Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Did Pharaoh Tutankhamon die on the Battlefield attacking the Hittites?

Did Pharaoh Tutankhamon die on the Battlefield attacking the Hittites?
A New Theory by Archaeologist Mike Costa © Copyright 2019

Evidence so far collected:

1.    Tutankhamon’s body was found charred black by Howard Carter.
2.    It was previously interpreted as the perfumes caused internal combustion that burnt the body after application.
3.    In Ancient Times, corpses on the Battlefield were torched to prevent decay.  His body was covered in anointing oils to offset the stench of decay, which caused his body to stick to the mummy case and prevented removal without damage.
4.    Dr. Zahi Hawass said Tut’s left leg, the club-footed one, was broken and he died within 1 day after breaking it. 
5.    Others have said Tut fell from his chariot and broke his leg, and was run over by other chariots.  The only reason here is that Tut would lead his Army into Battle, thus riding in front of his Army, who ran him over after he fell, when shot by an arrow or otherwise knocked off the Chariot.
6.    An Egyptian Queen wrote to the King of the Hittites in an effort to seek a Peace Treaty, by marriage to a Hittite Prince. 
7.    By remaining on the Battlefield, Tut acquired Malaria (Fever).
8.    Tut’s weapons and armor show wear/use, indicating he was in battle at least once.  His War Chest boasts of attacks in Nubia and Syria, and Lion hunting.  He also received Tribute Tax from Nubia/Syria. 
9.    Tut had “anger management issues” indicating a Warrior type personality (his “Counselor was General Horemhab”).
10.    The Hittite Prince was supposed to enter Egypt after the letters to the Hittites were sent; was this before or after Tut’s death?
11.    The Queen did not want to “marry a servant,” as in Vizier Ay, whom she was “married to” according to a faience wedding ring with her name and “King Ay.”  King Ay is portrayed in Tut’s tomb. 
12.    There is a “Void” near KV62 / Tut’s tomb as seen from the ground sonar; is this Queen Ankhesenamon’s tomb?
13.    Tut’s chest and heart are missing.  Was he also crucified after death? Ancient people did that in other countries. The heart was important for the Judgement by Anubis, without it Tut cannot go to the Afterlife, so he haunts his tomb now. 
14.    People who died a violent death become Ghosts and haunt buildings, such as tombs.  The “Curse of Tut” is a haunting by a disembodied Spirit who kills people when his name is misread.
15.    The Hittites were a Superpower after Pharaoh Akhenaton allowed Egypt’s Empire to crumble as he created a New Religion of Sun worship.  Pharaoh Ramses 2 the Great of the following 19th Dynasty made peace with the Hittites via marriage to a Princess.

© MC 2019.

Saturday, June 22, 2019


TES-V: Skyrim
In Bleakfalls Barrow is a Mysterious Lamp that needs polishing. It is on the altar near the Bandits. 

The Genie is your companion and he comes with 3 Wishes when summoned:
1. Fetch Genie (or banish him)
2. Wealth
3. Long Life

(* Based on the film Aladdin and Arabic Folklore).

M7 2019.

Debt Lotteries?

Debt Lotteries?
Since no one is even attempting to pay the USA National Debts, I propose a solution:
"Debt Lotteries."

For $5 Dollars per ticket, you can build up the Debt-Solution amount to "hundreds of millions of Dollars" and win an autographed copy of one of my books, as well as reducing the USA National Debts.  Other prizes are possible once this idea catches on.

MC 2019.
Kingdom of Ni'ihau, UEIR.


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Storybook Characters...

We read Storybooks all the time, but in the Ancient World there were not so many. Printing Presses did not yet exist, and people had to rely on Scribes to write the books.  Popular books in the Ancient World: Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, the Epics of Gilgamesh, the Egyptian Book of Coming Forth by Light (funerary text buried with Mummies), the Old and New Testaments, the Koran, the Amduat, the Pyramid Texts (written on the walls inside Pyramids), etc.  

What we do not realize is the importance of Characters in those stories.  In Ancient Times, Characters like Jehovah, Jesus the Christ, Osiris, Quetzalcoatl, etc. were of major social importance.  Their lives formed the basis for Sciences explained as Stories -- Astronomy, Physics, Evolution, Medicine, Philosophy, Justice, etc.  

Today we read a book and throw it into the Recycling Bin.  

M7 2019.

Monday, June 10, 2019

Weather or not...

