Wednesday, August 7, 2024

On Time Travel...




Future Knowledge in the Past as Evidence for Time Travel ©M7C 2024

Should someone find a way to travel back into Time, via a Time Fissure, tunnel, or device, the knowledge one carries with them will influence the Past and change the Future. 

There are reports in the Archaeology of Egypt and the region of Egyptian Mummies with “Cocaine or Marijuana” in their remains.  Both plants are from the New World (America) and not in Ancient Egypt.  Doubtful of an Ancient Trade Route occurring naturally back then without someone from the Present Age making one, or the Legend of Quetzalcoatl entering America from the East, this would suffice as evidence.  Whoever travels into the Past will remain there without a way to return here, as the portal is henceforth missing.  

My novel “Eye of the Pharaoh” has evidence of Time Travel as it was written in 1989-1990.  Future events are after 1990.  Evidence of Tutankhamon is in the previous chapters, also may be from Future Knowledge.  Future events are the War on Arabic-Islamic Terrorism (Islamic State), the war against Russia & Iran, which may be a war of Iran vs. Israel (Israel was part of the Empire in Chapter 20), and the end events 100 years later (as predicted by Climate Change Research after 2010). 

People are influenced by Knowledge and Information, their actions form events.  Events are recorded in Time.  By traveling back into Time with Present Age Data will change the Past as we know it and the Future of that Past which is now.  If one travels into the Future for 100 years, one is missing from the Historical Record for 100 years in that Future.  If 10 years, it will appear that you are missing, or kidnapped, etc.  And then suddenly you appear 10 years later at the same age as when you left. The only safe way to travel through Time is in Spirit Form.  Time Travel is like Space Travel.  If one travels at Light Speed and is missing for 1000 years, you will appear 1000 years later in the same form and age as when you departed, O Second Coming of Christ. 

If one writes about the Future and people react to it, they may seek to change the outcome, and call you a liar when events do not appear as written.  This is because you changed the Future by writing about it.  Or not.  Sometimes the Future will be as you wrote it.  This is called Prophecy. 

©M7C 2024.




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