Monday, October 28, 2019

My Egyptian Magic Books...

Horus Michael's Effective Egyptian Magic: (KheriHebism) Nesu Pr-aa Qrist (The KheriHeb Master Series) (Volume 1):

 Horus Michael’s Effective Egyptian Magic (KheriHebism) Nesu Pr-aa Qrist Copyright (c) 2018 Horus Michael, All rights reserved. This book contains new spells and ceremonies by the author. Spell categories range from: Protection, Financial or Attraction, Medical-Healing (Mind over Matter), Love/Relationships, Peace/Goodwill, Court or Legal, City/Nome, Success, to Counter Magic (in case one is attacked psychically), Weather Manipulation (to cause or stop storms, etc.), Picture Magic (uses pictures to help Visualization), & the Afterlife. Also included is Ordination for Egyptian Priest/Mages, summoning Akhu, a comparison of Ancient Astronomy in the form of Christianity (QRST), Initiation, Foundation Deposits, and a (new) Marriage Ceremony. The spells are intended for Advanced Mages (not necessarily Novices, but over time this will be necessary). By practicing Ancient Egyptian Magic you can develop Psychic abilities, as you do with religions unknowingly. Focused Mental Energy develops Telepathy (from "hard prayer"), Clairvoyance (Telepathy + Time), Astral Projection/Remote Viewing (during sleep or meditation), Telekinesis (gravity manipulation), Elemental (Telekinesis + Weather), and Chronokinesis (Telekinesis + Time). The Dual Nature of the Egyptian Gods (Neteru) allows for positive spells to invert or become negative reactions if the chosen Deity is upset or angry with the Priest (i.e. You). Avoid this by not using the spells longer than needed for the desired reaction. Once done, remove the added bookmark or photograph, to recharge the book.

Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic Spells: Revised Edition (The Kheriheb Master Series) (Volume 1).


The KheriHeb Master Series presents Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic Spells: Revised Edition. This book covers a wide range of Egyptian Magic spells on topics like acquiring psychic Energy, Counter Magic & Protection spells, Weather Manipulation, Financial, Medical-Healing, Legal Spells, City Spells, Love & Peace, Egyptian Necromancy, Chaos Magic, the Afterlife, Telepathic Hypnosis, etc. This Edition has been tested by other Participants prior to publication. Copyright 2014 Horus Michael.


Effective Egyptian Magic Spells: From Initiate to Master (The KheriHeb Master Series) (Volume 1) Paperback – February 7, 2014


The KheriHeb Master Series presents Effective Egyptian Magic Spells: from Initiate to Master. This book covers a wide range of Egyptian Magic spells on topics like acquiring psychic Energy, Counter Magic & Protection spells, Weather Manipulation, Financial, Medical-Healing, Legal Spells, City Spells, Love & Peace, Egyptian Necromancy, Chaos Magic, the Afterlife, Telepathic Hypnosis, and Conquest Magic. The Student will advance in experience from Initiate to Intermediate Levels by first practicing low level spells, until these are finally Mastered over time. The student may develop advanced Psychic abilities by experimenting with these effective Magic spells, when done correctly; ordinary people should not practice this system until they are developed for safety precautions. Examples of Spells at Master Level have influenced events like the Tsunami and Earthquakes in Indonesia following Christian holidays, counter-terrorism, conquering or deposing foreign nations, and Politics. The Spells use wording adapted from Ancient Egyptian language. By utterance of the Deity name, with repetition and Time, an effect is reached within a period of Time, usually +1 week. Some spells require the ability of Chronokinesis to work properly; Chronokinesis is a Psychic ability to manipulate Time via willed energy and focus. Though most human people lack this ability, the author has it so the spells should work using his embedded energy (as recorded in written Chronokinesis). This ability was known in Ancient Egypt as found in tombs, temples, and mummies. In Ancient Egypt merely uttering or writing the Holy Names of their Gods could cause an effect or event. This is why in the Hebrew religion the God name is not recorded. Ancient Egyptian Deity Names were hard-coded action-verbs, or Words of Power, that in the right hands could cause Weather anomalies, Earthquakes, and Human events. It's not Drivel, It's Science. (c) Copyright 2014 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.


Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic: An Introduction to Solar Magic (The KheriHeb Master Series) (Volume 1) Paperback – March 6, 2018


   The KheriHeb Master Series presents... Sakhmet's Effective Egyptian Magic: An Introduction to Solar Magic, by Pharaoh/KheriHeb Master, Horus Michael. To work the Magic you need Chronokinetic Energy, or "Luck" (Lux, Latin for Sunlight), which was recently discovered as being from Hydrogen-based Sunlight or Water (H2O). The Sun is 91% Hydrogen. Immersion into Water also accesses this energy. Your individual Ka Spirit ("Aura") collects and stores CK-E/Sunlight, so when you handle objects you are conferring this energy to the item, such as: Books, Idols, Tarot Cards or Playing Cards, Amulets, Dice, etc. The affected object can then be used by Psychic abilities; Magic Systems are forms of Psychic Development. This book contains many Effective Egyptian Magic Spells, as from previous editions: Protection, Counter Magic, Weather Manipulation, Financial, Medical, Legal, City, Love, Peace, Chaos, the Afterlife, Necromancy, etc. Copyright 2018 Horus Michael, All Rights Reserved.


Egyptian Magic: Be Your Own KheriHeb Priest (The KheriHeb Master Series) (Volume 1) Paperback – May 21, 2017


The KheriHeb Master Series presents... Egyptian Magic - Be your own KheriHeb Priest, by Pharaoh Horus Michael (M7): Would you like to know how to make custom weather? Or communicate with Souls of the Dead? This New & Improved book on Egyptian Magic can teach you tested Egyptian Magic Spells for a variety of effects - from Protection, Basic Spells, Attraction to Weather Plagues, Healing, Political and the Afterlife. There is even a chapter on KheriHeb Magical First Aid in case of emergency. Learn how to cast effective Magic Spells using Repetition, Natural Energy, Imagery, Meditation, and refrain from doubts or other distractions. Use of this book may impart or strengthen Psychic Abilities you would normally develop from religious Prayer - such as Telepathy, Elemental, and Chronokinesis or other forms of Projection. Each Magic Spell has a caption, word-phrase or mantra in Ancient Egyptian (Magical) Language, and custom hieroglyphs (using Inscribe software). Copyright (c) © 2017 Horus Michael, All rights reserved.


Pharaohcraft: Magic from Ancient Egypt: Orthodox Heka em Kemeta


Pharaohcraft: Magic from Ancient Egypt Orthodox Heka em Kemeta Copyright (c) 2019 Horus Michael, All Rights Reserved.The Power of Belief unlocks abilities known in Egyptian Magic. You need to be able to focus and concentrate Mental or Spiritual (Ka) Energy via believing in the venerated archetype or object of worship, whether this is real or imagined, physical or immaterial. These innate abilities can change your environment in terms of Weather or Climate, attract people or objects via developed Telepathy, heal the sick or cause sickness (depending on Mood or Emotion, a form of energy), communicate with Spirits of the Dead or Akhu (Angels), Telepathically link with Time (Clairvoyance), Destroy Enemies (of Pharaoh) via ritual or spell, create Earthquakes or Storms, stop rain from falling within 5 minutes, restore life to the intact recent dead via Telepathy and Energy, communicate with animals (Telepathy) or render yourself Invisible (Telepathic Mind Tricks).


Portable Pharaoh Magic: Effective Egyptian Magic for Travelers


Portable Pharaoh Magic: Effective Egyptian Magic for Travelers by Horus Michael. Copyright 2018 Horus Michael, All rights reserved. Ideal for when you are on vacation or traveling away from home, this slim book on Effective Egyptian Magic can fit inside your luggage and give you peace of mind that you can still influence your environment. Effective Egyptian Magic is "Telepathic Mind Control" - you can project thoughts by focusing and concentration to anyone in your Area of Effect (your Microcosm) such as yourself, your neighborhood, city or country. Within a short span of Time, usually + 1 week on average, you can attract Wealth, Inspiration of ideas, Healing, relationships, protection, or use it for Counter Magic in case you feel a Psychic or Magical attack. The simple method is to insert a Divine Name (Word of Power) into an underlined blank as part of the Magical Invocation or prayer, and the target, with the goal or intention. Included is a list of Divine Names and following are the Spells to be implemented.

  MC 2019.






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