As Pharaoh, I am High Priest of the Gods/Goddesses of Ancient Egypt and its neighbors of the Ancient World Order.  Some of whom influence the Weather.  Amon (Wind) + Ra (Sun) is the Main Deity of focus.  Sakhmet (Solar Fire) and Tefnut (Moisture), Shu (Dry Wind), and Seb (Geb, Earthquakes), Set (Storms, Chaos), Horur (Sky), Nut (Night Sky, Cosmos, Meteors), and Nu (Ocean) are others.  When one of these entities is properly venerated, they produce their attributes in the World of the Living (Earth).  Hence if AmonRa and Sakhmet are venerated you have Sunny and Windy Weather.   If Tefnut and Horur are venerated, you have Rain in the Sky.  

I do this before watching the Weather on television.

- Pharaoh M7, 2019.  Have a nice day!

Friday, June 7, 2019

I am a real KheriHeb

I am a KheriHeb Priest

Copyright © 2019 M7C All rights reserved

Many people are talking about my profession as a KheriHeb Priest of the Ancient Egyptian religion(s).  A KheriHeb is an official of a Temple that performs Magical Rituals for people, such as Magic for Funerals and other ceremonies.  In Ancient Egypt the Priests were paid by the Government, not as an independent job paid by people.  What I do is for Family & Friends only.  I am not paid as a job per se.  I write books on Egyptian Magic which I sell online.  Most of the Magic works to some extent.  If someone is maliciously researching me and say that I am “not real” because my occupation is not a paid one, they are not telling the truth.  All they care about is money, power, status.  I use Egyptian Magic on the World and study its effects with Archaeology, Egyptology, and advanced Psychic skills.  I recreate conditions as found in Ancient Times.  For example, I can generate Earthquakes (there was an Earthquake near Reno, NV last night near a former “friend” from social media who blocked me the previous night and angered me by doing so), storms, floods, hurricanes, and other “Natural” Disasters using energy and emotion plus a few Ancient Egyptian words.  There is no “one” religion of Ancient Egypt.  The main three that exist today are: The Fellowship of Isis (Goddess), Egyptian Reconstructionism, and the Orthodox Kemetic Faith; others exist but are not as popular.  I am a member of the Fellowship of Isis (1997), but I have my own groups to serve the NTRW.  I am also a Rosicrucian (1997).  The Rosicrucians were formed by the KheriHeb Brotherhood that accompanied Thutmose 3 MenKheperRa on his conquests.  The same event also happened with Alexander the Great & Napoleon Bonaparte, because of reincarnation of his (my) soul.  I am a KheriHeb today because Tutankhamon always wanted to be one but couldn’t, so KheriHeb equipment is in his tomb for his future life as a KheriHeb Priest.  He was upset that the objects found in his tomb could not be used by him because they were “for his afterlife only.”  A KheriHeb Priest prepares a person for the Afterlife. If you do not “believe in the Afterlife,” this does not apply to you, and you are missing out on locations and Eternal Life in Pet/Duat.  That is your choice.  I am a real KheriHeb.  I am also a real Pharaoh crowned in Duat in 1975 (via childhood accident, see the publisher of my first novel for details).  

© M7C 2019

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Tutankhamon's Harem as cause of death?

It was the Harem’s Fault
Copyright © 2019 M7C All rights reserved

Pharaoh Tutankhamon’s 2 still-born children died as a result of Sexually Transmitted Diseases from his over-populated Harem, not by poison.  Both were female.  Both were the byproduct of his genetic sister also.  They did not die from incestuous relations as previously suggested.   So it is still His Fault for using the unsafe Harem.  Inasmuch that Queen Ankhesenamon was against his use of the Harem, he did so anyway – there were several foreign women in the Harem, as political pawns for peace from foreign nations.  That was how nations made peace back then – marry the King’s daughters off to Pharaoh as a Peace Treaty.  These foreign women had the STD infestation that probably led to his own-death within 10 years on the throne.  Malaria could be a STD, though usually infected via mosquitoes in the hot desert climate. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

It is dry and warm today..

On May 28, 2019 I wanted "warmer and dryer weather."

Well, this worked for my location (just not in the Mid-West USA).  

Temperatures here range from mid 70sF to 90sF. 

Ask the Egyptian Gods and you will receive (unless they are irate over your lack of offerings).

MC 2019.

Should Blocking-Abuse on Social Media be banned?

Lots of people use Social Media to communicate, and others love blocking people because they lack decent social skills, like accepting criticism, rudeness, or educational value in conversation.  

