Friday, July 19, 2024

On King Tutankhamon's autobiography...




The Curse of the Pharaoh ©M7C 2024

There is a Curse on any pre-existing copies of my first novel, Eye of the Pharaoh ©1990 MJC, that were published by Karen Weill after 1991.  This includes all copies on the Dark Web/Black Market selling for $100k to $50k each.  Karen Weill’s home in Bellingham, WA had a wildfire that destroyed it completely, erasing all paper evidence of my intervention, including copies of my book in her possession.  She later died of Brain Cancer in March 2020.  Her husband was a lawyer who also died within 1 year of that.  I had emailed him about his wife’s illegal possession of my novel.  The Curse will destroy (with Climate Change/Acts of God) copies of my book published by Karen Weill and the Dark Web, and their unlawful owners.  One of my History Professors from my University (whom read the original novel) died in 2010 after I had given him a book about Tutankhamon in 2009, following the death of his son.  I had republished my book as The Flawed Emerald ©1995 after 1999.  The Curse also affects whoever has my book royalties, the proceeds from my stolen novel.  The book is an Autobiography of (King) Tut-ankh-Amon.  Karen Weill was my therapist who obtained a copy of my book as part of my counseling sessions with her, borrowing it to read and critique the book.  She unlawfully photocopied it and later published it as a true-story in 1992.  In January 1994 I alerted the world to her theft on SFNET.BBS.   No one arrested her or paid me.  People who decided to burn their copies of my book to escape Justice are known by the Angels (Akhu) in Duat.  The Apocalypse is in Chapter 22.  This references Biblical events like the 4 Horsemen (War, Famine, Pestilence, & Death), the Antichrist (DJT), and the book on the lap of the mighty Angel (EOTP) by using the word Apocalypse as a keyword.  The main character in my book is the original Egyptian Messiah, who resurrects the dead and conquers the Middle East into becoming the Kingdom of God/Osiris, in Chapter 20.  Jesus the Traitor is referenced as another Akhenaton in the viewpoint of Tutankhamon (The Egyptian Messiah).  Akhenaton was a Monotheist who betrayed Ancient Egyptian Society. 

©M7C 2024




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