Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Print on Demand vs. Traditional Publishing...




Traditional Publishers -- the company prints up a set number of Books then tries to sell them in a Marketplace or Book Stores.  Leftovers are either given to the Author to sell, or discarded.  Royalties to the Author is limited as a percentage of sales, usually 10% or 20% at best. 

Print On Demand Publishers -- the company prints up as many copies as wanted with no storage problems or leftovers to worry about.  Books are printed up as ordered, at least One Copy up to 999 on Amazon or other venues.  Plus books do not go out of print unless indicated by the Author or Company.  Royalties are determined by cost of printing, distribution and the Author's cut, also a percentage but usually better than Traditional Publishing, the Author may create his own price.  Printing costs for a 200 page book is about $2+ two Dollars in black and white, more if using color images.  

MC 2024.



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