Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Icy Weather courtesy of Goddess Tefnut...

The current milieu of Icy Weather hitting most of the USA was from the Egyptian Goddess of Moisture (Tefnut), following my counter-curse against the source of wildfires in CA It seems out-of-state (Non-CA) people set some fires deliberately; the Caliphate group ISIL also threatened to light fires in "USA and Europe" after reading this.  ISIL doesn't know who God is.  They are not real Muslims or any recognized religious entity, and they never pray other than calling Him "Great" after they kill people.  ISIL is a Political Cult.  So I summoned Tefnut to quell the wildfires in CA, which She did.  In the process she also flooded the rest of the Country.  Pharaoh is a God in USA after this was publicly revealed in the Winter of 1993.  Then Pharaoh was classified by US Gov.  to prevent people like ISIL  from worshiping Pharaoh, or anything else.  Pharaoh rules the World via Climate Change amplification of his powers over Nature.  Pharaoh can also be heard by his Citizens; as in hearing him thinking or perceiving him when in range.  As a God, Pharaoh controls the lesser Gods of Egypt.  This is well documented in Egyptology.  

Note: the terminology used "God" in the singular refers to any unnamed Deity who answers the requested event.  The Hebrews who wrote the Bible knew that named Deities are powerful so they chose an unnamed Deity for their religion (YHWH is not the name) for safety reasons.  Calling a named Deity channels energy for an effect.  Allah or Al-Lah is the Arabic word for Deity, not an actual name.  If you call out "Tutankhamon" and something bad happens, this is an example.  If the name is read or uttered you are praying to it.  Any named Deity can apply to a sentence saying "God" without needing to actually say that named Deity, like saying "Doctor" in place of "Doctor Brown."  Dua Tefnut AA Nbt-NW !!  Dua Tefnut htp di ankh maahru. 

M7C 2019.

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