I have been blocked by numerous former "Friends."  People who block me end up in the Fiery Abyss in Duat, upside-down and headless with their entrails removed, cast into the Lakes of Lava therein.  Former "Friends" include Dr. Zahi "Khufu" Hawass of Egypt (he blocked me during the Arab Spring Revolution of 2011), an Egyptian Priest named Ptahmassu Nofra-Uaa (who will undoubtedly fail his 42 Judges in Duat for morality issues and lifestyle issues that contradict the Confession of Ma'at), Tamera Suida (Founder of the Orthodox Kemet cult), and other possible Citizens of my country in Duat, the UEIR.  These people abused the function of Blocking on Social Media. 

Social Media Reform is necessary.  
Ask your local Representatives for Advice regarding this issue.  

Thank you.

- Pharaoh M7,
United Egyptian Imperial-Republic
June 5, 2019.

Eye of the Pharaoh is Real, Not True...

The first publisher of my novel, Eye of the Pharaoh, called it a "true story."  Well becoming true and true story are not the same.  This is an Alternative Truth.  The publisher called it a True Story because she was the one person who noticed my resurrection in 1975, which cured her of deafness, so she believed it must be true or real.  This was added to my Private Psychology Sessions with her as my Therapist in 1991; she made this Public, which was illegal for her as a Counselor.  She also published the book after I allowed her access to the book for 2 weeks, without telling me so.  I discovered this crime 2 years later as it was selling off Campus in my University (CSUEB).  The book made millions under her publication.  Then it sold on the Black Market after 1995, when I registered the Copyright.  This is not so much Infringement of Copyright as it is other crimes.  

The book was about my real past lives of Tut-ankh-amon and other Pharaohs, up to my real current life and its then-Fictional future, most of which became true after 1990 when I finished writing it.  

For example, the War on Arabic Terrorism, the Caliphate of Iraq and Syria, and the removal of the Egyptian President all happened (Chapter 20).  

The CIA classified the book top secret after 1994. They also confiscated the proceeds.  I was not paid for it (yet) because I am a Top Government Secret.  This is according to the NSA who acquired a copy of my book after I self-published it.  There are 8 editions of this book in circulation, under alternative names.  There is no Market for "Partly True novels."  So I listed it as Science Fiction.  The Science part is real.  The Fiction part is not.

MC 2019.

Note: If you already know about this book or story, you did not buy it legally from the author and are GUILTY OF GRAND THEFT, COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT, AND POSSESSION OF CONTRABAND (STOLEN ITEMS).  

MC 2019.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

On Blood and Treasure TV Show...

On Blood and Treasure TV Show in 2019:

If Hollywood likes to quote someone they do so with Psy-ops brainwashing, especially when they are irate.  For example, a long time ago there was a piece of UEIR Currency that contained the slogan “Revenge is Justice.”  This was stolen by Hollywood in vast numbers of films.  Batman Begins, Xena: Warrior-Princess, The Pretender, and now Blood and Treasure on CBS.  If Hollywood wants to quote an Ancient Egyptian phrase while also talking about my ethereal Mother, Cleopatra VII, when I was Ptolemy Caesar of Egypt, they should check their facts.  The God Horus avenged his father’s murder by a court settlement against the murderer Set, the God of Chaos.  He did this instead of killing Set.  Hence the phrase, “Revenge is Justice” which is an Ancient Egyptian FACT.  Rather than quote something modern, Hollywood is trying to coerce M7 into following their Lies.  They also stole the name “Farouk” and made him into a villain; Farouk was the Last most recent King of Egypt.  In Ancient Egypt ALL PHARAOHS identified with the most recent King of Egypt OR chose Divine Right of Descent, to maintain the Continuum of Kings back to when the Gods ruled Earth.  I did this before my supernatural powers became noticed by CIA.  I am not the God Horus in this life except as Pharaoh with my Horus Name; although I did avenge my past recent life JFK by overthrowing the USSR.  

Copyright © M7 2019

Monday, June 3, 2019

Mike Costa Lives!

People are Misinformed. I am not dead.  Please continue to buy the books listed under my Birth Name, "Michael J. Costa."  This is NOT my Writer's Name(s).  I have multiple Writer's Names.  Although there are other people with my birth name in existence.  It is a common name.  "Michael" was a popular name in the 1970s; "Costa" is a common Mediterranean Name (Portuguese, Italian, Greek/Roman, and Semitic/Egyptian). 

Thank you.

MC 2019.