Sunday, September 22, 2024

Wealth is a Disease...




Wealth is a Disease ©M7C 2024


Elon Musk may be a Trillionaire someday.  Jeff Bezos may own 1,000 Palaces someday.   King Tutankhamon’s tomb was small (as far as is known) but it was crammed with everything imaginable in a tight space.  What does this tell us? Wealth and Materialism is a Disease.  Once you are free of it you will feel cleansed, Liberated. 

The Templar Knights took a vow of Poverty, yet they charged fees on protecting pilgrims to sacred Temples in Jerusalem, and retained Holy Relics in their Castles, earning a commission.  They were later investigated on charges of Corruption, because what did they do with all of that accumulated wealth?  They were innocent, but were killed anyway on suspicion. 

Hoarding is a Disease of retaining clutter or junk in one’s home.  You create unnecessary attachment to each and every item.  Maybe it will retain a memory?  Or maybe it will be worth something to someone later in the future?

To quote the Ancient Sumerians:  “He who has much Barley may be happy.  He who has much Silver (Money) may be happy.  But, he who has nothing can sleep!”

I once had a relative who was of Christian Science religion.  She in her later years would give something to a stranger on meeting them, as a gift.  When she died she had nothing in material possessions remaining.   She wasn’t poor per se; she had money in the bank.  But she felt relieved by doing so, “It is better to give, then to receive.”

We should not focus on amount of Wealth when we judge others for success or status symbols.  We wouldn’t want Heaven or Paradise to resemble a Toy Store Emporium either.

Some people have wealth in friends or followers.  Others in accomplishments like a number of Books (MJC), computer game titles, artwork, cities, clothing, or music albums they created. 

Cleaning out one’s bedroom from its clutter will cause one to feel better.   Send unnecessary items to a Goodwill Store or charity.  

©M7C 2024.  



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