Monday, December 30, 2019

The truth is in the background noise.

Russian Ambassador Closed Camera Meeting with POTUS45 © M7 2019.

      The laughter between the Russian Ambassador and POTUS45 was intercepted using Telepathy as the Camera audio was turned off, much to the chagrin of the Media.  What were they talking about? In most Media Background Noise in the years after September 2010 most people were talking or gossiping about the classified top secret real estate of Pharaoh M7.  This started in 2005 when his Arab Neighbors (mentioned in Eye of the Pharaoh, Chapter 18) investigated this subject, after bribing Federal Agents with money for information.  The Russians learned of this subject, and then started an interest in Pharaoh M7’s blogs and social media accounts (according to the Blog’s Stats feature).  Later the Ukraine started an interest in the Blogs, and Turkey’s Media infiltrated an Egyptian Temple on social media belonging to Pharaoh M7 in 2019.  The CIA realized this so they invented the false narrative that the Russians interfered with the Trump election in 2016.  The Media bought this up and forced former FBI Director Robert Mueller to investigate the Government, following FBI Director James Comey’s firing (on Pharaoh M7’s birthday in 2017), after Pharaoh M7 complained about the Arab Neighbors’ intrusion, to the President.  The Democrats who hate President Trump led the Impeachment charges to get him in trouble over this spat.  The Democrats were grasping at straws for something, anything, to cause POTUS45’s removal.  Such straws are whenever the President misspeaks or lies to cover up errors.  POTUS45 lavishly spoke about Pharaoh M7’s real estate with other countries.  The truth has become a conspiracy theory.  If one ignores what the Media says on camera and focus on what it is saying in the background, you will notice this.  Invented “facts” are the hallmark of Counter Intelligence. 

© M7 2019.
 (Photo by ClipArt).

Happy New Year 2020!

Happy New Year 2020!

M7C 2019.

Sunday, December 29, 2019

The First Commandment - a Biblical error?

Exodus 20:1-3 “And God spoke all these words, saying, ‘I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.'”

The expression "gods" indicates there are more than one "god."  Since the Hebrew God said this, He is acknowledging the existence of multiple entities like himself and preferring to be worshiped alone.  This is not Monotheism, and the Hebrew God either is not all-knowing if he claims to be unique, or God did not write this, and a Human wrote it.  Since "God does not make error" a Human must have written this.  Similar errors occur in the Islamic Quran with "Our-self" comments.  If Gods wrote books, the events in those books would be influencing events in Time (Eye of the Pharaoh, for example).  This does not happen when Humans write religious books (The Quran was not written by God because Muslims said it was an Oral Tradition until people decided to print it).  "Our-self" is indicative of multiple entities sharing a consciousness. 

M7C 2019.

Warren's proposed Wealth Tax

If Presidential Candidate E. Warren's proposed Tax on 2% of all Wealth above $50M goes into effect, in 50 years all wealth will be drained and the program will have to stop.  This is punishment for being wealthy.  This Extremist Democrat will only cause POTUS45's reelection.  Also people will stop playing the State Lotteries or gambling in Casinos.  USA's burden of Heavy Taxation is why there are Homeless people in USA.  Over-taxation and Over-legislation is not the answer; use existing Tax Revenue, not mismanage funds.  High Property Taxes in CA for example is why people are leaving CA to other States.  Taxes for reducing Homelessness come from where?  There are enough Taxes.  Govt. needs to own a profitable business in lieu of Taxes, like in Saudi Arabia or nearby countries that have profitable revenue from Oil and don't need Citizen taxes.  The Wealth Tax will be an end to Capitalism.  

M7C 2019.

Saturday, December 28, 2019

First Person Narration is Not the Author but the Character talking...

In any Story, the person narrating the story is a Character, NOT the Author.

The Bible uses 3rd Person Narration.  The Quran uses both First and 3rd Person interchangeably.  

Eye of the Pharaoh uses First Person Narration.  The Author is not the Narrator.  The character telling the story is the Narrator.  

