Monday, February 20, 2017

Was Prince Thutmose (Thutmose 5) the leader of the Biblical Exodus?

The Biblical Exodus Fact or Fiction?

The leader of the revolt of prisoners was Moses.  Who was Moses?

In the 18th Dynasty Egypt, the Pharaoh Akhenaton (the first Monotheist) had a brother named Thutmose (who would have become Thutmose 5).  There was a dispute, and Akhenaton exiled Thutmose and removed Thoth from his name as he did the names of his family and society, of any Polytheist Deity Name.  So Thutmose became Moses.  Thutmose was an exiled Prince of Egypt.  Moses was an exiled Prince of Egypt. Moses led the “Israelites out of Egypt using Magic.”  This must have happened during Pharaoh Horemhab’s reign.  

The Bible has the wrong dates.  It said the Israelites were imprisoned for 430 years.  It actually is 43 years:

Smenkhkara Ankh-kheperura / Nefer-neferuaton = 2 years
Tutankhamon = 9 years
King Ay = 4 years
Horemhab = 28 years

2 + 9 + 4+ 28 = is 43 years of captivity in Egypt.

The People of Israel were once Atonists of Akhenaton.  They lived in the Horizon of the Sun (City); now called Tell al-Amarna.  Is-Ra-El = Ra is the Egyptian word for Sun, and El is the Hebrew word for God.  Horemhab’s wife died giving birth to his only heir, as found in her tomb.  This event matches the Curse of Moses or the “death of the first born.”  All the Plagues of Moses are actually Ancient Egyptian Magic.  Thutmose / Moses returned from exile to remove the Monotheists from prison and form a new country. 

© MC 2017.

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