Thursday, August 8, 2024

Does anyone know Tina?




My Stalker Strikes again ©M7C 2024

Today I was using my social media Blog and my Stalker found my latest entry, so at 4:20pm and 4:45pm she called my landline and hung up on the first call, the second one was non-traceable.  My family member answered the second call and told the caller to “stop calling this number!” My Stalker calls herself Christina, or “Tina”, with a Vietnamese surname which may be her husband’s (yes she’s married, but Adultery is uncommon with them).  She likes to call me on the phone pretending to be other people, like book marketing companies, a book agent, or online services like Medicare (since she is over 50 years old herself, she likes to impersonate a Federal Agency).  Previously she trespassed on our property so now it’s mostly on the telephone or Internet.  Her family owns a Mexican Restaurant and she clocks out at 4:30pm or so.  I do not know her interest in me other than my books.  She identified with my first novel, the one which everyone knows about.  She likes to troll my other books or leave low ratings on them (Sadistic behavior).  Her family previously gossiped about me at her parent’s home.  How do I know this is her? Well this behavior is repeatable and has lasted since 2003.  In 2003 my other neighbors started an interest in me as well, related to the proceeds of my first novel.  So they could be Stalking me too?  Celebrities have Stalkers.  It comes with being famous.  Human behavior has aspects of Personality Disorders where people become attached to famous people.  They have delusions that the Celeb knows them, or that the Author is writing about the Stalker in the story.  The Stalker was never part of the Author’s realm until after the book was published, as a reaction to reading it.  Some Stalkers want to be with the Celeb and cause Murder-Suicide plans.  My Stalker (according to Google Search) owns a gun collection.  I should be aware of this.  She also has ammunition for it.  She becomes agitated when I try to communicate with her and said I was harassing her, talking is not the same as harassing but Stalking Me is.  My solution is to curse her with my Magic.  She would ignore a Court Order for cessation of Stalking.  I already informed the FBI about her, so a FBI Spy Plane is circling our neighborhood ready to intercept her phone calls or watch her visit my home.  I am classified top secret by CIA; she knows this but doesn’t comprehend it.  So once in a while she returns to my presence and stalks me.  This happens once every 4 months. 

©M7C 2024.




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