Friday, December 12, 2014

The Logic of Acronym Confusion - Why Isis is not the Islamic State

We can blame the American Media for getting it wrong -- they only report the events and do not write it.  Once someone claims to be something of importance and everyone is rallied up to the cause, the majority are ignorant of the Facts and begin to spread rumors and gossip (word of mouth) against what they believe is the Enemy.  The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria or "ISIS" is NOT the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Ast spelled in Ancient Greek as Isis, nor is it the UEIR.  The Goddess Isis is far from Islamic, coming from a Materialistic Polytheism and Ancestor Worship culture.  Most Egyptian Deities influence the Weather and human affairs; no doubt they are seething with rage against the Human Race who now vilifies Isis over a confusion of wording from the USA.  If you need help ask TEFNUT who is currently flooding the West Pacific Coast in USA or the widespread weather in Central USA.  The Deities of Ancient Egypt are real despite what Moderns choose to believe.  Ignorance of this led USA to overconfidence in wars after 1993, with Psy-ops on television shows in an effort to forget they exist. And with current USA political relations with Russia, chapter 21 of Eye of the Pharaoh is still a possibility. 

I have Good News -- to defeat the Islamic State you must accept the possibility of the Magic behind the events.  Then you can will them into submission with help from the Deities -- In Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic Spells ; religious conversion is not necessary.  Coming Soon to