of attraction". In an interview with Oprah Winfrey on 17 February 1997, he revealed that as a struggling actor he would use visualization techniques to get work. He also stated that he visualized a $10,000,000 check given to him for "acting services rendered", placed the check in his pocket, and seven years later received a $10,000,000 check for his role in Dumb and Dumber.

Carrey practices Transcendental Meditation.


    Imagery is important in attracting items to the Magician.  If “a picture is worth a thousand words” then having a photo of the object of one’s desire will assist the acquisition of that item, via Telepathy.  In Ancient Egypt the people had paintings to accompany words like a cartoon how-to-build instructions manual.  They knew that the language could be forgotten.  If you can form the image in your mind minus the photograph this will enable attraction, and you can will it using Telepathy. 

MC 2022.

Lee Harvey Oswald and CIA...

So someone is suing the Govt. over the JFK Files from 1963?  They connect Lee Harvey Oswald with CIA that CIA recruited him to kill JFK to avenge the Bay of Pigs Invasion.  I already know this.   Oswald was hired by CIA to assist with JFK's suicide and this would be blamed on Cuba and Russia by connecting Oswald to Russia.  Fidel Castro was supposed to be killed the same day as President Kennedy (M7) via a signal on a button in JFK's jacket which had 2 black buttons, one to signal the agent to kill Castro, the other to shoot JFK once done.  The Agent (previously revealed) refused to kill Castro. So now I know both buttons worked.  You cannot find reliable people in USA.  JFK wanted to commit suicide due to health reasons but this would affect his Family's insurance plan and not look good for his Family.  So he made it look like an assassination with a false cover up for realism.  This is in my autobiography Californian Pharaoh published prior to the release of data.  

MC 2022.



Nuclear First Aid?

Just in case my Spells work: (Don't play Fallout-4 before this or you will have PTSD):

(Most likely the Internet will be unplugged so print this):

    Nuclear war remains unlikely but Russia's recent threats have raised attention to nuclear safety. Also North Korea, etc. etc.

    You can learn a few safety measures to increase your chance of survival in case of an impact.

    Here are 13 tips on what to do and what not to do in case a nuclear weapon is detonated nearby.

As Russia continues its invasion of Ukraine, concerns about nuclear safety have returned vividly to the fore.

President Vladimir Putin has hinted that he could deploy nuclear weapons in dire circumstances and the US has also alluded that an attack would not go unmatched.

Experts tend to agree that a nuclear attack is not impossible but remains unlikely. There would be enormous downsides for Russia.

Since their invention, nuclear weapons have only been used twice in war, both times by the US. Since then, such a move is widely considered a red line that world leaders would not dare cross as it might trigger cataclysmic and civilization-ending escalation.

Still, with nine countries sharing about 12,700 nuclear warheads, the risk of nuclear war is always present.

Nuclear weapons are the deadliest weapons ever invented and have gotten a lot stronger since they were used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.

In the unlikely event of a nuclear impact, those closest to the bomb face near-certain death. For those further away, there are simple tips and tricks to increase the chance of survival.

Here are 13 do's and don'ts
in case of a nuclear attack.


A warning: If the nuke hits close by, there is nothing you can do.It's important not to minimize the risk: in the event that a nuclear bomb were to hit the US, people close enough to the impact would likely die, regardless of how they prepared.The bomb would set off a flash of light, a giant orange fireball, and building-toppling shock waves.The initial impact would likely instantly kill tens of thousands if the device were to hit a highly built-up area. Anyone up to a few miles away would suffer third-degree burns. People up to 53 miles away could experience temporary blindness.Fires would tear through the wreckage. Emergency services would struggle to support survivors in the immediate vicinity of the blast. People would be exposed to radioactive fallout. In the long term, if enough of the world's stock of nuclear weapons were deployed, it would trigger a nuclear winter that would likely lead to global famine. Nothing can prepare a population for that.Still, in the minutes to hours after an impact, there are behaviors you can learn to increase your chance of surviving a nuclear strike which is far enough away.

DO: Drop to the ground with your face down and your hands tucked under your body.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends this position because it will keep your hands, arms, and face away from any flying debris or sweltering heat that could burn your skin. Once the shock waves have subsided, you can get up and look for shelter.

Read more: If a nuclear weapon is about to explode, here are 17 things you can do

DON'T: Stare directly at the blast.

Depending on how close you are to a nuclear explosion, it might be impossible to avoid the initial burst of light, which can blind you for about 15 seconds to a minute. But for those farther away, it's best to avert and cover your eyes, according to the CDC.

