Tuesday, May 31, 2016

The 2nd Iraq War

The 2nd Iraq War – Making Peace with God
Copyright © 2016 M7C-UEIR:

In 1991 the UEIR requested involvement in Iraq to prevent Iraq from conquering the Middle East and seizing all their OPEC oil; if USA had not intervened, Saddam Hussein would own all Arabic Oil and USA would have had to beg for it, at his costs.  The UEIR removed Pres. Bush Sr. from office in 1992, but for different reasons than overthrowing Saddam Hussein from power (It was to End the Cold War with Russia).   His son, George W. Bush, claimed the Presidency despite actually losing the election had all votes counted.  The CIA may have had a role in this, as the First Bush was former Director of the CIA prior to his Presidency.  George W. Bush invaded Iraq once momentum existed after Sept. 11, 2001 (which may have been staged to blame Arabic Terrorism).  There was no reason to do so, but the Bushes were tired of Saddam violating his airspace over Iraq since 1991.  The goal of the Invasion followed the Arab Spring Revolution (Democracy Movement), so that the USA removes all Middle Eastern Dictators from power, then destroys the violent Islamic terrorist element which is the only faction standing in its way for a Democratic Empire in the Middle East (i.e. the actual UEIR).  So the War on Terror is actually more than combating terrorists.  It is an excuse for World Domination.  The American Media is blind to this fact.  Libya, Syria, Iraq, Tunisia, and Egypt were all violated by this plan.  The Caliphate in Iraq/Syria is a grouping of all Middle East Terrorists in one place – conquer that, and the Middle East falls and becomes the UEIR (the Pharaocracy of Egypt), as in Chapter 20 of Eye of the Pharaoh © 1990; Combine and Conquer.  

© M7C-United Egyptian Imperial-Republic, 2016.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Malware - how I resolved the "Windows Stopped Responding Error"

The Program - "My Win Locker Suite" is Malware and it prevented me from Copy+Paste into my Disks.  Removed and the computer works now.  The program is from 2010 by "Egis Technology Inc." and I was not using it, nor do I know why it was there in the first place or what it does.  


Saturday, May 28, 2016



The United States of North America:

Copyright © 2016 M7


To alleviate the status of illegal Immigration into the United States of America, in place of capturing, arresting and deporting Plebes back to their origins, the suggestion of removing all borders with Mexico and installing Mexico as an Imperial Province of the United States of America rests in the executive order of the Emperor, M7.  

In place of “building a wall” on the USA-Mexican Border as funded by Mexico under the tutelage of Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump, or the removal of all borders as suggested by Presidential Candidate Hillary  R. Clinton, the idea of annexation of Mexico as a Province of USA prevents the incoming and outgoing Mexican immigrants to USA.  American jobs and benefits are being taken by Plebes (a Plebe is a non-citizen) every week.  Why is this occurring? America is allowing this to persist due to apathy of the multitudes in the country.  America is becoming politically “weak” – they allow issues to dominate the government when overwhelmed by the unknown population as with regards to riots, demonstrations, or civil strife.  They have allowed illegal drugs to be legalized (i.e. “Medical Marijuana”), Sexual Orientation, Religious or Customary legislation and acknowledgement (the “War on Islamic Terrorism”, “Science based Atheism”, “Christian Church Priest Child abuse”, “overcrowded prisons”), etc.  These weaknesses are public and suggest the Federal Government cannot enforce its own laws effectively.  


The Annexation of Mexico as a Province of the USA, known collectively as the United States of North America, will stop the illegal influx of Mexican Plebes into the USA and their return to Mexico.  USA businesses will influx into Mexico and harvest their mineral resources for the USA Economy.  The Mexican / USNA Government will be a Federal Republic using Mexican and USA legislation.  The borders around this conglomerate will be strengthened.  

© M7 2016.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Enter the Sublime

In the 1990s I performed an experiment in social physics.  I allowed a perception of "Spirituality" to exist on the subliminal phase of people's unconscious mind, whereby people interpreted an idea or archetype and transferred it to others in their vicinity.  Such being this idea erupted into a social network of epidemic proportions; the idea in mind was to spread this latent propaganda via social media in a way that represents the standard mode of thought for homo sapiens-sapiens (dependent mutations2).  One such example of this social education was to send an image mentally to all inherent groups that could therefore transmit the idea presented into such a way as to garnish an appropriate response... 

  The Example is similar to this one:  "IF you see this person, Send Him Money."

The idea  transferred to normal automatons and successfully permitted the action of financial obligation from one stasis being to the next recipient in such a manner as to procure a sum appropriate to the target audience.  That said, people would satisfy the divine with offerings of packaged food or drink, coins, paper currency, and other items. 

Copyright 2016 M7C, All rights reserved.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Don't insult the Neteru! or Tut!

Okay - Case in point - Do Not use expletives in Hieroglyphs even if correct.  
Egyptair840, strong winds in North CA, and other Natural Disasters occurred after posting the "expletive Ankh" description a few days ago...  Amon-Ra does the wind, and TUT does everything else (No Sense of Humor).  

