Sunday, February 18, 2024

My book list (to date):



 My Books List © MC 2015-2024.

1.    Eye of the Pharaoh (1990, 1992 – KW; 2007) = 1Edition
2.    Tears for Isis (1993). (1).
3.    Ankhesenamon, Queen of Egypt (Horizon of Tutankhamon)
4.    Tales of the Kheri-heb and other short stories
5.    Aegyptus Cryogenta
6.    Maatism 2: Superphysics
7.    Superphysics Etc.
8.    Applied Superphysics and Occult Archaeology
9.    The Key of Haroeris
10.     The Practical Kheriheb
11.     Applied Superphysics 2
12.     Tutianity
13.     Tutianity: A new religion for the boy-king
14.     Horus Michael’s Simple Spell book
15.     A Modern Egyptian Book for the Dead
16.     Horu and the Return of the Alchemist’s Stone
17.     Horu the Guardian of Kemet
18.     The Flawed Emerald = 2 Ed.
19.     Pharaonic = 3 Ed.
20.     The Flawed Pharaoh’s Emerald Eye = 8 Ed.
21.     Island of the Messiah = 4 Ed.
22.     Nisutism 1 = 5 Ed.
23.     Eye of the Pharaoh (Kindle) = 6 Ed.
24.     Journal of Superphysics (, e-book).
25.     Tears for Isis: The Conquests of Nebakhra (2)
26.     True of Voice, Living Forever (AB); (1)
27.     Californian Pharaoh (AB); (2)
28.     UEIR Code Caesar 4.0
29.     Bank of Niihau
30.     Bank of Nefer
31.     The Pharaocracy of Niihau
32.     The Sacred Magic of Haroeris
33.     Eye of the Pharaoh, The Pharaonic Faith = 7 Ed.
34.     Genetic Organisms Designer (1).
35.     Genetic Organisms Designer, God says Hello (2)
36.     Alexander, Son of Ammon
37.     Iapana, Land of the Setting Sun
38.     Worshiping AmonRa, the Eye of God
39.     The Chronokinesis Foundation
40.     On Chronokinetic Time Magic
41.     UEIR: The Kingdom of God
42.     My Amduat
43.     My Afterlife Art
44.     My Paper Mausoleum (my family book)
45.     Fun with Heka
46.     The Costa Collection
47.     The M7 Museum of Ancient and Modern History
48.     Your Personal, Ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead
49.     How to create your own Egyptian Book of the Dead
50.     I am Ptah, Lord of Shadows
51.     Orthodox Omnitheism
52.     My Family Heritage
53.     Bast the Cat Goddess
54.     The Lotus: Lord of the United States
55.     Phrenland
56.     The Flea Market Archaeologist
57.     Smenkhkara and Meritaton: the True parents of Tutankhamon
58.     The Pharaoh News
59.     Akua Niihau Pharaocracy
60.     Pharaohism 1 – The official religion of Ancient Egypt
61.     Pharaohism 2 – Evidence for the Tutankhamon-Jesus Christ Theory
62.     Egyptome: 50 gods, 50 magic spells
63.     Effective Egyptian Magic Spells
64.     Otherworld real estate and travel guide
65.     Diary of a Flea that bit Pharaoh’s leg
66.     Maatism 1: The Search for the Truth (unpublished)
67.     Phrenland 2 (unpublished)
68.     Nomarch’s Tomb (2014 Game)
69.     Angel Physics
70.     Akhenaton (Kindle ebook)
71.     Island Pharaoh (2014 Memoirs)
72.     The Pharaocracy of America & Niihau
73.     Tutankhamon’s Wadjetism
74.     Phrenland (Kindle ebook edition)
75.     Neferkheperura and the Legend of the Golden Pharaoh
76.     Sakhmet’s Effective Egyptian Magic Spells
77.     Tutankhaton (Kindle ebook, Eye – revision)
78.     Science of the Sphinx (Kindle ebook)
79.     Orthodox Pharaohism (2015)
80.     Your Micronation Passport
81.     Egyptian Counter Magic (Kindle)
82.     Chronoglyphics (Kindle, 2015)
83.     Ka Absorption & Reincarnation (2015)
84.     Niihau – A Fantasy Micronation (Kindle)
85.     My Family Temple – A Family History Project (2015)
86.     King Tut’s Potent Magic Spells
87.     AmonRa – God of Kings, King of Gods
88.     The Church of Tutankhamon – The Pre-theism of Ancient Egypt
89.     The Search for Queen Ankhesenamon
90.     An Egyptian Priest Magicianary
