Thursday, August 22, 2024

Comic books...

 The Comic books series I started is "The Mummy of Userkat"  

 The main character is an Ancient Egyptian Princess from the Old Kingdom era (Pyramid Age), who is bitten by a rare Emerald Scarab beetle and the virus from it renders her Immortal.  The virus does something to her DNA enabling this ability, so that she will never die.  Her friend is a tomb-thief and he chooses to be bitten by the Scarab on purpose so as to join Princess Userkat into Eternity.  Sunlight awakens them and lack of light in any form causes a deep sleep.  

They awaken in 1990s when Userkat's tomb is opened at Giza, Egypt.  There is an enemy called the Cult of Seth, and they are in Sinai Desert.  The Cult of Seth controls the weather and earthquakes using Magic.  

The series is currently 3 books, with one volume containing 2 books.  I employ AI Graphics.  I tell the computer what to draw and it comes back with a selection.  

- Copyright Mike Costa/Horus Michael, 2024.



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