Friday, December 27, 2019

Iran Quakes can target Russian Nukes

If Iran's Nuclear Plants can be targeted (successfully done) with Earthquakes, then so can Russian Nuclear Targets.  You can keep your worthless hyper-sonic camel dung.  Go waste your rubles on gambling in Trump's Russian Casinos. 

M7C 2019.

Happy New Year 2020!

The Gregorian Calendar date for next year is 2020.  The Julian Calendar is 2066 (add 46 years to current, dated on the birth of Ptolemy Caesar age 1 year in 46 B.C.E.).  

Happy New Year!

You say this to distance yourself from all the bad things that occurred in the preceding year, hoping life will improve next year.  Time is written before incarnation.  So you cannot change it; outcomes are numerous -- it is like a Bowling Alley with the ball being your Fate, which way you go is determined by what wills the ball's direction.  It will hit the same number of pins as written in Time.  Informing you of the Future may or may not change the outcome -- it will just take longer.  In 2018 I wrote on my blog here that "President Trump will be Impeached in 2019."  I said nothing of removal from office.  He was Impeached in 2019.  (also on Twitter). 

M7C 2019.

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

The First QRSTMS (Christmas)...

The First Qristmas
Copyright © 2019 Mike Costa, All rights reserved.

After Lord Osiris gave civilization to Egypt, he went to civilize the World with his Technology.  This was a peaceful World Conquest.  When returning to Egypt, Lord Osiris was invited to a Party in his honor.  His brother Set (Sutekh, Seth) asked if Lord Osiris wanted to participate in a Magic Trick – the Disappearing Box.  The Box was measured to fit only Osiris; others attempted to enter it but could not.  Osiris entered the box and Set nailed it shut and dumped it into the Nile River before usurping the Throne and declaring himself King of Egypt. 

The Box became entangled in a Pine or Cedar Tree, like a Crucifixion.  His sister-wife Isis found the box in the tree and ordered it cut down.  The tree became known as a Djed Pillar, or Tree of Life.  Isis fanned air into Osiris’ lungs with her Angelic wings after changing into a hawk.  Osiris resurrected (revived himself) and they mated.  After a while a Son was born, and he was called Horus.  Osiris and his family returned to Egypt to confront Set. 

Set saw the risen Osiris and impaled him with a spear, and then dismembered Osiris’ body, scattering his remains across Egypt to prevent another resurrection.  Set pursued Isis and Horus into the Nile Delta until Horus matured into adulthood and could combat Set himself.  Horus battled Set for control of Egypt.  Horus had his eyes injured, but Thoth repaired them.  One eye is the Eye of Sacrifice or Wadjet Eye.  This eye is offered to Lord Osiris as a Sacrificial Offering and it represents food and drink, clothing, incense, and other funerary offerings to the Souls of the Dead in the Ceremony called Opening of the Mouth.   

The Summer Solstice was the birth of Ra the Creator/Sun God, whom was the grandfather of Osiris.  The Winter Solstice is the death of the Sun God.  5 added days to the Egyptian Calendar were the birthdays of Osiris’ family.  When the Romans created Christianity they converted Egyptians first.  These converts were the Coptic Christians, or Copts.  Osiris worship still existed by this time, so the early “Christians” adapted Osiris worship to their belief system.  Christmas is the rebirth of Ra, celebrated on the birthday of Osiris.  Osiris was worshiped in the Pyramid Age of the Old Kingdom era. 

The Christian Trinity is “The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”  This means the Christ (QRST) is his own father and reincarnated as his son via the Holy Spirit.  In Egyptian the Trinity is “Osiris the Father, Horus the Son and the Ka of Osiris.” 