91.     Seponalism: The Autobiography of an American Pharaoh
92.     My Vacation to Maui (October 2015).
93.     The Pharaocracy of Egypt  (Marcaesar, 2016).
94.     The Church of Tutankhamon – the Book of the Golden Christ
95.     Templar Knighthood: Psychic Warfare.
96.     The Golden Christ.
97.     Hat Neteru – Earn Feathers, Ascend to Heaven
98.     The Sultan with the Handlebar Moustache
99.     Effective Egyptian Magic 3
100.    The Drama of Lord Osiris
101.    College of Egyptian Magic
102.    Effective Egyptian Magic Spells 4: Ancient Cheat Codes
103.    Christ 2.0
104.    Duat Atlas
105.    The Way of Ma’at
106.    KV62B
107.    The Kingdom of Niihau, the Akua State
108.    Kemetic Qristianity
109.    Egyptian Magic – be your own Kheriheb Priest
110.    Instant Country, Just add people!
111.    Horus Neter the Avenger (2017)
112.    Amarna Eclipse (Union of 3* Lands)
113.    Baby Glyphs
114.    Conquering North Korea with Egyptian Necromancy
115.    Djedism: Effective Egyptian Magic
116.    Ancient Artifacts: Made in the USA
117.    Akualand (2018)
118.    Sakhmet’s Effective Egyptian Magic (Solar Magic).
119.    Portable Pharaoh Magic.
120.    Amarna Mirage (Kindle ebook)
121.    The Forgotten Conqueror (short stories).
122.    Horus Michael’s Effective Egyptian Magic
123.    Eye of Horus, Body of Christ (ebook)
124.    Egyptian Pre-Christianity. (2018).  
125.    Pharaohcraft: Magic from Ancient Egypt (2019).
           © MC 2016-2019+.
126.    Time-traveling Adrian Laos and the Frozen Pharaoh
127.    Astrochrist
128.    Magicracy, An Autobiography of a Modern Egyptian Pharaoh
129.    Eye of Nut: Egyptian Conquest Magic. (2019).
130.    Time-Traveling Adrian Laos and the Frozen Pharaoh (reprint).
131.    Magijutsu – Black & White Egyptian Counter Magic (2020).
132.    Sakhmet’s Egyptian Healing Magic (e-book, 2020).
133.    Sultan Marcaesar (Biography) ©2020 e-book.
134.    An Egyptian Afterlife for victims of Covid19 Pandemic (2020).
135.    Osirianity – The Church of Osiris Qrist and Latter Day Pharaohs.
136.    Ghosts Be gone! An Ancient Egyptian Remedy for Displaced Ka Spirits.
137.    Egyptian God Seth and the White Jesus Christ – A Comparison (2020).
138.    Egyptian Temple Magic – Secret Teachings from the House of Life
139.    Tehuti’s Tome – Written Egyptian Magic Spells (Oct. 2020).
140.    Djoser-Sesh: An Introduction to Nematawy.  (2021).
141.    The Archaeology of Money: from Barter to Bitcoin (May 2021).
142.    The Asmarians (2021).
143.    My Star Wars Toy Collection (2021, unpublished).
144.    Nematawy the Egyptian Faith (2021).
145.    Nefertiti Dreams by Horus Michael (A Novel, 2021).
146.    Offerings & Tribute from Pharaoh (e-book, 2021)
147.    Horus Ka-Nakht Tut-Mesut (2022)
148.    Hathor’s Stalker Repellent (2022)
149.    Djoser Ankh The Egyptian Game of Life (2022)
150.    The Voice of Ptah -  Egyptian Social Magic (2022)
151.    Living in Kemtawy – A Custom-Quest Novel (2022)
152.    Thutmose’s Plutocracy (2022).
153.    Cleo-cat-ra (2022).
154.    King Tutankhamon’s Stalker (2023 HM).
155.    The Scottish Pharaohs (2023 HM)
156.    Egyptopedia (2023HM)
157.    Be Your Own Chronokinetic Superhero (2023 HM)
158.    The Wadjet-Man (2023 MJC)
159.    Scales: The Afterlife Game (2023 HM)
160.    Bread in Arabic: The Lost City of the Jinn (MA Nisubity)
161.    Egyptian Psychic Peacefare (2023 HM)
162.    Osirismas: Indigenous Christianity (Qristianity)
163.    Netjera: Modern Egyptian Magic (2023 HM)
164.    Hathor’s Sistrum: Egyptian Magic Spells
165.    The Wadjet-Man 2: The Chronotome (2024)

Copyright 2024 Michael J. Costa, All rights reserved.

MC 2024.

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