M7 2016.


The Initiation Rites of Christianity (the Entrance into the religion, what makes someone a Christian) is the Rite of Baptism whereby a member or Priest gives holy water or full immersion into water the person to be initiated.  In the Church of Tutankhamon the only Initiation Rite is the Reading of my Book - Eye of the Pharaoh, c.1990-1995.  So everyone who has read my book (since 1990) is a member of my religion, and a member of my new Country mentioned in that book.  

MC 2016.


Saturday, May 14, 2016

The QRST - Tutankhamon

The Church of Tutankhamon

The Book of the Golden Christ
Authored by Horus Michael
Edition: 2.0

The Church of Tutankhamon: The Book of the Golden Christ (Pre-Theism):

Pharaoh Tutankhamon is the KRST (Christ), the Egyptian word for "burial," which is associated with Anointing Oils in mummification. There is some evidence of human sacrifice or crucifixion (his broken leg and Malaria/Fever if exposed to the elements prior to his death) among the Hebrews living in Egypt (Jacob & Isaac); in Christianity, Jesus was a human sacrifice who was ritually killed and prepared for burial as the KRST/Christ. The 12 Apostles/Disciples of Christ, the 12 Royal Men of the House of Pharaoh (who attended Tutankhamon's funeral), and the 12 Signs of the Zodiac may be connected. The KRST was like a plant: it lived, it died and was buried underground only to rise up and bloom again, so this cycle was personified by a ritualized sacrifice and offering to the God(s). People with "red hair were sacrificial offerings in Ancient Egypt" because Set, the God of Chaos and Storms, had red hair; those under his influence could influence storms and earthquakes. Queen Tiye had red-brown hair; she was an ancestor of Tutankhamon. Jesus may have had reddish hair, though Tutankhamon's hair was shaven; Jesus influenced storms and Earthquakes.

It is recorded that someone named "Tut-ankh-u-aton" was the "son of Akhenaton," as since Royal Scribes never made errors on Official Records, and there is no evidence that his name was changed to "Tut-ankh-aton" (this name was changed to Tut-ankh-Amon when restoring the ancient religion), who is this person? Was this his unknown Twin Brother? Who also is Ankh-et-kheperura? Is she a Female Pharaoh or a misspelled name on Official Records that are never supposed to fail? And if so, is Ankh-et-kheperura actually Queen Ankhesenpaaton / Ankhesenamon, the woman whom was first co-regent to Akhenaton and later Queen to Tutankhamon and Ay? Is she buried in KV62-B? Her Golden Statues in the Canopic Shrine, the Canopic Jar Stoppers, and Golden Mask may be hers from her brief time as Pharaoh, discarded and given to her husband's tomb. Her "Fake Burial in KV63" - the one with "Feather Pillows" weighted in the coffin - could be a clue.

Ancient Egypt began with deified warrior-kings, whose totems became their symbol of authority. These totems took on human form and the accumulation of these picture symbols became a Hieroglyphic language. The Pharaohs sought to maintain the connection with the Gods via Genetic Bloodlines or Divine Ancestry. The origins of certain words are from Egypt (Satan is from Sata the Serpent; YHWH is from YUYA; MARY is from MRY; Messiah is from MESEH, a drug made from a crocodile; Christ is from QRST/KRST; God is Good is from NFR-NTR; Hell is from the Fiery Abyss). The idea that Laws come from God originates in the Babylonian Government of Hammurapi (from MARDUK). Copyright © 2016 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.

 Author's Note:
There is an electrical anomaly within the tomb of Tutankhamon (KV62) that interferes with any technology being used there. This includes cameras or lights (in Mysteries of the Pyramids - Live! From 1988), CT Scan Machine (Dr. Zahi Hawass, in 2008), Radar Scans (Dr. Nicholas Reeves in 2015-2016); April 5, 1923 Electrical Blackout in Cairo; and causes electricity-based weather anomalies and other forces. This is the "Curse of Tutankhamon." Further investigation into this anomaly is needed in future excavations or studies therein. Naturally occurring Uranium in Egypt can account for this.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Life Force of Tut

The Electrical Disturbance in KV62
The Curse of Tutankhamon Theory
Copyright © 2016 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

