Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Climate Change in Ancient Egypt...

Climate Change in Ancient Egypt 

When the Gods ruled Egypt, there were Weather anomalies and Chaos, leading to Order and Civilization.  People burnt wood for fuel in cooking, warmth, and for Smelting Copper in the Copper Age.  Temple Priests burnt Incense to purify the air (this also helped to clear away insects).  People also burnt vegetable oil for Oil Lamps.  All of these pollutants contributed to Climate Change, characterized as the Wrath of the Gods.   Over-production of Copper led to Deforestation; Egypt was once subtropical with many trees.  There are shellfish found in the mountains in the Valley of the Kings, indicating manipulation of Sea Levels there, caused by Climate Change.  It is now a Desert Climate.  Droughts, Floods, Storms, etc. are recorded in various periods when Climate Change was visible; mostly in a religious perspective (The Book of Exodus is one example).  When Pharaohs constructed Monuments like Great Pyramids, Massive Temples, or Cities this caused industrial activity leading to Climate Change.  

Copyright © 2019 Mike Costa, All rights reserved.

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