In Communion ceremony the Body of Christ (Wadjet Eye) is the sacrificial offering along with the Blood of Christ.  This was offered at the Last Supper of Christ.  The body was symbolized by an offering of Bread, and the blood as Wine.  The participant then consumes the ritualized Bread and Wine to absorb the attributes of Christ.  In Egyptian, the Last Supper was when the people of Egypt rebelled against Ra and Ra sent forth his Eye to destroy the rebellion.  His Eye was the Goddess Sakhmet, who created Storms, Hurricanes, and Wildfires to consume the Earth and eat the remains of the people.  Ra saw this and relented.  Ra sent forth Horus to save humanity.  Horus mixed the flood waters with a Mandrake Infusion in Wine to make Sakhmet intoxicated.  Mandrakes are a Narcotic Fruit that is prepared in Vinegar (Vinegar is old Wine) used as a pain killer.  Sakhmet drank the tainted flood waters resembling blood and she became drunk, and transformed into Hathor the Goddess of Love, Beauty and festivals.  This was the Last Time Ra would punish humanity, so it became the Last Supper.  In Christianity, Christ offered himself as the Eye of Sacrifice and once asked (while crucified) for something to drink, so he was given “Vinegar” leftover from the Last Supper.  Then he said “It is done,” and “gave up the ghost” (i.e. he passed out).  This drug overdose caused him to sleep a few days; he awakened, and exited the tomb to show his friends he was still alive.    The Egyptian word for Resurrect also meant Awaken. 
In Egypt people celebrated the saving of Humanity by Horus by erecting a Djed Pillar (i.e. Christmas Tree) and placing offerings at its base to be opened by family or friends.  Since Osiris was buried in the Pillar as his initial tomb, he was the First Christ, or QRST which meant “Burial” in Egyptian language.  

Horus is the Savior or Messiah.  Messiah and Christ were merged as the same entity later as Horus was Osiris reborn.  The word Christmas in Egyptian is QRST-MS; MS meant “Birth.”  So Christmas meant “The Rebirth of the Messiah, Horus-Osiris.”  

© M7C 2019.

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Australia and NZ....

To my fans in Australia and New Zealand - Merry Qrstmas and don't forget to use Protection (Magic) when casting Wildfire Spells.  Thank you!

M7C 2019.

Merry QRSTMAS to North Korea's Kim Jong Un!

Merry QRSTMAS to North Korea's Kim Jong Un:

From the person who sent your Grandfather into the Abyss in 1994 and hit your country with Drought, Famine and Pestilence.  

You are in our Thoughts and Prayers.  Your Gift is returnable.  

- Pharaoh M7.

Was King Tutankhamon crucified?

The history of crucifixion can be traced back to the Egyptians (Genesis 40:19) and the Persians (Esther 7:10). It was also practiced by the Assyrians, Scythians, Indians, Germans, and from the earliest times by the Greeks and the Romans. 

1. In Roman Crucifixions, the victim's leg was broken to prevent escape.  
2. Exposure to the Elements occurred in Crucifixion, and the victim could get Malaria and other illnesses, and a bad sunburn.  
3. Tutankhamon's left leg was broken "within 2 days before he died."
4. Tutankhamon's body tested positive for Malaria (Fever).
5. Romans also set the victim on fire after application of oils after death.
6. Tutankhamon's body appears "charred black from burning."  
7. Excessive amounts of perfumed oils were on Tutankhamon's body when discovered in 1923 (after tomb in 1922). 
8. In Jesus Christ's Crucifixion, "Nails were added to his hands, feet, and chest."
9. Tutankhamon is missing his chest.  
10.  Crucifixions in Egypt used rope to attach to trees or pillars.
11.  Tutankhamon had enemies from the Aton Faction, not just Border States of Nubia or Asia.
12. Did followers of Akhenaton crucify Tutankhamon for betraying them?

Copyright 2019 Mike Costa, All rights reserved.

Russia: What Nuclear War will do to Global War-ming...

If Russia is wondering where Winter has gone, and seek to test its new Nuclear Weapons cache, they may be in for a shock.  Nuclear Energy will burn everything made of Carbon, releasing this into the atmosphere, and direct this smog to Russia via the Winds.  If you think Climate Change is bad now, wait until WW3 and wonder if it will compare to Fallout-4 computer game?  

M7C 2019.

Verb Confusion of an outphased Acronym...

