Wednesday, October 26, 2022




    Hello, I am Author Michael J. Costa (Horus Michael), and I wrote 153+ books since graduating High School, some of which were written while in College for my degree in Archaeology & Biological Anthropology '99 CSUEB.  I specialize in whatever is currently selling, such as novels, Egyptian Magic, Philosophy/Ancient religion, or Games.  My Amazon links are from my names Michael J Costa or Horus Michael.  I also test game designs on The Game Crafter website (designs from MC), and I formerly created Modifications to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim game until health issues (Eye disease, etc.) forced me off the computer, where I worked for hours a day making mods.  I also practice Ancient Egyptian Magic as a Kheri-Heb (Chief Lector Priest) & ritual Pharaoh (as Chief High Priest of all the Egyptian Deities).  I also made Micronations as a hobby, and conquered the Earth with my abilities or powers (Elemental Chronokinesis, Telepathy, Telepsi).  I also believe in Reincarnation and that this is not my first visit to this recreational planet.  I was crowned Sovereign-Lord (Pharaoh/King) by Rev. Billy Graham in 1993 after testing my powers.  The CIA marketed my information to the Media after 1993.  In 1994 I discovered my first novel was published by my therapist, who died in March 2020 of Brain Cancer.  The book was a best seller until the USA Govt. confiscated it when I alerted to them it was stolen.  It made "$990Billion+ USD" since 1994, and is presently classified top secret by CIA, after it ended up on the International Dark Web by 1998, selling from $50,000 to $100,000 each. CIA classified me because I am supernatural only.  I own the copyright in 1995.  So.. I am famous as an Author.  I am also alive. Thanks for asking...

MC 2022.

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