Monday, January 20, 2020

"Conquering the World one spell at a time..."

Eye of Nut - Egyptian Conquest Magic - by Horus Michael. 

IF it is possible to Conquer the World using Natural Forces (Climate Change only amplifies this effect) with Divine Will, without a traditional Army, then ruling it the same way is equally challenging, but possible.

Look at the storms in Australia, Puerto Rico, the Continental USA, and other regions ravished by "Climate Change" (this doesn't cause Meteors or Earthquakes or Volcanic eruptions; Magic does).  

The real reason Governments do not "accept the theory of CC" is because I am here and they are reading my posts on "Effective Egyptian Magic" plus the effects of willed events.  (I am classified by the CIA).  

So this is not ignorance of Science.  It is ignorance of Facts.  

Supernatural people are real - evidence is a Govt. Secret from the Public.

You do not need to know that -- says your protective Govt.  
You believe in Science --- which ignores "Gods."  

Science sponsors Atheism.  Atheism does not call itself a religion, so it is not protected by the USA Constitution, and can have its adherents arrested for "Anti-religious Hate Crimes" against "Gods."

Anyway,  I came in peace.  You want "War." 

Check the Weather before going outside.  

The USA Media succumbed to the "Sin of Hero Worship." Now most Modern Hero folklore has its origins in Ancient Egypt -- "Batman" is HORUS, the young Prince who avenges his parent's death by fighting evil.  "Superman" is either the Prophet Moses or the Egyptian Sun God RA. Other entities are from other cultures -- "Thor" from Viking religion, "Wonder Woman" from the Amazons of Ancient Greece, and some Egyptian hero-gods from Egypt. This is still Polytheism but in a different form. You worship GODS as Heroes.  So, you still "believe in Gods."  

"X-Men" have Climate-Change-Friendly Heroes, such as "Storm" and the Telepathic leader, the one with Telekinesis (Magneto), and the others.  

Gods exist in Entertainment.  The Gods of Ancient Times also existed in their Entertainment.  Organized Monotheism is not entertaining EXCEPT when one Part can be acted correctly.  Gods exist outside of human religions.  They are not a by-product of it.  Magic is their way of communication.  

M7C 2020.

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