Thursday, July 26, 2018

What Modern Egyptologists Do Not Know about the Supernatural in Egypt

What Modern Egyptologists Do Not Know about the Supernatural in Egypt
Copyright © 2018 M7 All rights reserved

Dr. Zahi Hawass often chimes about the Curse of Tutankhamon as being “non extant,” or a “rumor from early Egyptology and the Media.”  He is an Archaeologist studying Egypt, not Egyptian Magic.  He doesn’t know anything about the Supernatural because as a Scientist his Science ignores the existence of the Supernatural itself.  This ignorance leaves people to think of the Supernatural as property of Pseudo-Archaeology or Fringe Science or Science Fiction.  

First, Moderns ceased the belief in the Supernatural because of Psychology.  Psychology thinks the Supernatural is only a byproduct of Belief, and people who believe in it are Delusional (having False Beliefs, or beliefs that the majority of society does not accept). 

Second, the idea that Spirits are real implies that Psychology is wrong, which upsets those who have beliefs against it, such as in Atheism.  The Majority of People accept Modern Science due to studies and research, not experiments or experiments that do not use their Methods. 

Third, if Spirits are real so are Gods, Goddesses, Demons, Evil Spirits, Angels, and other creatures believed to be Mythical or Fantasy in origin;  This belief hinders Psychologists from treating their Patients who have disorders from experiences with the Supernatural, as this is not tangible or treatable under Psychology.

Fourth, if the non-belief in the Supernatural persists, then people will always be afraid or scared of it, allowing Supernatural People to scare the living for their amusement.  Fear is caused by non-acceptance of information, which causes an internal disruption in the mind.  

Now Supernatural People have always existed on Earth.  Occasionally they interfere with society and become famous, like Jesus of Nazareth, Moses of the Israelites, Joan of Arc, or Pharaoh Nebkheperura Tutankhamon. 
The Tomb of Tutankhamon (KV62) is haunted, not Cursed.  Curses are a straight forward, conditional line of text that is usually read in order to cause an event.  Hauntings are caused by Spirits and Supernatural Forces.  In KV62 electrical equipment has a tendency to not work when the Ka of Tut is awake or disturbed, as by misusing his names.  In 1988 Dr Zahi Hawass was first on television in the film Mysteries of the Pyramids Live, hosted by Omar Sherif.  He said “cameras were breaking, lights refused to work” in the tomb, but did outside the tomb.  

In 2008 Dr Zahi Hawass used a CT Scan machine in the tomb to scan the mummy; it stopped working for 1 hour, though the machine was “brand new.”  An electrical storm occurred outside the tomb after he made an interview to Japanese TV show prior to the scan.  

In 2009 I was in the Tutankhamon exhibit in San Francisco De Young Museum.  While in the Gift Shop the emergency doors came down for no reason and trapped me in it for 1 hour, prior to the exhibit.  The main tower antennae in San Francisco also stopped working for a few hours. 
In 2015-2018 the Egyptologist Dr Nicholas Reeves scanned the tomb KV62 and found a hidden passage.  This was not reproduced later because the scan stopped working despite the earlier progress.  He believed another part of the tomb was hidden, and awoke the Ka of Tut in the process of disturbance. 

In 2015-2017 I wrote a book about Tutankhamon’s tomb; 3 people I knew died after it was published.  A thunder cloud burst over my home once after using Tut’s name.  

In 2018 I attended the last Tut exhibit in Los Angeles, CA in May 2018.  One week prior to the trip, a woman friend of the family died suddenly.  The friend of my traveling companion also died before we went to the Museum, of suicide.  2 other people whom were related to my friends on social media also died in that time period.  On the way home on the airplane I thought about an Earthquake and minutes later one hit California on the surface.   Prior to the trip I had written a book using Tutankhamon’s information or names in it.  

People do not connect the dots.  They do not associate these events with Tutankhamon.   

In 1923 Lord Carnarvon insulted Tut by saying “Tut, tut!” to his daughter and for wanting to claim the solid gold mummy cases and mask as compensation for the excavation.  He died in Cairo, which had an electrical blackout on all its generators for no clear reason, and then his dog howled at the Moon in England and died in the same time period. 

