Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Flawed Emerald c.1995

The Truth about Eye of the Pharaoh ©1990 MC
Copyright © 2018 Michael J. Costa (The Author)

Eye of the Pharaoh was my first novel written in 1989-1990.  It was never supposed to be published! In Ancient Egypt people wrote letters to the dead as an offering to the spirits of the Egyptian Netherworld called Duat.  I wrote a book to Queen Ankhesenamon, the Wife and Queen of Tutankhamon Nebkheperura, my past life.  It was dedicated to her in the book’s dedication page.  I am Tutankhamon reincarnated.  No one else is.  Do not believe anyone else who claims this.  My book is evidence.  It was written in First Person Narration.  The only problem there is my first Publisher (Karen Iklan/Weill of CSU East Bay) read the book wrong.  She was my Psychology Counselor or therapist at the University.  I told her I was reincarnated Tutankhamon; she didn’t readily believe that, thinking it was a delusion of Mental Illness, as that is what Psychologists believe.  After my parents reminisced about my childhood, Karen started to chuckle about something as if she recognized something.  Then I told her I wrote a book about my past life, and she became very interested and asked me to borrow it to read.  So I did.  She borrowed it for 3 weeks and returned it.  She returned it to my home with her red sports car, claiming “My car was stolen but the book was still inside it.”  So she now knows where I live.  

My book was classed as Science Fiction because no one in modern times accepts reincarnation or supernatural entities.  Karen said it was a “true story.”  This was in the 1990s.  I was attending a community College at the time she read my book.  When she borrowed it she secretly photocopied it without telling me this.  I had a “Copyright © 1990 Michael J. Costa” seal on the cover.  So it is protected.  A year passed and nothing happened after I stopped seeing her for therapy.  I was in therapy partly because of Depression after my best friend died of Cancer, and partly reincarnation therapy (my family was concerned).  Reincarnation is not Mental Illness.  Though this falls under one of the topics of “undesirable Personality types” by Modern Psychiatry’s new social order; Modern Society is being controlled by Doctors who classify Personality types as an illness to prevent them from improperly influencing Society.  My book was seen as a threat to this social dominance because it resembles a New Religion.  The book started with a chapter called Genesis and briefly mentioned Ancient Egyptian information. 

The Media’s reaction in California, USA, was mixed.  Some thought this was a Biography, others thought I was a “terrorist” because Karen was marketing it as a true-story, and there is mentioned something about “terrorism” in a small part of the story.  Hollywood said “We don’t make movies by Terrorists” and Jay Leno on the Tonight Show said something about “this doesn’t make King Tut a terrorist.”

The story mentioned a war against “Arab-Terrorist States” that were not strong enough to be called “Horrorists”, but nowhere does it say anything linking the author to this comment.  Al Qaeda on Sept. 11, 2001 was marketing my country (UEIR, Chapter 20) when they attacked USA with airplanes.  Apparently my book was selling on the Black Market (Dark Web) in 1998 and by this time they read it.  So they wanted me to lead them? 

The Central Intelligence Agency intervened in 1990s when I said Karen had illegally published my novel without telling me so.  They confiscated the books, the proceeds, and classified me top secret.  They didn’t want Al Qaeda to know I exist.  When I asked the Government to look in public libraries for my book they sent an NSA Agent to a library where I was working as a volunteer (2007-2013); the NSA Agent asked the Library to look for “any book with Pharaoh in it.”  I waited a few weeks to see if they found any.  I didn’t find a single copy of my book there.  The Library Staff was agitated they couldn’t find a copy so I printed up a copy and donated it.  The NSA Agent stopped visiting the Library and he told the FBI, “This information is classified top secret by the Central Intelligence Agency.  Mike Costa is God.”  Of course, naturally, they would say that after reading it.  This explains why they didn’t want Al Qaeda from knowing me.  The proceeds from the book are still under wraps, well over $900 Billion USD, according to people who investigated me after 2004 and discovered this ‘secret.’  

I am not a terrorist.  I am an author. 
My book had biographical information in it as a Security Feature in case it was ever stolen so I could prove I am its author.  The book seems to influence events in the Future because I have Chronokinesis, a rare Psychic ability known in Ancient Egypt.  I study and write books about Egyptian Magic to further experiments with this ability.  My most recent past life was President Kennedy (JFK) whom said he never wanted to be President (POTUS 35); rather he wanted to be a writer or biographer.  Since 1990 I wrote over 124 books.  Kennedy wanted to explore rare Psychic abilities, and reincarnate to overthrow the USSR, etc.  My book was read before 1991, and the USSR fell around that time, due to Chronokinesis.  

The publisher Karen was not arrested. She made deal with the CIA – she would supply them with information about me in exchange for immunity.  I was never paid for the book, despite people who claim I am a “top secret billionaire” in all public gossip since that time.  I am being marketed by the CIA (for UEIR).  

© MC 2018.  

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