In 2016 Pharaoh M7 told President Obama that "The word Seponal was being replaced by Sepusa, and that Seponal was being out-phased in favor of Sepusa (Seponal = Supreme Eternal Pharaoh of Netherworld and Living; Sepusa = Supreme Eternal Pharaoh of the United States of America).  So the Seponal Acronym died and dwells in Acronym Heaven" -- so POTUS44 didn't read it correctly and so misinformed the Public that Seponal "died" when this is not the case.  So what happened? People associated Seponal with the Author (because S7 is a character in one of the Author's books based on the Author) and stopped buying books by that Author.  Gossip started and said "S7 died" -- this occurs when in the Author's presence.  It's like saying "Harry Potter died" and connecting this character to its Author like he's a family member.  The book was fictional in 1990.  What it is now depends on what events happened after reading it --- People self-program after they read influential books.  They cause their own future.   How did our technology and AI increase to the point of resembling 2001 A Space Odyssey or the Terminator Films? 

M7C 2019.

After Eye of the Pharaoh was being distributed as a true-story by its first publisher after 1992, numerous people came to me claiming that they were characters from my book.  One said in a convertible car while in traffic "I don't like being called a Traitor."   This refers to the Fictional Character who later become an Incarnation of Jesus Christ character, the extra-terrestrial or Emeraldian.  Also the word "Emeraldian" appears in other later books and on   I met several people who said they are "Tutankhamon" or "Jesus Christ" or a relative of either.  This is what happens when you misinform people about the class of a book.  True-story novels affect social programming in people.  One can laugh at them, or take them seriously for their delusions?  At least two people said they are S7, and numerous people claimed to be M7 (including an African Dictator).  I am the Author of Eye of the Pharaoh.  I am not taking this lightly.  Females also stalked me in College, one claimed to be from "Tutankhamon's Harem."  My book is still selling on the International Black Market (Dark Web) for "$50,000 to $100,000" each, illegally.  If you buy it from anyone other than my legal publishers/printers, I am not responsible for its contents or what people do with it.  It's probably selling overseas.  I know it was sold during the 1990s, as Barbara Walters wanted to interview me in 1998 for "Most Influential Person of 1998" but CIA classified me top secret for it.  If CIA only knew that this was misinformation I would have my book's proceeds and not be a secret of the Govt.  They still connect the dots back to me.   CIA also knows nothing about Elemental Chronokinesis, as a factor in Climate Change (assuming CC wasn't a hoax created by VP Al Gore after he lost an election to be POTUS, and created CC as revenge for renewable energy). 

M7C 2019.  

Wednesday, December 18, 2019


What do you say to a Jujitsu Master on Vacation?

- Have a Nice Trip!

M7C 2019.

The Talk of the Town (Poetry)...

Politics: When you’re the talk of the town
Copyright © 2019 M7C, All rights reserved

If the Ambassador of Russia wasn’t actually talking about My Country with POTUS45 that day when American communications were turned off and all we saw were the Ambassador and POTUS45 laughing out loud…

If Russia was not actually involved in a Conspiracy against the USA, as created by the CIA and other Intelligence groups benefiting the Democrat Political Party…

If the Impeachment of POTUS45 wasn’t simply a well-orchestrated diversion…

If the Economy really looked as good as it did on NYSE…

If killing Terrorist Leaders made any difference to American Foreign “Policy” that change with each new election…

If talking about a top-secret Zillionaire wasn’t really a secret to the Outside World…

If Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and CIA were not spying on my blogs…

If one’s secret life wasn’t actually public…

If winning a State Lottery was actually better than being hit by lightning rather than a waste of money (and electricity)…

If one’s information was handled better than being a comedy skit on SNL…

If Sept. 11, 2001 “terror attack” wasn’t a byproduct of Hollywood Actors after they were summoned to the White House for research purposes in 1999…

If the war on Arabic Terrorism wasn’t an excuse to invade Iraq or avenge Buddha from the Taliban…

If preserving the American lifestyle was more valuable to Politicians than the Army…

If Fidel Castro had died in 1963 JFK would still be alive…

…This is how it’s like being the Talk of the Town.

© M7C 2019.