          On April 5, 1923 Lord Carnarvon died in the Shepherd Hotel in Cairo, Egypt.  At the moment of his death, all of Cairo had an Electrical Blackout.  Then his favorite dog died in England while howling to the Moon. 
          In 1988 while filming the televised show, Mysteries of the Pyramids: Live! it was reported that “cameras were breaking, lights refused to turn on.”  In March 2008 Dr. Zahi Hawass had issues with the tomb, and his CT Scan Machine failed for one hour while attempting to scan the Mummy of Tutankhamon.  In 2009 I attended the visit to San Francisco’s De Young Museum exhibit – “Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs.”  One hour before the show I was in the gift shop; the electrical emergency doors came crashing down at the exit, trapping me in there for 20+ minutes.  The main Antennae in San Francisco also malfunctioned that same day.  In 2015-2016 Radar scans attempted to see into the tomb’s “hidden chambers.”  To date, the scans returned empty --- they had not penetrated the walls of the tomb despite previous indications; or did they simply not work there? 
          People associated with the discovery of Tutankhamon died soon afterwards.  Howard Carter was spared this fate, maybe because he was careful?  Likewise the followers of Jesus Christ also met similar fates after his public crucifixion in Roman times. 
          Now what causes electrical disturbances in Egypt?  Uranium exists in Egypt for a supply of radiation; radiation is the emission of electrons.  In Outer Space, cosmic radiation causes electrical anomalies and computer issues, as known in the ISS.  Electrons also contribute to weather anomalies. 
          In Ancient Egypt the spirit of the deceased Pharaoh – the Ka Spirit or “Life Force” – remained with the corpse in the tomb.  Being trapped in a tomb for 3300 years then opened, releases the Ka Spirit.  Life Force energy is radioactive energy.  The Mummy is like a cocoon and its butterfly is the soul which escapes and reincarnates elsewhere (i.e. M7).  The tomb and its contents are covered with this released energy.  Whenever it travels the energy goes with it.  This is the “Curse of Tutankhamon.” 

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Electrical Anomaly in KV62 Prevents Scans...

The recent Radar scans in KV62 - Tutankhamon's tomb - are prevented from effect due to the known electrical anomaly there.  The CT Scan machine of Dr. Zahi Hawass in 2008, cameras breaking in 1988 (Omar Shariff said), weather anomalies caused by electrical anomaly, are part of the tomb structure not a Magic Curse but a real phenomenon unknown to current Science.  Scans would not work under this condition.  So there.

MC 2016.

May Ankhesenamon rest in peace in KV-62B.


PS: It could be caused by radiation from naturally occurring Uranium.  



Tutankhamon Invocation

Hail unto thee O Pharaoh,
Golden mask found tomorrow,
With lapis eyes forged anew
Watching over the Egypt you once knew.

Who could say what they found
In that hole in the ground?
Was it gold or godly treasure
Or just a curse of thy measure?

Harken unto olden times
When words held such melodious rhymes,
The birds, the doves, the Ibis one
Worshipped in the temples done.

Hurried the plunderers took
Of God and Earth both were shook.
Gone are they whose stolen life,
Cannot yet find thy adoring wife.

How is thy golden lion?
Is he cursing over the fiends of Zion?
Those slaves that built up Pi-Ramses
And contained that famous, fabulous disease.

From rock and grain of sand they bear
Of ragged linen the commoners’ wear,
Do the excavators dig in relentless Sun,
Of conquests and cities thy spear hath won?

O Tutankhamun of Egypt’s glory
Has come amid the Pharaoh’s story,
For hence has arrived the enemy of Ra
In the form of a plunderer’s candelabra.

Lover of Life they say in the tavern
From Khafra’s lips to the smallest cavern.
No one knows what lies the people say
If in the end only they would pay.

Your death is a mystery to them
Of Brier and Budge and Zahi’s whim,
Only you know the asp you allowed
To bite through thy arm you shallowed.

Bob Brier says you were murdered!
Of Ay and Horemhab both conspired!
Does he know the truth you buried
In that tomb so quickly hurried?

From ducks and lions of thy hunting
People say you were bluffing,
Who can say a meager Pharaoh
Can conquer the jungles from that morrow?

Syrians, Nubians, and Hittites all
Who sang the praises from Pharaoh’s fall,
Did not win the battles of immortal hearts that be
Nor in the afterlife you promised me.

O Sing the songs of the Neteru
From Narmer and Thutmose and old Khufu,
Who is the best king of late
Whom even Ankhesenamon could never hate?

Eternal life, golden couch, and offerings
Once laden with such finer things,
Given up on death’s steel floor
Never again will you deplore.

From Hatshepsut’s tomb we see
The Plan of Gods gone with thee,
Afterlife music channeled through air
Amid the songs sung in there.

Mummy’s Curse people say it was
That slew Carnarvon with Ammot’s jaws,
Or was it Fate in centuries told
Of Pharaoh’s wrath nine hundred fold?

O Pharaoh of the Golden Horus
Guardian of the Blue Lotus,
Eternity is yours to live
And the vengeance that the ancients they give.

We found but a small alabaster Chalice,
Not unlike one Cleopatra’s Palace,
And if the words spoke to your heart do shine
Mixed in magic and good wine.

Then you will conquer all your foes,
From rebirth unto next life’s woes,
And forever be the victory
Of Tutankhamon’s magical weaponry.

One more word must be said
So they never again could be dead,
Your fame, your words, your deeds do declare,
In eternity and immortality, in one newborn’s tear.

That you never died a mortal death,
For evermore you can saith,
Olden age once and reborn flower
Destroys all corruptible power.

Golden One of centuries’ dust
In one iron dagger’s rust,
When ceremony and pomp both do fail,
That thy reign always prevail.

Copyright (c) 2006-2016 M.J. Costa, All rights reserved.