When Jesus died off the cross, there was an Earthquake and the Dead Awoke (according to the New Testament).  

There is a difference between Magical Curses and Awakened Deities or Spirits. 
You would think Egyptologists who study this would know something?

© M7 2018. 

Curses or Spells are durations of willed events, such as causing Rain by willing it.  Curses that protect the Dead or the tomb do exist, and are ignored by Egyptologists as “silly Ancients.”  Moderns in every age always believe those who came before them are “primitive in comparison.”  Egyptian Curses are read either by the people who wrote it or by the reader who reads it, as on an artifact or book or tomb wall.  Egyptian Magic uses the rare Psychic ability of Chronokinesis, the ability to will events in the Future.  The Egyptians wanted people to read their inscriptions, all over the Temples, on columns, obelisks, tomb murals, Books (Scrolls), and amulets.  Reading the texts causes the Curses to be “born” or commence.  This is like a computer program or command.  It continues until fulfillment or interference.  Some curses took the form of Statues, as in Cryptography. 

© M7 2018.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

new book

Horus Michael's Effective Egyptian Magic
Copyright 2018 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

Horus Michael’s Effective Egyptian Magic
(KheriHebism) Nesu Pr-aa Qrist
Copyright 2018 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

This book contains new spells and ceremonies by the author.  Spell categories range from: Protection, Financial or Attraction, Medical-Healing (Mind over Matter), Love/Relationships, Peace/Goodwill, Court or Legal, City/Nome, Success, to Counter Magic (in case one is attacked psychically), Weather Manipulation (to cause or stop storms, etc.), Picture Magic (uses pictures to help Visualization), & the Afterlife.  Also included is Ordination for Egyptian Priest/Mages, summoning Akhu, a comparison of Ancient Astronomy in the form of Christianity (QRST), Initiation, Foundation Deposits, and a (new) Marriage Ceremony.  The spells are intended for Advanced Mages (not necessary Novices, but over time this will be necessary).  By practicing Ancient Egyptian Magic you can develop Psychic abilities, as you do with religions unknowingly.  Focused Mental Energy develops Telepathy (from "hard prayer"), Clairvoyance (Telepathy + Time), Astral Projection/Remote Viewing (during sleep or meditation), Telekinesis (gravity manipulation), Elemental (Telekinesis + Weather), and Chronokinesis (Telekinesis + Time).

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Mummy Returned

The Mummy Returns was a good film, and it would be better if it was original and didn't plagiarize my novel Eye of the Pharaoh c.1990 (The Flawed Emerald, Copyright 1995 Michael J. Costa).  The Bracelet of Anubis that leads to the tomb was from the Ring of EM7 that shows the location to Ankhesenamon's tomb (chapter 20).  The Army of Anubis was the Mummy Army (chapter 20) that conquered the Middle East to form the UEIR.  Flash backs of my Past Lives in Egypt. Japanese weapons (Shuriken throwing star in Chapter 21). My ability as a KheriHeb Priest (Imhotep) that controls the weather (Chapter 18-19).  My book was stolen in 1991 and published in the USA by 1992.  The publisher misrepresented my book and myself, calling it a true-story.  No one paid me for it, and to have Hollywood steal it in films or computer games is illegal.

 July 18, 2018.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

The real Riddle of the Sphinx

The Riddle of the Sphinx (Ancient Egyptian Puzzle):
Question: I am a Child in the Morning, an Adult at Noon, and an Elder in the Evening. 
Who Am I?

1. Wrong Answer is "A Man."

2.  True Answer: is "Ra the Sun God." 

Reason: I am Kheper in the Morning (born from Nut), Ra at Noon, and Atum in the Evening (an old man).  The Sun God is born in the morning and is aged by sunset.

Only Ancient Egyptians get this one correct.  

MC 2018.

Friday, July 13, 2018

Russian Spies

12 Russian Intelligence Officers have been indicted in the USA (i.e. Russian Spies).

To Arrest Russian Spies:

(Page 198 - Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic - An Introduction to Solar Magic by Horus Michael, © Copyright 2018 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.)