A 1-megaton bomb (that's about 80 times larger than the "Little Boy" atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan) could temporarily blind people up to 13 miles away on a clear day, and up to 53 miles away on a clear night.

DO: Cover your face with a towel or piece of clothing.

If you have a scarf or handkerchief nearby at the time of a nuclear explosion, it's wise to cover your nose and mouth. Even before fallout reaches the ground, an explosion stirs up other debris that might be dangerous to breathe in.

DON'T: Seek shelter in your car.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) advises people not to take shelter in their vehicles. Glass windows and metal frames make them too flimsy to protect you from nuclear fallout. Driving away is also futile, since it's tough to anticipate where radiation will travel.

The one exception to this rule is ducking inside your car in an underground parking garage, which could provide an added layer of protection.

DO: Find a brick or concrete building, such as a school or office.

FEMA identifies brick or concrete buildings as the safest forms of shelter after a nuclear attack. Ideally, the best shelter would have few to no windows and a basement for camping out.

Schools or offices usually meet these criteria. Mobile homes, however, are considered too fragile.

Watch: Inside the US military's $223 million 'doomsday plane,' capable of surviving a nuclear blast
Scroll back up to restore default view.

If there aren't any sturdy buildings within 15 minutes of where you're standing, it's better to find any form of shelter than stay outside. If you discover that there's a safer building close by, wait at least an hour before attempting to move. By that time, the potential for radiation exposure would likely have decreased by around 55%.

DON'T: Stand near windows once you're indoors.
If you take cover in a tall building, choose a central location and steer clear of the top and bottom floors.

If your structure has windows, FEMA advises standing far away from them, in the center of a room. That's because shock waves can shatter windows up to 10 miles away from an explosion, resulting in dangerous flying glass.

DO: Shut off heaters and air conditioners.

Heating or air-conditioning units pull in air from the outside, so they could further spread contaminated particles.

DO: Take a shower as soon as possible.

People who were outside during an explosion should shower as soon as possible, making sure the water is warm and soap is applied gently. Scrubbing too hard could break your skin, which acts as a natural protective barrier.

You should also cover any cuts or abrasions while you're rinsing off. For those without access to a shower, FEMA recommends using a sink or faucet. The next-best option is to clean your body with a wipe or wet cloth. Blowing your nose and wiping your ears and eyelids is also important, since debris could get stuck in these orifices.

DON'T: Use conditioner after you shampoo.

Rinsing your hair with shampoo is critical after being exposed to radiation, but conditioner is a major no-no, according to the CDC.

That's because conditioners carry compounds called cationic surfactants, which bind to radioactive particles and can trap them in your hair. They'd essentially act like glue between your hair and radioactive material.

As a general rule, it's best to only use products on your body that are designed to get rinsed off in the aftermath of a nuclear disaster. Items like body lotion and face cream should wait until a second or third wish.

Read more: The US government warns people against using conditioner after a nuclear explosion. It could trap radiation in your hair.

DO: Seal away contaminated clothes.

Because outer layers of clothing would likely be contaminated by fallout, the CDC recommends sealing them in a plastic bag that's out of the reach of children and pets. You should also seal off any tissues or cloths used to wipe your body or face.

DON'T: Search for your family members right away.
The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends staying indoors for at least 24 hours in the event of a nuclear explosion. After 48 hours, the exposure rate from a 10-kiloton explosion (the type that might damage but not destroy a city) goes down to just 1%.

"While sheltering is a priority for protecting public health, it goes against natural instincts," a collection of government agencies wrote in a 2010 report. "After a nuclear detonation, people will need to understand why they and their families are safest staying sheltered."

DON'T: Eat unpackaged food or food that was left outside.
Following any kind of nuclear explosion, the CDC says it's all right to consume food from sealed containers such packages, bottles, or cans. You can also eat things from your pantry or refrigerator, as long as you wipe off food containers, cookware, counters, and utensils.

But anything that was left uncovered, especially if it was outdoors — such as fruits or veggies from a garden — would be unsafe to eat.

DO: Listen to the radio for instructions.

Nuclear explosions produce a powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP), an invisible burst of energy that can destroy power, phone, and internet lines. A nuclear EMP could also disrupt radio waves, but that's less likely, since radios have a simpler circuitry.

So in the wake of an explosion, emergency-response officials will likely broadcast safety instructions over the radio. Unless these officials tell you it's safe to go outside, it's best to stay put until the risk of contamination has gone down.

This story, which was originally published in September 2019, has since been updated to reflect new developments. Aria Bendix contributed to an earlier version of the story.

Read the original article on Business Insider